42 types of beards, mustaches and sideburns
Beard, mustache and sideburns - a great way to express your individuality and create your own unique style.
Did you know that the number of ways to decorate themselves up to several tens?
Suvorov beard (fr. A La Souvarov) - starts at the temples and descends, skirting the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth, and then bends again upward, gradually turning into a mustache. Chin, however, remains clear.
Polizei (Copstash Standard) - beautiful mustache, bordering the upper lip within the corners of the mouth, with a base under your nose. Prefer their police and military, ie those who by statute normal beard wearing not supposed to, and really want.
Dali (Dali) - a thin mustache, shoots up like a great painter Salvador Dali.
Duck tail (Ducktail) - full beard that tonsured top to bottom, resembling a duck's tail.
This beard resembles popular in the '60s hair (rear view).
Insect (El Insecto) - two funny process under the chin, jaw-like insects (mandibles). To be completed with a mustache.
English Mustache (English Mustache) - wide mustache, opening the middle of the upper lip. With long, gazing up tips, which you should not tighten.
Hercule Poirot did not leave with them.
Anchor (fr. Anchor) - runs along the jaw line, connecting under the lower lip. Vegetation in the cheeks and temples missing. In combination with a thin mustache, such a composition resembles a ship's anchor.
Standard Federation (Federation Standard) - it's whiskers, which shaved a 45 degree angle to the top of the ear.
Characters of the series Star Trek - the main promoters.
Franz Josef (Franz Josef) - begins at the temples, goes down to the base of the lower jaw, and then rises sharply upward, connecting with a mustache. A bit like the academy, but here are the bottom corner smoother. Named in honor of the emperor of the Austrian Empire and Bohemia mid-19th century Franz Joseph.
French fork (French Fork) - full beard with mustache, sideburns extending from the line and end cheeks. Feature is that the lower part is shaped like a fork French.
How long beard, the looks spectacular.
Fused wide tanks (Friendly Mutton Chops) - wide sideburns, cheeks and covering half the cheekbones. Mustache grow in pots under the upper lip. Round and square chin below the lower lip shaved.
Fu Manchu (Fu Manchu) - whiskers that grow down, skirting the upper lip and chin hanging over the round.
Named for the fictional character of the novel by Irish writer Sachs Roksmera (Sax Roxmer) the first half of the 20th century - Dr. Fu Manchu.
It is noteworthy that the text of the hero does not wear a mustache. They were popularized pocle an adaptation of the British TV series The Mystery of Dr. Fu Mnachu. Hero is negative and stereotypical villains personification Chinese.
Balbo (Balbo) - wide, but not a full beard covering the chin and the cheekbones, with a designated base under the lower lip. Complement average thickness mustache.
This kind of beard got its name in honor of the Italian military and political figure of the past century, Italo Balbo, who wore it and.
Garibaldi (Garibaldi) - a wide, full beard with attached mustache thick, with a rounded base.
Named in honor of Giuseppe Garibaldi (Giuseppe Garibaldi) - Italian general and politician of the 19th century.
Goatee (Goatee) - many confuse with a goatee. But there is another form - a round and beard covers the entire round chin.
Looks good with wide sideburns.
Handlebar (from Eng. Bicycle wheel) - mustache, the ends of which form a semicircle.
Handlebar and Chin Puff - above mustache complemented a small area of vegetation in the middle of the round chin.
Handlebar and Goatee - recycled mustache combined with a goatee.
Hollywood beard (Hollywoodian) - covers the lower jaw and chin round, complemented mustache associated with a beard. But there are no whiskers.
Sail - Hulihee (translated from Hawaiian means "to flee", "rush in full sail") - "bell" to the central part of the cheekbones sideburns connected with a mustache. In this round chin is shaved.
Hungarian mustache or "Wild West» (Hungarian or Wild West mustache) - thick mustache, combed from the center to the sides.
Imperial beard (Imperial) - not to be confused with the composition of Napoleon III. Here beard is connected with a mustache covers cheekbones and combed up, but not podkruchena. Round-shaven chin and cheeks.
The Klingon - fictional humanoid alien civilization - the soldiers from the TV series Star Trek. The upper lip shaved, but the connectors that connect it with a full beard, remained.
Wide tanks (Mutton Chops) - wide sideburns, growing from the temple to the point just below the corners of the mouth. To the bottom a little extended.
Emperor Napoleon III - similar to the type Handlebar and Chin Puff. The difference is that the beard itself should be longer, as the Emperor of France Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-1873).
Norwegian skipper (Norse Skipper) - it Goatee, but it looks like an inverted drop. Grows directly from the line of the lower lip and chin covers the surface within the corners of the mouth.
Old Dutch (Old Dutch) - full beard, no mustache and shaved portion under the lower lip. The base has a specific square.
Moustache - pencil (The Pencil) - very thin mustache above the line of the upper lip.
Screen (Chin Curtain) - beard begins to grow from the temples, down along the jaw line, completely covering it. Whiskers are not provided.
This is also called Lincolnic beard in honor of its most famous admirer of Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln).
Small goatee (Petit Goatee) - a small area of vegetation in the central part of the chin.
Rap Industry Standard - a very thin strip of vegetation from tanks along the chin. Coupled with the "pencil" mustache.
Box (Short Boxed Beard) - a broad beard type Old Dutch, but with a mustache.
Islet (Soul Patch) - a small area of vegetation under the lower lip.
Sparrow (Sparrow) - mustaches descending down from the corners of the mouth, combined with a goatee, divided into two parts woven (pigtails).
Super Mario - mustache like a cartoon character of the same name. To tell the truth, to grow mustaches are a real person is hardly possible.
Toothbrush (Toothbrush) - a small rectangle of vegetation no wider nose right under the lower lip. Such a sad mustache made famous comedian Charlie Chaplin.
And the villain of the 20th century - Adolf Hitler deprived of their future.
Van Dyke - style is named after the 17th-century Flemish portrait painter Anthony van Dyck. This combination of a pointed beard and thin mustache.
Verdi - full beard round shape with a partially shaven cheeks and mustache.
As Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi - the great Italian composer.
Winnfield - like the hero of "Pulp Fiction» Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson). This composition of the whiskers coming down just below the ear and whiskers, the corners of which border the mouth to the base of the lower jaw.
Zappa - thick mustache medium in size with the ends hanging down in conjunction with a small island beard.
This style is named after a famous guitarist, singer and composer Frank Zappa. To create your own style he grew quite thick mustache, and even trim their blade - trimmer, giving a rounded shape. Secure the desired shape using a special wax. For "island" need to shave the hair on his chin, leaving a small strip under the lower lip.
Skipper beard (Skipper - English. Captain commercial or fishing vessel) or belt (Chin Strap) - grows strip from the temples and on the lower jaw. The length is not important.
One variety of this beard - Zig-Zag, when the strip of hair attached to the corresponding form.
Goatee (Chin Puff) - starts under the lower lip and chin cover the circular portion.
Panoramic picture in pencil
Source: borodachi.com
Did you know that the number of ways to decorate themselves up to several tens?

Suvorov beard (fr. A La Souvarov) - starts at the temples and descends, skirting the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth, and then bends again upward, gradually turning into a mustache. Chin, however, remains clear.

Polizei (Copstash Standard) - beautiful mustache, bordering the upper lip within the corners of the mouth, with a base under your nose. Prefer their police and military, ie those who by statute normal beard wearing not supposed to, and really want.

Dali (Dali) - a thin mustache, shoots up like a great painter Salvador Dali.

Duck tail (Ducktail) - full beard that tonsured top to bottom, resembling a duck's tail.

This beard resembles popular in the '60s hair (rear view).

Insect (El Insecto) - two funny process under the chin, jaw-like insects (mandibles). To be completed with a mustache.

English Mustache (English Mustache) - wide mustache, opening the middle of the upper lip. With long, gazing up tips, which you should not tighten.

Hercule Poirot did not leave with them.
Anchor (fr. Anchor) - runs along the jaw line, connecting under the lower lip. Vegetation in the cheeks and temples missing. In combination with a thin mustache, such a composition resembles a ship's anchor.

Standard Federation (Federation Standard) - it's whiskers, which shaved a 45 degree angle to the top of the ear.

Characters of the series Star Trek - the main promoters.

Franz Josef (Franz Josef) - begins at the temples, goes down to the base of the lower jaw, and then rises sharply upward, connecting with a mustache. A bit like the academy, but here are the bottom corner smoother. Named in honor of the emperor of the Austrian Empire and Bohemia mid-19th century Franz Joseph.

French fork (French Fork) - full beard with mustache, sideburns extending from the line and end cheeks. Feature is that the lower part is shaped like a fork French.

How long beard, the looks spectacular.

Fused wide tanks (Friendly Mutton Chops) - wide sideburns, cheeks and covering half the cheekbones. Mustache grow in pots under the upper lip. Round and square chin below the lower lip shaved.

Fu Manchu (Fu Manchu) - whiskers that grow down, skirting the upper lip and chin hanging over the round.

Named for the fictional character of the novel by Irish writer Sachs Roksmera (Sax Roxmer) the first half of the 20th century - Dr. Fu Manchu.

It is noteworthy that the text of the hero does not wear a mustache. They were popularized pocle an adaptation of the British TV series The Mystery of Dr. Fu Mnachu. Hero is negative and stereotypical villains personification Chinese.
Balbo (Balbo) - wide, but not a full beard covering the chin and the cheekbones, with a designated base under the lower lip. Complement average thickness mustache.

This kind of beard got its name in honor of the Italian military and political figure of the past century, Italo Balbo, who wore it and.
Garibaldi (Garibaldi) - a wide, full beard with attached mustache thick, with a rounded base.

Named in honor of Giuseppe Garibaldi (Giuseppe Garibaldi) - Italian general and politician of the 19th century.

Goatee (Goatee) - many confuse with a goatee. But there is another form - a round and beard covers the entire round chin.

Looks good with wide sideburns.

Handlebar (from Eng. Bicycle wheel) - mustache, the ends of which form a semicircle.


Handlebar and Chin Puff - above mustache complemented a small area of vegetation in the middle of the round chin.

Handlebar and Goatee - recycled mustache combined with a goatee.

Hollywood beard (Hollywoodian) - covers the lower jaw and chin round, complemented mustache associated with a beard. But there are no whiskers.

Sail - Hulihee (translated from Hawaiian means "to flee", "rush in full sail") - "bell" to the central part of the cheekbones sideburns connected with a mustache. In this round chin is shaved.

Hungarian mustache or "Wild West» (Hungarian or Wild West mustache) - thick mustache, combed from the center to the sides.

Imperial beard (Imperial) - not to be confused with the composition of Napoleon III. Here beard is connected with a mustache covers cheekbones and combed up, but not podkruchena. Round-shaven chin and cheeks.

The Klingon - fictional humanoid alien civilization - the soldiers from the TV series Star Trek. The upper lip shaved, but the connectors that connect it with a full beard, remained.

Wide tanks (Mutton Chops) - wide sideburns, growing from the temple to the point just below the corners of the mouth. To the bottom a little extended.

Emperor Napoleon III - similar to the type Handlebar and Chin Puff. The difference is that the beard itself should be longer, as the Emperor of France Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-1873).

Norwegian skipper (Norse Skipper) - it Goatee, but it looks like an inverted drop. Grows directly from the line of the lower lip and chin covers the surface within the corners of the mouth.

Old Dutch (Old Dutch) - full beard, no mustache and shaved portion under the lower lip. The base has a specific square.

Moustache - pencil (The Pencil) - very thin mustache above the line of the upper lip.

Screen (Chin Curtain) - beard begins to grow from the temples, down along the jaw line, completely covering it. Whiskers are not provided.

This is also called Lincolnic beard in honor of its most famous admirer of Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln).
Small goatee (Petit Goatee) - a small area of vegetation in the central part of the chin.

Rap Industry Standard - a very thin strip of vegetation from tanks along the chin. Coupled with the "pencil" mustache.

Box (Short Boxed Beard) - a broad beard type Old Dutch, but with a mustache.

Islet (Soul Patch) - a small area of vegetation under the lower lip.

Sparrow (Sparrow) - mustaches descending down from the corners of the mouth, combined with a goatee, divided into two parts woven (pigtails).

Super Mario - mustache like a cartoon character of the same name. To tell the truth, to grow mustaches are a real person is hardly possible.

Toothbrush (Toothbrush) - a small rectangle of vegetation no wider nose right under the lower lip. Such a sad mustache made famous comedian Charlie Chaplin.

And the villain of the 20th century - Adolf Hitler deprived of their future.
Van Dyke - style is named after the 17th-century Flemish portrait painter Anthony van Dyck. This combination of a pointed beard and thin mustache.

Verdi - full beard round shape with a partially shaven cheeks and mustache.

As Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi - the great Italian composer.

Winnfield - like the hero of "Pulp Fiction» Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson). This composition of the whiskers coming down just below the ear and whiskers, the corners of which border the mouth to the base of the lower jaw.

Zappa - thick mustache medium in size with the ends hanging down in conjunction with a small island beard.

This style is named after a famous guitarist, singer and composer Frank Zappa. To create your own style he grew quite thick mustache, and even trim their blade - trimmer, giving a rounded shape. Secure the desired shape using a special wax. For "island" need to shave the hair on his chin, leaving a small strip under the lower lip.

Skipper beard (Skipper - English. Captain commercial or fishing vessel) or belt (Chin Strap) - grows strip from the temples and on the lower jaw. The length is not important.

One variety of this beard - Zig-Zag, when the strip of hair attached to the corresponding form.

Goatee (Chin Puff) - starts under the lower lip and chin cover the circular portion.

Panoramic picture in pencil

Source: borodachi.com