12 facts about the beard, which we did not know
Beard - so fashionable that even strange. After all, the men grew beards always, but for some reason now, in 2015, they have achieved, we can say its heyday. Such beards have not seen humanity! < Website delved into the topic of beards and found there twelve interesting facts that can surprise any bearded.
Pogonofobiya - a fear of beards and bearded men h3> Believe it or not, the world really is, people who are afraid of beards! When they are close to someone with a beard, they experience nausea and panic attacks. Other symptoms pogonofobii - palpitations and sweating.
Beard increase the social status of men h3> A study conducted in 2012 indicates that women perceive men with a beard like more successful than the beardless. Beard also adds visual man of age, and women love men older than themselves.
The beard grows faster during the day h3> Perhaps it is because the sun's beard gets more vitamin D, which stimulates hair growth. Maybe that's why vampires and villains of the movie does not grow a beard? .. In any case, if you want to be the owner of a luxurious beard - often go out in the sun.
Touch beard may lead to a fight h3> In the Middle Ages, when a man touched his beard others, it means a challenge to a duel. Yes, the beard - this is serious business! When it comes to such a sign of masculinity, as the beard, all that remains - this is a sword fight.
growing a beard was a sign of mourning h3> Many shave off the beard as a sign of mourning to express their grief, but in Roman culture during the period of mourning grew their beards. This makes sense: the last thing a person can think in grief - about shaving.
The Kings used their beards, signing documents h3> In ancient times kings, to show how powerful they added three hairs from his beard printing decrees. So they informed the people about the decree that need special attention.
Beard may protect against allergies h3> The thick beard, the better it protects its wearer from dust and pollen; This can be particularly useful in the spring and summer for those who love to walk in the fresh air.
In the past there was a tax on beards h3> In the 17th century Russian man who wanted to wear a beard, had to pay for it 100 rubles a year. It's bad when the men are punished for wanting to wear a beard, but if you want your economy flourished - as soon not have to turn around!
Beards can reduce the number of visits in your life to a minimum h3> Some scientists believe that men shave their beards, women to feel close to them safe. Also, men grow beards only if feel powerless to find a mate, and with them, and if they believe that the chances of not less than without them. Indeed, not all the girls are crazy about beards - some think that the guys with beards just weird.
The richest man - beardless h3> 89% of the men from the list of Forbes does not have a beard. Perhaps because many people confuse beard and businessmen do not want to offend or embarrass anyone in the business world.
Abraham Lincoln grew a beard at the request of a little girl h3> 11-year-old girl Grace Bedell advised the president to get a beard, arguing that it would look good on his thin face. Fortunately, Lincoln took the advice, and the beard became a true symbol of his reign.
Pogonofobiya - a fear of beards and bearded men h3> Believe it or not, the world really is, people who are afraid of beards! When they are close to someone with a beard, they experience nausea and panic attacks. Other symptoms pogonofobii - palpitations and sweating.
Beard increase the social status of men h3> A study conducted in 2012 indicates that women perceive men with a beard like more successful than the beardless. Beard also adds visual man of age, and women love men older than themselves.
The beard grows faster during the day h3> Perhaps it is because the sun's beard gets more vitamin D, which stimulates hair growth. Maybe that's why vampires and villains of the movie does not grow a beard? .. In any case, if you want to be the owner of a luxurious beard - often go out in the sun.
Touch beard may lead to a fight h3> In the Middle Ages, when a man touched his beard others, it means a challenge to a duel. Yes, the beard - this is serious business! When it comes to such a sign of masculinity, as the beard, all that remains - this is a sword fight.
growing a beard was a sign of mourning h3> Many shave off the beard as a sign of mourning to express their grief, but in Roman culture during the period of mourning grew their beards. This makes sense: the last thing a person can think in grief - about shaving.
The Kings used their beards, signing documents h3> In ancient times kings, to show how powerful they added three hairs from his beard printing decrees. So they informed the people about the decree that need special attention.
Beard may protect against allergies h3> The thick beard, the better it protects its wearer from dust and pollen; This can be particularly useful in the spring and summer for those who love to walk in the fresh air.
In the past there was a tax on beards h3> In the 17th century Russian man who wanted to wear a beard, had to pay for it 100 rubles a year. It's bad when the men are punished for wanting to wear a beard, but if you want your economy flourished - as soon not have to turn around!
Beards can reduce the number of visits in your life to a minimum h3> Some scientists believe that men shave their beards, women to feel close to them safe. Also, men grow beards only if feel powerless to find a mate, and with them, and if they believe that the chances of not less than without them. Indeed, not all the girls are crazy about beards - some think that the guys with beards just weird.
The richest man - beardless h3> 89% of the men from the list of Forbes does not have a beard. Perhaps because many people confuse beard and businessmen do not want to offend or embarrass anyone in the business world.
Abraham Lincoln grew a beard at the request of a little girl h3> 11-year-old girl Grace Bedell advised the president to get a beard, arguing that it would look good on his thin face. Fortunately, Lincoln took the advice, and the beard became a true symbol of his reign.
via fishki.net/1740615-12-faktov-o-borodah-kotoryh-vy-ne-znali.html
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