How to make lips plump without injections and fillers
Sixty one million five hundred seventy eight thousand seven hundred eighty two
Seventy nine million two hundred twenty six thousand five hundred forty one
With age our lips can lose its former volume and lose the beautiful clear-cut outlines. But do not despair — give them back their former appearance without the use of expensive cosmetics and "injections of beauty". Osteopath Vladimir Bellies knows how, and shares his simple, effective way.
AdMe.EN and Marie Claire propose to test this method and look at the results.
Thirty five million seven hundred forty six thousand nine hundred seventy four
The age of the "disappearance" of the lips occurs due to the tension of the circular muscle of the mouth. Basically it arises from the strong-willed people. The fact that during the clenching of teeth start to strain every muscle-fascial chains of the body. As soon as you relax the jaw, let it be. Under constant, chronic stress the deformation of the circular muscle of the mouth. In the result, the lips become thin like a thread.
Sixty eight million nine hundred forty thousand four hundred thirty eight
The problem of thin lips is often associated with muscle tension. Even the thin lips can be a little more plump and voluminous, if properly affect the muscles of the face. Therefore, injection is not the only means of preserving the beauty of the face.
Fifty nine million one hundred fifty one thousand eight hundred ninety four
Six million five hundred ninety one thousand two hundred thirty nine
1. Put your index and middle fingers under the lower lip, try to feel how warm and relax the tissue under them, and the lip is like poured.
Forty million five hundred fifty one thousand one hundred six
2. Start to "paint" a smile: to gently lead your fingers to the corners of the mouth, slightly pulling them up.
Forty nine million eighty two thousand ninety three
3. The same action is done on the upper lip. The movement should be strictly horizontal.
Thirty seven million nine hundred seventy five thousand nine hundred eighty one
4. Repeat several times with the upper and lower lip in turn. Complete the exercise with the lower lip.
Daily this exercise will help you significantly improve the appearance of lips.
Illustrator Daniil Shubin especially for Site
See also
6 simple techniques that will make lips fuller and seductive
15 tricks that will make any seductive lips
8 tricks to create expressive lips
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/8-hitrostej-dlya-sozdaniya-vyrazitelnyh-gub-1221010/
Seventy nine million two hundred twenty six thousand five hundred forty one
With age our lips can lose its former volume and lose the beautiful clear-cut outlines. But do not despair — give them back their former appearance without the use of expensive cosmetics and "injections of beauty". Osteopath Vladimir Bellies knows how, and shares his simple, effective way.
AdMe.EN and Marie Claire propose to test this method and look at the results.
Thirty five million seven hundred forty six thousand nine hundred seventy four
The age of the "disappearance" of the lips occurs due to the tension of the circular muscle of the mouth. Basically it arises from the strong-willed people. The fact that during the clenching of teeth start to strain every muscle-fascial chains of the body. As soon as you relax the jaw, let it be. Under constant, chronic stress the deformation of the circular muscle of the mouth. In the result, the lips become thin like a thread.
Sixty eight million nine hundred forty thousand four hundred thirty eight
The problem of thin lips is often associated with muscle tension. Even the thin lips can be a little more plump and voluminous, if properly affect the muscles of the face. Therefore, injection is not the only means of preserving the beauty of the face.
Fifty nine million one hundred fifty one thousand eight hundred ninety four
Six million five hundred ninety one thousand two hundred thirty nine
1. Put your index and middle fingers under the lower lip, try to feel how warm and relax the tissue under them, and the lip is like poured.
Forty million five hundred fifty one thousand one hundred six
2. Start to "paint" a smile: to gently lead your fingers to the corners of the mouth, slightly pulling them up.
Forty nine million eighty two thousand ninety three
3. The same action is done on the upper lip. The movement should be strictly horizontal.
Thirty seven million nine hundred seventy five thousand nine hundred eighty one
4. Repeat several times with the upper and lower lip in turn. Complete the exercise with the lower lip.
Daily this exercise will help you significantly improve the appearance of lips.
Illustrator Daniil Shubin especially for Site
See also
6 simple techniques that will make lips fuller and seductive
15 tricks that will make any seductive lips
8 tricks to create expressive lips
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/8-hitrostej-dlya-sozdaniya-vyrazitelnyh-gub-1221010/
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