If the stop time
Some believe that the time - it is an illusion, a fiction that somehow streamline the chaos of the world. At the complex level of physics such as the notion of "time" is not just a place, what surprised the scientists themselves.
Nevertheless, in our life everything is subject to time, and sometimes it seems that it is - the basis of all the ancient and the universe itself. But here is what is amusing facts site Mashable.
1. Once upon a time there was no
Or rather, to the Big Bang 13, 7 billion years ago, from which, according to theory, the universe was created. Then there was no space and, accordingly, any movement - and without time unthinkable. Big Bang, figuratively speaking, has launched the universal clock, drawing all matter in motion.
2. The most accurate clock lie once in 30 million years
Of course, we are about the atomic clock. Despite the "intimidating" name, they have nothing to do with nuclear weapons, or countdown to a nuclear explosion, as is sometimes thought. These clocks measure time based on the electromagnetic oscillations between the nucleus of an atom of cesium-133 and surrounding electrons - hence the name (also referred to as molecular or quantum).
The idea is that the principle of measurement of time is the same as in the old pendulum clocks. But the atomic oscillations occur in an incredibly short time intervals - at their cesium frequency exceeds 9 billion in the second! So, unlike the pendulum clocks, atomic clocks measure time as accurately and stably. If deceived, a second and a maximum of only 30 million years. The modern world of high technology is inconceivable without such a clock.
In this photo - the atomic clocks in the United States Naval Observatory, which serve as the standard time for the Pentagon. Numerous "shelf" in the background - this is the clock itself. A black modules in the foreground - a quantum frequency standards.
3. When traveling by air, we will grow old
Did you know that over time is distorted by gravity? If you just explain, that the closer the observer is to the gravitational source (eg the Earth), the slower time passes. Thus, synchronized atomic clocks located at different altitudes (sea level, on top of a mountain, etc.) will eventually show different times.
Moreover, when you fly in an airplane, at an altitude where gravity is weaker, then get older for a few nanoseconds. And so it happens during each trip.
4. All of us, in fact, live in the past
According to neuroscientist David Eagleman, each of us behind this by about 80 milliseconds. That is, the human brain perceives the moment only a moment later. No, it does not mean that we are a little "loose", just for this time in the brain are synchronized events.
For example, if measured in fractions of a second, then clapped his hands when we first see the cotton and then hear it, but our brain all at once. Or in a movie, if disrupt the synchronicity of picture and sound within 80 milliseconds, then nobody will notice.
5. A day has not always been and will be 24 hours
As we have seen, gravity intervenes in the world. But there are other processes that slow the course of events. For example, a sort of "pendulum" act tides. While the Earth's rotation is slowing down, the astronomical day every century increased by 2 milliseconds. This means that after 200 million years they will not 24, and 25 hours. And in the age of the dinosaurs was only 23 hours.
And finally, a small logical complement.
6. Can the time to stop?
The question arises: if the time is slowing down, then whether it can ever do to stop? Spanish researchers believe that, yes. In their view, the observed expansion of the universe, which also speeds up - this is an illusion caused by the slowing of time, writes the magazine Discover. After all, according to their calculations, time can really stop and the universe will freeze, although this is difficult to even imagine.
Nevertheless, in our life everything is subject to time, and sometimes it seems that it is - the basis of all the ancient and the universe itself. But here is what is amusing facts site Mashable.
1. Once upon a time there was no
Or rather, to the Big Bang 13, 7 billion years ago, from which, according to theory, the universe was created. Then there was no space and, accordingly, any movement - and without time unthinkable. Big Bang, figuratively speaking, has launched the universal clock, drawing all matter in motion.

2. The most accurate clock lie once in 30 million years
Of course, we are about the atomic clock. Despite the "intimidating" name, they have nothing to do with nuclear weapons, or countdown to a nuclear explosion, as is sometimes thought. These clocks measure time based on the electromagnetic oscillations between the nucleus of an atom of cesium-133 and surrounding electrons - hence the name (also referred to as molecular or quantum).
The idea is that the principle of measurement of time is the same as in the old pendulum clocks. But the atomic oscillations occur in an incredibly short time intervals - at their cesium frequency exceeds 9 billion in the second! So, unlike the pendulum clocks, atomic clocks measure time as accurately and stably. If deceived, a second and a maximum of only 30 million years. The modern world of high technology is inconceivable without such a clock.
In this photo - the atomic clocks in the United States Naval Observatory, which serve as the standard time for the Pentagon. Numerous "shelf" in the background - this is the clock itself. A black modules in the foreground - a quantum frequency standards.
3. When traveling by air, we will grow old
Did you know that over time is distorted by gravity? If you just explain, that the closer the observer is to the gravitational source (eg the Earth), the slower time passes. Thus, synchronized atomic clocks located at different altitudes (sea level, on top of a mountain, etc.) will eventually show different times.
Moreover, when you fly in an airplane, at an altitude where gravity is weaker, then get older for a few nanoseconds. And so it happens during each trip.
4. All of us, in fact, live in the past
According to neuroscientist David Eagleman, each of us behind this by about 80 milliseconds. That is, the human brain perceives the moment only a moment later. No, it does not mean that we are a little "loose", just for this time in the brain are synchronized events.
For example, if measured in fractions of a second, then clapped his hands when we first see the cotton and then hear it, but our brain all at once. Or in a movie, if disrupt the synchronicity of picture and sound within 80 milliseconds, then nobody will notice.
5. A day has not always been and will be 24 hours
As we have seen, gravity intervenes in the world. But there are other processes that slow the course of events. For example, a sort of "pendulum" act tides. While the Earth's rotation is slowing down, the astronomical day every century increased by 2 milliseconds. This means that after 200 million years they will not 24, and 25 hours. And in the age of the dinosaurs was only 23 hours.
And finally, a small logical complement.
6. Can the time to stop?
The question arises: if the time is slowing down, then whether it can ever do to stop? Spanish researchers believe that, yes. In their view, the observed expansion of the universe, which also speeds up - this is an illusion caused by the slowing of time, writes the magazine Discover. After all, according to their calculations, time can really stop and the universe will freeze, although this is difficult to even imagine.