With so many people are doing on this site?
To win the battle against food for the raven, a Japanese farmer Nobuyu Onimushi spice up your site, spreading it on a large number of stuffed animals, each of which pretends to be busy specific case
All stuffed animals made from pieces of wood dressed in old clothes and heads of mannequins
The farmer came to the conclusion that stuffed, anatomically more similar to the figures of real people, scare birds much better
Although these stuffed their shapes are very real people, do not worry, Nobuyu Onishi not dig corpses from their graves, all the wooden arms and legs are attached to each other by bolts.
With so many stuffed animals in the area, garden Nobuyu no longer attracts birds, but attracts crowds of tourists and onlookers
And asked him to make a scarecrow, so they can put them as exhibits
For Japan, it is normal
We think so many stuffed drives away from the site, not only birds, but also bullies
If you get into a garden at night, you can easily get a heart attack, or at least dirty pants ...
Still, Asians clearly not from this planet
Source: 4tololo.ru

All stuffed animals made from pieces of wood dressed in old clothes and heads of mannequins

The farmer came to the conclusion that stuffed, anatomically more similar to the figures of real people, scare birds much better

Although these stuffed their shapes are very real people, do not worry, Nobuyu Onishi not dig corpses from their graves, all the wooden arms and legs are attached to each other by bolts.

With so many stuffed animals in the area, garden Nobuyu no longer attracts birds, but attracts crowds of tourists and onlookers

And asked him to make a scarecrow, so they can put them as exhibits

For Japan, it is normal

We think so many stuffed drives away from the site, not only birds, but also bullies

If you get into a garden at night, you can easily get a heart attack, or at least dirty pants ...

Still, Asians clearly not from this planet

Source: 4tololo.ru