The second life of bottles of Coca-Cola

number of drinks consumed by the population of the planet in plastic packaging is still growing. And if in the developed countries have programs for recycling plastic, in developing all the bottles are in the dumps and cause enormous damage to the environment. giants such as Coca-Cola, have been criticized for the use of plastic, so the manufacturer has decided to launch the project" Second Life »(2nd Lives) for Asian countries. The company issued a special series of reusable (but again plastic) bottles for their tips, which offer a variety of options for secondary ispolzovaniya.

A series of nozzles makes use bottles in a water gun, sharpener, saucers, lamp, a jar of bubbles, baby rattles, tanks for liquid soap dispenser, mounting, converting two bottles in the dumbbell and so dalee.

Currently, the project was successfully launched in Vietnam, where a partner Coca-Cola by a China division Ogilvy & Mather - went on sale 40 000 caps, Transformers. In the future, "Second Life" will be implemented in Thailand and Indonezii.
