Coca-Cola launched a bottle

Currently icy bottles are only available in Colombia. Designers involved in the development of their claim that the product is environmentally friendly, because it melts only after soda drunk, and thus there is nothing that would have to be thrown away, or pererabotat.

For its advertising campaign, dubbed «Botello de Hielo» (Bottle of ice), the company Coca-Cola has removed a video that shows how people on the beach enjoying an icy drink on a hot day, and then left his bottle on the sand, where it melts . The bottle is wrapped in the center of a red rubber band to prevent fingers from freezing. After ending beverage bottle melts.

To create such a bottle, the company fills the silicone mold with water, freeze them at -25 degrees Celsius, and then fills the icy beverage bottles. After that, each of them is etched logo of Coca-Cola, and added a red stripe.

According to the company, the bottle gained enormous popularity on the beaches of Colombia, where vendors sell an average of 265 bottles per hour. But at that time, as the manufacturer advertises a novelty, as an environmentally friendly product, some have expressed concern that the production of these bottles is not profitable, as they are likely to require additional cooling, and hence the energy consumption during transportation.

Moreover, the site Food Beast says that the bottles do not maintain sanitary standards, and become a breeding ground for microbes due to the fact that the ice absorbs dirt from the environment. Other cola lovers have expressed concern that short-lived bottles can cause a shortage of drinking water. However, the company does not plan to supply your own drinks in the ice container in other countries.

Coca-Cola - not the first manufacturer of soda, ice is used in its innovative marketing strategy. In April, on the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 7-Up has posted a vending machine, the name "melting machine» (Melting Machine). Made entirely of ice, it melted when passers-by took out all the soda cans.

Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/43129-coca-cola-vypustila-butylku-sdelannuyu-polnostyu-izo-lda.html