
company Coca-Cola, the world's largest producer of soft drinks, established at the National University of Singapore automatic issuing soda to everyone who embrace it. The machine is mounted within the accepted concept of the company «Open Happiness» (in the Russian version - "Open Happiness"). On the machine, performed in the original red-and-white color scheme, Coca-Cola, written in large letters «Hug Me» («Embrace me"). In exchange for a hug he gives a bottle of cola. Previously, under the concept of «Open Happiness» Coca-Cola established a "happy" machines in several cities around the world. So, in 2011 the "generous" machine was placed near the Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills. Together with a jar or bottle with a drink machine gave out T-shirts to customers, flowers and other gifts. A similar machine, installed in January 2010 in one of the colleges in the USA, gave instead of one, several bottles of Coca-Cola, as well as flowers and pizza. Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1892. In 2010, she won third place in the ranking of most valuable brands in the world by Interbrand, the value of its brand was estimated at 34, 8 billion dollars. Campaign «Open Happiness» was launched in 2009. See also: Why do banks usually cola sinks in water, and the bank's diet - pops up? Coca-Cola and Pepsi change recipe drinks. 20 years, depending on the Coke. Coca-Cola has mixed the colors of Ukrainian flag on the posters for Euro 2012.
Source: lenta.ru/news/2012/04/10/hug/