Machines Dusseldorf
I have one controversial theory that advanced society can be measured by the number of street machines and breadth of assortment. I will not go into details, but I think machines can demonstrate many aspects: technical progress, the pace of life, even the tolerance and openness. Of course, European countries hard to keep up with Asian auto-manifold, but some local successes there. About them and tell. I'll start with an overview of the machine, selling chicken eggs. Why it took to put a number 4 of the same machine? The answer is simple.
29 photos via ru-travel
2. It's all about the amount of eggs and their number. This machine, for example, offer a choice of 9 large eggs, or 7 well, very big.
3. Innovative photo booth in a suburb of Dusseldorf Neandertal. In it from any conventional homo sapiens at will Neanderthal!
4. Automatic bread. A couple of years ago, the association of German bakers sued the chain of stores. Bakers tried to prove that the machine does not bake bread, but only heats. Court bakers with a bang lost, the machine actually bakes. They say that it even has a learning function, that is, Machine remembers what time what kind of bread is more popular and bakes it with a stock that customers are not waiting. Delighted all this I go to the store, click on the simplest bun and heard coming from speakers a pleasant female voice: "Preparation time 14 minutes" uh ... what about the learning function? :)
5. During the season of mass psychosis Asparagus (this year it fell in May-June) on the streets appear strange machines for washing and cleaning of asparagus. I do not understand why it is necessary to do in vending machines and is not yet free? The only explanation is a vegetable educational attraction for children.
7. Right on the banks of the Rhine you can stumble upon a disfigured views Düsseldorf ATM. In the Internet claim it is the most beautiful bank machine in Germany! Is there anything more beautiful?
8. Side view of pleased, some bathing bearded uncle with a tattoo, "Rhine Pope»
9. Small electronics store in the form of rapid machine.
10. Injection mats, network machines to ease the heavy share of freaky.
11. Syringes, hygiene kits, ointments, special spoon. Everything the doctor ordered. It may soon be heroin vending machines will sell?
12. One enterprising artist decided to sell their creations in vending machines. Gesheft under the motto: "The Art of the box" blooms and smells, now it has more than 20 such chameleons and points of sale.
13. SUPN machine at the main station does not offer special delicacies. Here is really important that the soup was quick and Skorri.
14. sausage machine, it seems, is more popular because Not all types of sausages were commercially available. Chicken, trumanskaya and German still is, but frikadelnuyu already eaten.
15. Automaton feature - sausage cooking indicator with the words: "Wait»
16. The taste is nothing special, the usual canned sausage of half-liter cans.
17. The machine-held instrument with impressive color differentiation of instruction, and the degree of intoxication. Near a postscript: "If you catch the policeman, we are not guilty and do not accept any responsibility»
18. Automatic Closet, 5 minutes watching the struggle of women. Soulless machine won!
19. Automatic paper vases for sale, undoubtedly, very necessary in an economy thing
20. A few years ago, all cigarette machines decided to protect the child, ie on the contrary, decided to protect children from the machines ... More confused, in short, now without the document is not to smoke.
21. This seemingly ordinary parking machine is actually a star of urban machines, write articles about him in the newspapers, it is called the "golden" and he is in the best location on the most expensive street of the town. It is not difficult to guess what he is famous for their income, more than 800 euros a day brings to the treasury of the city "gold" machine.
22. Literary Machine. The initiative of the local cultural center for the search of poetic talent, they said, every year in the competition to get into the box more than 100 poets participated.
23. Obviously the foreign guest. Machine for receiving and issuing of clothes in the laundry room.
24. Rare, a little overgrown with cobwebs, greetings from the 20th century, selling lighters and chewing gum for the brand.
25. Stimulating the mobility of the photo machine. Click here and quickly run back 5 meters, where you photographed. If you have time, of course.
26. Cycle camera from a reputable manufacturer of tires.
27. And from the least well-known manufacturer of hamburger machine for quick order. Interestingly, it is the location of the machine for a family order, so that each family member had his camera?
28. An impressive selection of condoms, who may need 13 kinds of this product? It should be noted that 13 is not the limit, I saw the gun and with a large number, but it seemed to me not very photogenic.
29. All the gentlemen's set: energy drink, condoms and pregnancy tests.
PS: add exceptional machines seen you !!!
29 photos via ru-travel

2. It's all about the amount of eggs and their number. This machine, for example, offer a choice of 9 large eggs, or 7 well, very big.

3. Innovative photo booth in a suburb of Dusseldorf Neandertal. In it from any conventional homo sapiens at will Neanderthal!

4. Automatic bread. A couple of years ago, the association of German bakers sued the chain of stores. Bakers tried to prove that the machine does not bake bread, but only heats. Court bakers with a bang lost, the machine actually bakes. They say that it even has a learning function, that is, Machine remembers what time what kind of bread is more popular and bakes it with a stock that customers are not waiting. Delighted all this I go to the store, click on the simplest bun and heard coming from speakers a pleasant female voice: "Preparation time 14 minutes" uh ... what about the learning function? :)

5. During the season of mass psychosis Asparagus (this year it fell in May-June) on the streets appear strange machines for washing and cleaning of asparagus. I do not understand why it is necessary to do in vending machines and is not yet free? The only explanation is a vegetable educational attraction for children.


7. Right on the banks of the Rhine you can stumble upon a disfigured views Düsseldorf ATM. In the Internet claim it is the most beautiful bank machine in Germany! Is there anything more beautiful?

8. Side view of pleased, some bathing bearded uncle with a tattoo, "Rhine Pope»

9. Small electronics store in the form of rapid machine.

10. Injection mats, network machines to ease the heavy share of freaky.

11. Syringes, hygiene kits, ointments, special spoon. Everything the doctor ordered. It may soon be heroin vending machines will sell?

12. One enterprising artist decided to sell their creations in vending machines. Gesheft under the motto: "The Art of the box" blooms and smells, now it has more than 20 such chameleons and points of sale.

13. SUPN machine at the main station does not offer special delicacies. Here is really important that the soup was quick and Skorri.

14. sausage machine, it seems, is more popular because Not all types of sausages were commercially available. Chicken, trumanskaya and German still is, but frikadelnuyu already eaten.

15. Automaton feature - sausage cooking indicator with the words: "Wait»

16. The taste is nothing special, the usual canned sausage of half-liter cans.

17. The machine-held instrument with impressive color differentiation of instruction, and the degree of intoxication. Near a postscript: "If you catch the policeman, we are not guilty and do not accept any responsibility»

18. Automatic Closet, 5 minutes watching the struggle of women. Soulless machine won!

19. Automatic paper vases for sale, undoubtedly, very necessary in an economy thing

20. A few years ago, all cigarette machines decided to protect the child, ie on the contrary, decided to protect children from the machines ... More confused, in short, now without the document is not to smoke.

21. This seemingly ordinary parking machine is actually a star of urban machines, write articles about him in the newspapers, it is called the "golden" and he is in the best location on the most expensive street of the town. It is not difficult to guess what he is famous for their income, more than 800 euros a day brings to the treasury of the city "gold" machine.

22. Literary Machine. The initiative of the local cultural center for the search of poetic talent, they said, every year in the competition to get into the box more than 100 poets participated.

23. Obviously the foreign guest. Machine for receiving and issuing of clothes in the laundry room.

24. Rare, a little overgrown with cobwebs, greetings from the 20th century, selling lighters and chewing gum for the brand.

25. Stimulating the mobility of the photo machine. Click here and quickly run back 5 meters, where you photographed. If you have time, of course.

26. Cycle camera from a reputable manufacturer of tires.

27. And from the least well-known manufacturer of hamburger machine for quick order. Interestingly, it is the location of the machine for a family order, so that each family member had his camera?

28. An impressive selection of condoms, who may need 13 kinds of this product? It should be noted that 13 is not the limit, I saw the gun and with a large number, but it seemed to me not very photogenic.

29. All the gentlemen's set: energy drink, condoms and pregnancy tests.
PS: add exceptional machines seen you !!!
