Coca-Cola has mixed the colors of Ukrainian flag

Coca-Cola Company on the beat-boards for Euro 2012 in Poland, messed up the colors of Ukrainian flag by placing the yellow bar on top, and blue - at the bottom. The company has already noticed the error and start the replacement posters. "We quickly discovered the error and correct it began. Already hung posters will be replaced, and the rest - corrected ", - said the director of the image, external relations and communications company Coca-Cola Poland Services Katarzyna Borutskaya. She noted that the company's advertising campaign for Euro 2012 has just started, so I have not a lot of billboards. Recall Euro 2012 will take place in Poland and Ukraine from 8 June to 1 July. Coca-cola - one of the official sponsors of the tournament.
Source: korrespondent.net/ukraine/events/1321098-coca-cola-pereputala-cveta-ukrainskogo-flaga-na-plakatah-k-evro-2012