Life on the lake

Initially I had not planned to do two posts about life in Baikal, but spent five days here clearly understood life near the lake and the life in the valleys and villages taiga is very different.
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seemed that the lake is richer than that-whether ...

The main tool of many local residents - fishing net

Prepare sleighs in summer ...
A motor carriage, seems to have outlived its

In many villages, often only one lane, situated along the lake. Houses of water separates the dirt road and a strip of beach with boats drawn up on the sand

Modern technologies have reached and in this hinterland.
Satellite dishes have long no one will be surprised in the forest, and behind them come the solar panels.
According to local residents, those areas on the east coast of Lake Baikal on the number of sunny days second only to the Krasnodar Territory.
I do not know whether this is so, but for the 5 days that we were in these places, the sun was out every day

And what are the types !!!

This playground on the lake among the not very sturdy wooden houses made me cognitive dissonance

That's for sure, contrasts

Born to swim, ride can not)

Local club.

Amazing for these places - the building is not made of wood

. Children, they repainted even the most inhospitable landscape in vibrant colors.

Two Friends

They buried the gearbox?

No, the repair.
As usual, the hammer!

A big-eyed this repair will not help

Parking. The main means of transport in these places

Local entertainment

If you ride on a swing is not interested, you can sunbathe or fish

Father and daughter

Rent a house here is not so cheap. And in general, in all these places are not very cheap, despite the apparent external poverty and despondency villages

Stone dwelling houses here in the forest, almost do not know.
This is understandable - wood as a building material, much cheaper, more accessible, closer and clearer than brick or a variety of modern concrete blocks.

Beautiful finish external walls of the house

If there is a wooden house, you can live in the tank ...

Or in the furniture paradise ...

Tired mattress

Little fisherwoman ...

Source: aquatek-filips.livejournal.com