Sensor Hug helps tracking the consumption of water during the day

I think everyone has heard that an adult should drink about 2 liters of water a day to provide your body with water. If you drink less and being less and less performance, and you can even get sick, if the amount of water in the body regularly not call up the appropriate number.
Nevertheless, even those of us who understand the importance of full supply of the body of water are not always able to follow the amount of alcohol consumed during the day of fluid. This can now help sensor Hug.
According to the developers, this device fits almost any bottle, thanks to a special mount, and allows you to monitor the level of fluid intake.

Inside the device accelerometer, which is able to cut the extra traffic (transport of bottles, its fall, and the like), and takes just a moment you swipe the bottle to his mouth man. This special algorithm calculates how many people drank the water at a time.

Well, all the data on the wireless communication (Bluetooth LTE) is transmitted to the mobile device, in firmware application. The application, in turn, is a detailed account and analysis of water consumption, and is able to calculate the water needs of the individual, depending on the parameters of the body and activity.

The application, if one forgot to drink, reminds us of this.
Key features of the application: h4>
- counting the water needs of a person, depending on its weight, age, ambient temperature, and physical activity;
- Automatic analysis derived from the sensor data;
- Compatible with fitness Supplement FitBit and RunKeeper;
- Data visualization.
Price devices h4>
Pre-order can be made at producer , starting at $ 59. Shipment of the first installment will take place in March 2015.
Request a notification The Hug on sale in Russia, you can retain Medgadgets .
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/medgadgets/blog/232519/