Vest Like-A-Hug: how to get a real hug via Facebook

The coveted "like" under the photo or entry in social media is always a pleasure. Especially when you feel depressed and lonely. But at least virtual support and good, nothing can replace the warmth of human embrace. It is a pity that friends and relatives often so distant when you really need us. Designer Melissa Kite Chou (Melissa Kit Chow) came up with a way to make the relationships in the Network more real color vest Like-A-Hug. He is able to convert e - "like" in almost real "hug".

Inflated vest Like-A-Hug will warm not only physically but also mentally. The idea of hugging things arose by chance during a conversation with Melissa (incidentally, a graduate of Harvard graduate School of Design) with your friends. It was about long distance relationships and that Facebook and Skype, though good to talk, but can not meet the need of physical contact. Young men fantasized how social media to do more and tangible. Thus was born the concept of the transfer of arms in the distance.

Field activities were chosen so popular Facebook. Every time someone "lannet" photo or write on your profile, puffer vest Like-A-Hug inflates even more, giving its owner a feeling of soft embrace. So you get a portion of support and warmth, wherever you are. As it happens, demonstrates video.
Source: /users/78