Princess driving harvester

Ten months of the year Natalia Brakorenko studying at university, paints her nails, upload photos in "VKontakte" and goes to the disco. In general, living an ordinary girl's life. Everything is changing in July, when the country starts harvesting campaign. At this time the girl with his father Alexander sits in the cab and went to the field at harvest. In this part of "duo" works for the fourth year in a row, each time for namolachivaya native SEC "defense of the country" is not less than a thousand tons of grain. We went to Rechitskiy district, met with an unusual crew and learn the true price of bread.
- Four years ago, my father offered to go to his assistant combine, so I agreed - in a simple way, without pathos says Natalia.

Agreed on such an adventure girl, because she knew he could handle. Indeed, in the graduating classes when UPK her, like all schoolgirls offered master barber profession or seller, Natalie chose what she is closest. As a result, together with school certificates received certificate tractor drivers category A. Now joked: "Blame the genes».

- My father was 25 years in the field. As the army arrived - so that soweth, that takes away the bread. A assistant combine it altogether from the 10 years he worked with his father. So I have come late to the profession, in the 17 - laughing Natalia.

Alexander does not hide the pride in her daughter. Recalls that previously had to be paired with the men - not all.
- Well this is my krovinochka, most native people. A mother like myself believe. On the field, trust is very important. When there is trust, and then work goes - argues combiner.

Natalia confesses her dad regret still only daughter. Nevertheless duties has not been canceled.
- The daily schedule is as follows: five rise, and if there is no dew, already six o'clock refuel - and on the field. Return home in 11 hours, almost nosyu. Forces only enough to wash and crawl to bed. The next morning all the same. And so every day, seven days a week.

Today, forecasters passed on the street 34, but next to the glow of the sun technique they turn in all 50. At the bunker, where people come now and then to climb assistant combine to distribute the grain, even hotter.

Dust raised header, immediately cover the whole body, clogged nose and hurts the eyes. Pristavuchy gadfly further complicates the already difficult life of a farmer.

But Natalia knows for what suffers. In the past year and a half months of harvest, she managed to earn 12 million rubles. Bought a camera, and still remains on the outfits. Father, in the main carriage paid twice the size. Money is huge by local standards. But if it is to dispose of them as a monthly salary. In the same family Brakorenko, as indeed in other families of machine earned pótom spend otherwise.
- Buying Children need to September 1, the part will go to the renovation of the house, and the rest set aside. After all, winter in the farm work is not particularly find. And to live for something you need, - says Alexander.

At this moment, somewhere in front of a knock. Not much, but some unpleasant perseverance. Broke drum tilt camera, responsible for receiving grain. On the field with such a malfunction can not be helped. Going to mehdvor. Ahead of the crew a few agonizing hours of waiting until Gomel bring the desired item.

Breaking harvester for machine - the most unpleasant thing in the world. Hours of idleness are not easy.
Alexander slowly prepares equipment for repair work. His daughter kept nearby. The girl talks about how she loves her home village and when to wean in Gomel University, would return home.
- I like my booth (the name of the village). Young people trying to move out of here in Rechytsa or Gomel, and here I was happy with everything. Get a diploma - will the school teacher of the Belarusian language to work and bread in the summer to clean - says student plans.

Somehow learned about damage Harvester wife Alexandra and mother Natalia Hope. Woman going to her friend on the anniversary. Just what was (and she was in a smart dress) sat on the bike and rushed to support the family. She worked for more than one year in the carriage with her husband. Knows about kombaynerskih problems firsthand. By this time has already arrived and the new part.

Without further ado coquetry and the female part of the family Brakorenko wielded keys, pliers and hammers. Whatever it was, but after half an hour harvester is ready for new victories in the fields.

Hope goes with peace of mind on the anniversary, and Natalia and Alexander - field. But first you need to dine. Fed combine certainly not "Rollton" but real food. A woman from the salon "keyway" not sparing puts plates in huge portions pilaf country style - rice with huge chunks of meat.

After this do not want in a dusty field. But you never know what is not desirable.

- While standing serene days are, you need to work and work, because it is not known what the weather will be tomorrow. And this year's harvest is good, what stands out stubble, nowhere were killed. So all in our hands - winks daughter Alexander.

Source: gomelnews.onliner.by
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