Michael Zhavanetsky in Kiev: So I went to a hostile native country ...
Zhvanetskogo shoot the scene only in the first five minutes. It was felt that Mikhail himself, leaving the audience, a little constrained and tense. Nervously opened his famous briefcase, took out a hand-written sheets, laid them on the table ...
And the first words after colliding applause writer said even somehow sadly:
- That's why I came to a hostile native country ... But I should not be afraid - I've been disabled radio and television, so kind and cheerful ...
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After nearly two-hour concert hall gave a standing ovation, the audience carried the flowers and congratulating Zhvanetskogo with the recent 80th anniversary. And as usual the people discussed the most striking quotes from speeches.
PEARL from the famous satirist
- Our freedom - a mess, our dream - the order in the mess.
- What is printed in a democracy, a dictatorship says. When everyone is afraid of the dictatorship of the issues in a democracy - answers. Under the dictatorship of the Bolshoi Ballet and anecdotes, in a democracy - travel and robberies. Under the dictatorship can come from above, in a democracy - from the bottom, with the order - from all sides.
- There are three ways of development: stand still, lying on the ground and our - to lie on the right track.
- Ukrainians and Georgians, as a couple, - want to live alone. And the Russians, as parents - want to live with them.
- Official! Always remember that you are bribes! You will then be reminded, but it will be too late ... Businessman, always remember that you can quietly leave the country. When you are reminded of this - hell you go away from there ... The politician, always remember that our people drink out of a sense of protest. Once stop drinking, you can not be saved!
- The worst place - forgiveness.
- Your child - the first person who is totally dependent on you, and you will not be able to manage them.
- There is a birth certificate. There is a death certificate. Where a certificate of life?
- If on one scale put casual relationships, but on the other - a good brandy, I would choose ... Wait, why did they put on different bowls?
- I was healthy and thought to die when I want. And now I realized that I could not ask.
- The play was over an hour before the performance.
- My father told me: do not rush - all true. All has come true - I'm in no hurry.
- It is a pharmacy? And against older children you have anything?
- You have diabetes, you can not sweet - leave this woman!
- When the loved one leaves, saying, "Time heals." But when it cure - will leave and time.
- Why do I love you, Kiev viewers, so it's a complete understanding, because there is nothing worse, when the husband goes for his wife and said imploringly: "Well, I'm kidding ...»