Abode Berlin squatters
Cegodnyashnayaya walk - the abandoned apartments in Berlin.
I am going for Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - from the railroad tracks S-Bahn to the northwest, toward the center and then turn right. On these streets it was once a plant that does not work for a long time.
Some factory buildings occupied by some organizations, offices.
At the factory buildings is one of the famous flea markets in Berlin.
On the territory of the factory.
Near the plant is semi-abandoned building, in one of the entrances which squatters live - illegal "zaselentsy." Near the entrance you can see a bunch of bikes and a scooter :)
The entrance looks like.
This part of the house is entirely residential - even hanging in the entrance mail boxes, which (as well as everywhere in Berlin) Set no apartment number, and the name of the tenant. However, mailboxes and could remain from the former tenants of the building.
The house is a typical Berlin residential building late XIX-early XX century - with panel doors, high ceilings and wooden staircases.
The other part of the house, however, remains completely abandoned. Let's go inside.
Entrance house looks like.
The platform between the floors.
To prevent unauthorized settlement doors of several apartments laid silicate blocks.
Head over to one of the apartments. As you can see, there once started repair (perhaps even continue) - filmed in the apartment flooring, doors with paint stripper, and in the hallway are some building blocks.
Come on. On the higher floors, wooden staircase entrance goes underfoot podnimatsya scary :)
View from the entrance to an abandoned house chatst occupied by squatters.
Let's go into another apartment. Planning - similar to the previous one, the front door opens look like this:
Kitchen. under the window of the door can be seen the so-called "cabinet-refrigerator».
And to the left of the entrance you can see the wood stove on which food was prepared earlier.
WC. For toilet area is the soul, over which hangs a boiler (not hit the shot).
Some of interior kordidor, all littered with old junk.
Living room. Under the window is open umbrella :)
We go down. Wooden banister.
Paul at the front door.
Source: maxim-nm.livejournal.com