Chinese pensioner kills 1,000 flies per day
Many older people do not know what to do with your free time, they appeared after retirement. Some take care of the suburban areas, others solve crosswords, others are raising grandchildren, and for example, 80-year-old Tang Ruan from Hangzhou, located in eastern China, eight hours a day, consumes flies.
According to the woman, she wanted to benefit the city even after the cessation of active work and one day Tang noted that the residents of Hangzhou bother pretty annoying flies, bringing the idea to the unusual hobby:
"I decided that killing flies - the best way to be useful to society».
Over 14 years old Rouen each day passes surrounding the landfill with a fly swatter at the ready and as we are assured the townspeople, who saw it in the case, the pensioner is able to spend hours wandering around the garbage bin to make sure that all the pesky insects destroyed.
Tan argues that for a full day can destroy nearly 1 thousand of flies - not bad for an old woman, because we all know how difficult it is to get to these little pests agile.
Pensioner long it becomes for local residents something of a national hero and one of the city's newspapers dedicated a tireless fighter with winged carriers of various diseases separate report. Residents of Hangzhou say that in recent years the flies in the city has become noticeably less - for example, 58-year-old Xiao Jian, who lives next door to the Tang, I am sure that the contribution of hard-working women in the improvement of the environment is invaluable: "She is a true expert on the extermination of flies, we consider it a hero. Imagine how many of these insects would be in the city, if they are not daily Tang destroyed. "

According to the woman, she wanted to benefit the city even after the cessation of active work and one day Tang noted that the residents of Hangzhou bother pretty annoying flies, bringing the idea to the unusual hobby:
"I decided that killing flies - the best way to be useful to society».
Over 14 years old Rouen each day passes surrounding the landfill with a fly swatter at the ready and as we are assured the townspeople, who saw it in the case, the pensioner is able to spend hours wandering around the garbage bin to make sure that all the pesky insects destroyed.

Tan argues that for a full day can destroy nearly 1 thousand of flies - not bad for an old woman, because we all know how difficult it is to get to these little pests agile.

Pensioner long it becomes for local residents something of a national hero and one of the city's newspapers dedicated a tireless fighter with winged carriers of various diseases separate report. Residents of Hangzhou say that in recent years the flies in the city has become noticeably less - for example, 58-year-old Xiao Jian, who lives next door to the Tang, I am sure that the contribution of hard-working women in the improvement of the environment is invaluable: "She is a true expert on the extermination of flies, we consider it a hero. Imagine how many of these insects would be in the city, if they are not daily Tang destroyed. "