Products - a taboo for cats

Many products from our daily diet are harmful and sometimes deadly for your pet.

1. Raisins
Not only people like dried grapes - including cats also found a sweet tooth. But if people useful raisins, then in cats, it can cause kidney disease, the main symptoms are fatigue, frequent urination intermittent, loss of appetite and diarrhea.

2. Onions and garlic
It is unlikely that someone would think to feed the cat bow, but dried and shredded onions commonly found in table seasoning. For animals bow is very harmful because it contains disulfoksidy sulfoxides and destroy red blood cells and can result in anemia. Sulfoxides contained in garlic, and in higher concentrations.

3. Raw eggs
Raw eggs are dangerous for cats due to possible salmonella contamination. In addition, egg whites contain avidin substance that slows down the absorption of B vitamins

4. Alcohol
Even a small dose of alcohol can cause intoxication and poisoning cats. So keep alcohol away from your pet.

5. Caffeine
A cat can bring the smell of cream in coffee or herbs cup of tea. The caffeine in these drinks have a diuretic effect for cats, but also affects the nervous system. Chocolate is especially dangerous. Theobromine contained in it may lead to the death of the cat.

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6. Bone

The bones - one of the most dangerous items from this list. The sharp edge (especially tubular bones) can cause serious internal injuries to the bowel.

7. Avocado
Avocado contains a substance Piersyn, deadly for the animals. Do not let the cats Avocado and not allowed to play with grains fruits: Persina ingress can lead to problems with the stomach and difficulty breathing.

All fluffy health!


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