HP sells a mini-desktop with Chrome OS on 179 dollars

A few days ago, HP introduced its first deskopny PC with Chrome OS. This small-sized device with a processor Haswell, 2 GB RAM, 16 GB internal memory (SSD).
Dimensions desktop - 5 "x 4.9" x 1.5 ". Dual-Core processor, Intel Celeron 2955U, with the frequency of the nucleus 1, 4 GHz. RAM 1600 MHz.

Developers also have provided ports 10/100 Ethernet, HDMI and DisplayPort, 4 USB 3.0 ports, and a card reader SDXC.

By the way, when you order a desktop buyer may change the system configuration, and order additional accessories.
Also called the model "hromoboksa" there are other models, more productive, but also more expensive. Thus, the model with a Celeron 2955U CPU and 4 GB of RAM would cost в $ 199 . A model with Intel Core i7-4600U Haswell and Intel HD graphics 4400 worth 620 USD .
Via hp
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/225915/
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