Battle Suit Ekzosyuits - expensive stuff
Battle Suit Ekzosyuits from the film "Edge of Tomorrow" is absolutely true, it contains a huge amount of detail and its creation took a long time.
Since when filming the actors had to move around in costumes, director Doug Liman has formulated several requirements for the design of the costume. Firstly, it would have to be open-suit, and he was not to fetter the freedom of movement of the human body.
For the film was made 70 costumes ExoSuits. Another 50 costume was made of a soft material.
Himself Tom Cruise also helped in the development of combat suits. According to him, the suit weighed an average of 25 to 55 pounds, depending on configuration.
In total, there were created three different types of costumes. Each included a variety of weapons.
Particular attention was paid to the creation of costumes, Emily Blunt, so she stood out from the others. To do this, on the chest of costume were drawn red lines that should symbolize the path of Rita "to hell and back».
To clothe the actor in a costume needed the help of the team of four people.
"Creating a fully functioning costume ExoSuit was such a difficult process, but in the end we were all incredibly proud of the work" - said Doug Liman.
Source: terraoko.com