Post inspiration: the best time to start your business
Hello everyone,
Starting a new business, we often catch ourselves craven thought: "what if to wait, if not now, then when the crisis is over, when there will be more money and free time?".
We are asked this question many times. First - the founding Alconost . And later, running independent units with separate business processes: localization, development of videos, creating reference documentation, service live online translation, multilingual contextual advertising campaigns, the development of its own products. By myself know that starting a business - a stage when the inspiration and support to help overcome their own fears - gold. To do this, we have made a motivational video "The best time to start a business." Look, the potential businessman and inspirational:
And for established business question: How and when did you come to your own business?
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/alconost/blog/225017/
Starting a new business, we often catch ourselves craven thought: "what if to wait, if not now, then when the crisis is over, when there will be more money and free time?".
We are asked this question many times. First - the founding Alconost . And later, running independent units with separate business processes: localization, development of videos, creating reference documentation, service live online translation, multilingual contextual advertising campaigns, the development of its own products. By myself know that starting a business - a stage when the inspiration and support to help overcome their own fears - gold. To do this, we have made a motivational video "The best time to start a business." Look, the potential businessman and inspirational:
And for established business question: How and when did you come to your own business?
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/alconost/blog/225017/