Universal size with a powerful PC Smartphone: Tango PC

The other day I came across information about interesting projects of universal mini-PC features powerful enough laptop. Habré information about it is not found, and the device is very interesting. Firstly, this is not a miniature PC purely for developers, and a full-featured computer that can "pull" and graphics applications, and modern games, and everything else.
Second, the size of the device is comparable to a large smartphone, you can carry it without any problems.
Thirdly, the PC consists of two parts - the docking station with all kinds of assembly and cooling system, and functional parts, the "brain." So, having a couple of docking stations (they are inexpensive, Looking ahead), you can eliminate the need to carry out a home office laptop (and save, so to license software - is one example of the savings).
Fourthly, this PC can install Steam OS, and receive full-featured game console.
's specifications are:

As for prices, the cost of one system (with dock) is 399 US dollars. Optional dock costs 99 US dollars.
Needless to say, then do not include the cost of the monitor, which will have to buy more to each dock.

This PC - not a concept, and has created a device which, by the way, has received 300 thousand dollars on Indiegogo, instead of the planned 100 thousand. The problem is that the game was limited, and new orders are not provided, all "predzakazchikov" are waiting for their devices.

Developers Tango PC is now planning to launch a campaign on Kickstarter to produce a greater amount in order to establish a permanent issue on your computer. The campaign will be launched this week, so we wait.
While you can see a video that explains the essence of the project:
Via tangopc
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/221987/