Dirty Brussels

Garbage everywhere.

In the middle of the road.

A man repairing his car in the mountains of rubbish, you see it is a tradition - buried in the debris.

Traffic in Brussels all with oval knob.

Red for cyclists.

But at this traffic light I was lucky twice. When I started to take pictures, I crawled horseradish understand where the Belgian and started yelling at me incomprehensible language. Oral it long and hard, and in English did not understand. On my phrases speak in English, she continued to yell in their language. By then it was joined by another Belgian, the same dull and loud-mouthed. The only thing I understood from all that they shouted that they call the police. I sent them nayuh in their native Russian language, since they've already irritated, and in English they did not understand.
Looks in Belgium can not be photographed lights.

The same Belgian. Next to this gaga you can see traffic lights and counter equipment.

A strange feature of the trade. There outrigger showcase, where there are fruits and vegetables, but the seller is not there. It is necessary to go to the store.

Every shop should be some identification mark.

Sign of dentistry - tooth with three roots.


The mailbox at home.

Parking machine. Powered by the sun and looks obscene.

The place where only taxis parked.

Urns. But they are empty, tradition Belgians judging by the pictures above, throw trash in the street.

Areas with limited draw on the pavement. Big mistake - do not pull and see the sign drawn here so it's impossible.

Draw out why the word "bus" and sign "the cyclist».

Lamp post. That's how it looks, at first I thought he was done with his own hands.

Designation of the police station. Lanterns with the word "police" in vintage style, almost like in the US.

Manneken Pis. You know what PR is everything in life. This was written by the boy is 30-40 centimeters in oblezshem corner and pissing on a small trickle of passersby. And yet he stuck a hose in the ass.

Garbage bins.

Signs for utilities applied to the asphalt.

Litter cigarettes

Garbage in the tourist part still clean.

Traffic lights in the tourist part of town.

Laundry (Landry).


Sign prohibiting everything.

Someone evacuated for infringement. Strange evakuatorschik work, he tried to break the door.

You can often see on most Belgian stores such sign. And if you pay by card, the amount should be more than 17 euros.

Trash for specialized waste. It looks ugly.

My main surprise after garbage on the roads - a public toilet. That you understand the whole picture of what is happening, the toilet is on the street at the crossroads of the road and pedestrian. And you stand ssysh and see all this.

Disabled parking area. Paved Paving stones and painted blue.

Urban Development protect it framed on each side and a height of iron pipes. It is drunk to the Belgian broke equipment.

Source: evgeniykoval.livejournal.com
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