Russians released polite people in tin
Continuing the theme with Czech soldiers.
The series is made by all the canons of "flat" in the miniature dimension "Middle».
Toy soldiers are cast on the master model, the figures are 54 mm in height and designed for hand coloring.
The manufacturer - the company "Hurrah."
The history of tin soldiers
Currently in our country, more and more growing interest in military historical tin miniature, among collectors and modelers Uniformologija and fans of military history in general. Thumbnail finds fans among people of all ages and all professions.
When it appeared the first toy soldier? Similarly, no one knows, but it is known that the soldiers were already 40 centuries ago. It was in those unimaginably distant past in ancient Egypt, along with his son of the pharaoh was buried soldiers and figurines-Egyptians. Maybe they had to guard the prince in the afterlife? Or was it a favorite toy?
A century ago, it was 23 created an amazing army of clay. We opened it in 1974 in China, near the city of Xian, near the alleged dumping of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Under the ground, archaeologists have found thousands of terracotta soldiers. No, not "soldiers"! These clay soldiers were in the height of a man, are not similar to each other, in the armor, and even horses. Built marching columns, as if they were waiting for an order of the commander!
The researchers found soldiers from stone, wood, bronze, made in ancient Greece and Rome. It is believed that these figures were associated with religious rituals.
In the Middle Ages the nobility children played with wooden soldiers, bollards, and later soldiers were made of silver, and even gold - to teach children the art of battle royal. To educate young men were made figures of knights, which faithfully reproduces the characteristics of weapons. Collecting these figures starts from the XIV century. Most European monarchs favored this hobby.
More in 1516 Master Hans Burgmeier produced for Emperor Maximilian I figure foot knights who participated in the tournament.
In the XII century, for example, Prince Louis XIII had a collection of 300 silver soldiers. Subsequently, the collection passed to Louis XIV, who joined the army cavalry. And for the son of the Emperor Napoleon's soldiers made of gold. This set of 117 figures remained still; He is considered the most expensive toy in the world, and has recently been estimated at an auction of hundreds of millions of Spanish pesetas.
The material for the manufacture of the soldiers were also wax and cork, and even flour and sugar. That such edible, soldiers, writes historian Klyuchevskii playing future Russian Emperor Peter III. Indeed, these soldiers were eaten ... a rat. In anger, the heir to the throne made a "criminal" exemplary punishment!
However, fun with gold and silver soldiers could afford only the royal children: the offspring of aristocrats. The mass and inexpensive toy soldiers are at the end of the XVIII century, when they were beginning to pour out of a tin. Engaged in the manufacture of metal figurines artisans in Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, other European countries. But the real heyday of the art of military miniatures reached in the German principalities, which was one of the best European armies of that time, development of foundry and engraving craft, and lead and tin were mined in large quantities.
The ancestor of tin military miniatures believe Johann Gottfried Hilperta son Wizard tin cases from Coburg. Hilpert started his own business in Nuremberg, and 70th years of XVIII century the mass production of flat tin figures. At first they were theatrical characters, hobbies, but soon took the leading place miniature replicas of German soldiers. It was a tribute to the popular memory of the remarkable victories of the army of Frederick the Great. Then there are models of tin soldiers from other countries, especially France and Russia. Hilperta soldiers were low - only 2-3 inches (5, 08 - 7, 62 cm) and flat (no thicker than 1 mm), but of excellent quality!
From Nuremberg manufacturing figurines spread to Berlin, Leipzig and other cities, and to the middle of the XIX century, Germany has exported its tin soldiers in the majority of countries in Europe and America. In 1839 in Nuremberg starts Ernst Haynrihssen - founder of one of the most famous companies producing soldiers. He first raised the artistic performance figures on a high professional level. He took the initiative in an agreement between producers on common size figures: foot soldier - 32 mm; Equestrian - 44 mm., Not including headgear. This kind of figures has since become known as "Nuremberg." Such was the famous Tin Soldier from Hans Christian Andersen tale.
At home volume figures of France in the 40-ies of XX century, the international standard approved by the military-historical miniatures. This figure of 50-60 mm height, that is, on a scale of 1:32 or 1:30. This size, combined with the breadth of the form allows you to adequately reproduce the fine details of uniforms and equipment, and even pass the portrait features historical figures.
Now it becomes clear, as in the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale could one spoon cast twenty-five soldiers. Just I had a big old spoon and soldiers - small and flat. It is to this, "Nuremberg" type of toy soldiers treated the same stable.
Manufacturers figurines constantly improve their skills and strive for more realistic.
Proof: www.toy-soldiers.ru/index.htm
Berkut ...

The series is made by all the canons of "flat" in the miniature dimension "Middle».
Toy soldiers are cast on the master model, the figures are 54 mm in height and designed for hand coloring.
The manufacturer - the company "Hurrah."



The history of tin soldiers
Currently in our country, more and more growing interest in military historical tin miniature, among collectors and modelers Uniformologija and fans of military history in general. Thumbnail finds fans among people of all ages and all professions.
When it appeared the first toy soldier? Similarly, no one knows, but it is known that the soldiers were already 40 centuries ago. It was in those unimaginably distant past in ancient Egypt, along with his son of the pharaoh was buried soldiers and figurines-Egyptians. Maybe they had to guard the prince in the afterlife? Or was it a favorite toy?
A century ago, it was 23 created an amazing army of clay. We opened it in 1974 in China, near the city of Xian, near the alleged dumping of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Under the ground, archaeologists have found thousands of terracotta soldiers. No, not "soldiers"! These clay soldiers were in the height of a man, are not similar to each other, in the armor, and even horses. Built marching columns, as if they were waiting for an order of the commander!
The researchers found soldiers from stone, wood, bronze, made in ancient Greece and Rome. It is believed that these figures were associated with religious rituals.
In the Middle Ages the nobility children played with wooden soldiers, bollards, and later soldiers were made of silver, and even gold - to teach children the art of battle royal. To educate young men were made figures of knights, which faithfully reproduces the characteristics of weapons. Collecting these figures starts from the XIV century. Most European monarchs favored this hobby.
More in 1516 Master Hans Burgmeier produced for Emperor Maximilian I figure foot knights who participated in the tournament.
In the XII century, for example, Prince Louis XIII had a collection of 300 silver soldiers. Subsequently, the collection passed to Louis XIV, who joined the army cavalry. And for the son of the Emperor Napoleon's soldiers made of gold. This set of 117 figures remained still; He is considered the most expensive toy in the world, and has recently been estimated at an auction of hundreds of millions of Spanish pesetas.
The material for the manufacture of the soldiers were also wax and cork, and even flour and sugar. That such edible, soldiers, writes historian Klyuchevskii playing future Russian Emperor Peter III. Indeed, these soldiers were eaten ... a rat. In anger, the heir to the throne made a "criminal" exemplary punishment!
However, fun with gold and silver soldiers could afford only the royal children: the offspring of aristocrats. The mass and inexpensive toy soldiers are at the end of the XVIII century, when they were beginning to pour out of a tin. Engaged in the manufacture of metal figurines artisans in Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, other European countries. But the real heyday of the art of military miniatures reached in the German principalities, which was one of the best European armies of that time, development of foundry and engraving craft, and lead and tin were mined in large quantities.
The ancestor of tin military miniatures believe Johann Gottfried Hilperta son Wizard tin cases from Coburg. Hilpert started his own business in Nuremberg, and 70th years of XVIII century the mass production of flat tin figures. At first they were theatrical characters, hobbies, but soon took the leading place miniature replicas of German soldiers. It was a tribute to the popular memory of the remarkable victories of the army of Frederick the Great. Then there are models of tin soldiers from other countries, especially France and Russia. Hilperta soldiers were low - only 2-3 inches (5, 08 - 7, 62 cm) and flat (no thicker than 1 mm), but of excellent quality!
From Nuremberg manufacturing figurines spread to Berlin, Leipzig and other cities, and to the middle of the XIX century, Germany has exported its tin soldiers in the majority of countries in Europe and America. In 1839 in Nuremberg starts Ernst Haynrihssen - founder of one of the most famous companies producing soldiers. He first raised the artistic performance figures on a high professional level. He took the initiative in an agreement between producers on common size figures: foot soldier - 32 mm; Equestrian - 44 mm., Not including headgear. This kind of figures has since become known as "Nuremberg." Such was the famous Tin Soldier from Hans Christian Andersen tale.
At home volume figures of France in the 40-ies of XX century, the international standard approved by the military-historical miniatures. This figure of 50-60 mm height, that is, on a scale of 1:32 or 1:30. This size, combined with the breadth of the form allows you to adequately reproduce the fine details of uniforms and equipment, and even pass the portrait features historical figures.
Now it becomes clear, as in the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale could one spoon cast twenty-five soldiers. Just I had a big old spoon and soldiers - small and flat. It is to this, "Nuremberg" type of toy soldiers treated the same stable.
Manufacturers figurines constantly improve their skills and strive for more realistic.
Proof: www.toy-soldiers.ru/index.htm
Berkut ...

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