6 actions of children who will be given the blunders of parents in the education
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No matter how you try to create the impression that your child is the most educated in the world, this will not work if there are serious errors in his upbringing. There are always situations that will reveal the pedagogical mistakes of the parents.
Site will cover some of.
1. Habit to interrupt
The phrase "don't interrupt!» not work.
Therefore, the child needs to learn to wait for their turn in the conversation daily and at home — during a family dinner, or your conversation on the phone with colleagues. For example, before you call somebody, you tell your child:
It is important that the child has learned to restrain his desires, since everything that is sold, buy it is impossible and not necessary. It seems that you take store things without any purpose he doesn't understand that you have a specific shopping list. Therefore, before going to the store to prepare.
The sooner you start to raise a polite child, the better. But some children easily internalize these norms, and others it is difficult. Show your child the "magic" polite words: do not follow his requests («Give me») without the word "please». Greet, say goodbye and thank the first, without waiting, when to remember this child.
4. Knows no boundaries
Of course, the child is difficult to realize that there is information that should not be shared with outsiders. The child lives without a sense of shame or embarrassment, he has no experience, when disclosed "secrets" would play a trick on him. But parents "antics" kids can really spoil life. How to protect yourself from such slippery moments?
When adults artificially creating barriers to normal activities, the child is afraid to move away from parents. Because his head is already a clear understanding that if he climb the hill, you will surely fall; if it rolls downhill, be sure to tear clothing, etc.
If the child can easily talk to a stranger about anything, this may indicate that he is growing up in a family where there is trust. But it can also speak about the fact that the child knows that the adults can have some other interests. Vivid example:parents can't do their business because I try to devote 100 % time to the child.
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No matter how you try to create the impression that your child is the most educated in the world, this will not work if there are serious errors in his upbringing. There are always situations that will reveal the pedagogical mistakes of the parents.
Site will cover some of.
1. Habit to interrupt

The phrase "don't interrupt!» not work.
Therefore, the child needs to learn to wait for their turn in the conversation daily and at home — during a family dinner, or your conversation on the phone with colleagues. For example, before you call somebody, you tell your child:
- "I will now talk on the phone, and I can't be distracted. I'm done talking, when the arrow at the kitchen clock will reach this figure!»

It is important that the child has learned to restrain his desires, since everything that is sold, buy it is impossible and not necessary. It seems that you take store things without any purpose he doesn't understand that you have a specific shopping list. Therefore, before going to the store to prepare.
- Together, create a shopping list (for children who can't read, you can draw pictures). And let in the store the child will be fascinated with this paper that he was able to follow closely the implementation of the plan.

The sooner you start to raise a polite child, the better. But some children easily internalize these norms, and others it is difficult. Show your child the "magic" polite words: do not follow his requests («Give me») without the word "please». Greet, say goodbye and thank the first, without waiting, when to remember this child.
4. Knows no boundaries

Of course, the child is difficult to realize that there is information that should not be shared with outsiders. The child lives without a sense of shame or embarrassment, he has no experience, when disclosed "secrets" would play a trick on him. But parents "antics" kids can really spoil life. How to protect yourself from such slippery moments?
- Try to introduce such a concept as "homemade secret» you will be labeling everything does not have to be dedicated to strangers.

When adults artificially creating barriers to normal activities, the child is afraid to move away from parents. Because his head is already a clear understanding that if he climb the hill, you will surely fall; if it rolls downhill, be sure to tear clothing, etc.
- Therefore, when adult, while in a good mood, suddenly resolves to run on the Playground, the kid cautiously looks around and chooses not to risk life for a moment of pleasure.

If the child can easily talk to a stranger about anything, this may indicate that he is growing up in a family where there is trust. But it can also speak about the fact that the child knows that the adults can have some other interests. Vivid example:parents can't do their business because I try to devote 100 % time to the child.
- No wonder the child has not formed the view that other people have needs that are different from his desires.
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