NATO now have something to do!
I think we saved NATO. Impossibly firm policy with regard to Ukraine, the Crimea, the PACE, the EU and all other rescues the North Atlantic Alliance.
In fact, what could boast a powerful military alliance fighters for democracy around the world? The actual defeat in Afghanistan? Victory is happening there just can not be named. Syria? So again, the Russian intervene and stop the debugged script. Libya? Well very somnitelno.I What do you want? Where did the motivation to take extortion money to the budget of the alliance?
And lo! There was a goal! And her name - Russia. Suddenly announced itself as a great power, strong, with well-established political component.
I can imagine the delight with which Mr Rasmussen gave the command "Fetch!».
"We will increase our presence in the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean (read - in the Black Sea). In the sky, there will be more of our aircraft, the seas will be more of our ships, "- Rasmussen.
Return to the "cold war"? Or just the will to survive? It is clear as two and two, that the presence of aircraft, ships and other rubbish require a lot of greenbacks. There was the enemy - an opportunity to demand, not to ask for a few billion more than planned.
Because if there is no enemy, it is necessary to assign. How were assigned to Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan. And now it was our turn.
Of course, howled primarily the Baltic countries. They are afraid that the next Russia again. Yes, and demonstrably and objectively spitting on fuflometov of the Security Council of Europe and PACE. And Ukraine, of course. There in general, all and sundry are roaring on the subject of Russian troops near the borders, and not today, then tomorrow all of them will win.
And NATO trough ply the waves of the Black Sea planes land on airfields of the Baltic states.
Discussion of all this in the Belgian capital was going between two quite contradictory sentiments: cries of representatives of the countries of Eastern Europe on the military threat from Russia, and is more or less balanced position of the West. On the eve of the meeting of the Minister of National Defence of Poland Tomasz Siemoniak demanded by NATO to increase the number of troops next door to Ukraine and even to build a military base in his country. No less bellicose statements made by representatives of States and the Baltic.
Naturally, the reaction followed. On the part of Canada. Well, where Canadians without something? It is necessary to justify the reputation of the most weak-willed and controlled by anyone country. Already six aircraft will fly to Poland. This amount is probably enough to reassure all.
Has long been noted, there is nothing that unites, as the presence of an external enemy. Enemy appointed. NATO begins to flex its muscles. And with redoubled force to suck the money from its members. Well, we have it on hand for the next crisis closer to those who need him.
I can not take seriously all this saber of NATO. Pretty loose organization, nothing lately, not differences. Well, except for hands-free "victory" in Afghanistan.
So let inflate budgets, arranging a show of force outside our borders. As practice has shown recently, Russia will take everything you need, paying no attention to anybody.
Good luck, gentlemen from NATO.
Author Skomorokhov Roman (Banshee)
In fact, what could boast a powerful military alliance fighters for democracy around the world? The actual defeat in Afghanistan? Victory is happening there just can not be named. Syria? So again, the Russian intervene and stop the debugged script. Libya? Well very somnitelno.I What do you want? Where did the motivation to take extortion money to the budget of the alliance?
And lo! There was a goal! And her name - Russia. Suddenly announced itself as a great power, strong, with well-established political component.
I can imagine the delight with which Mr Rasmussen gave the command "Fetch!».
"We will increase our presence in the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean (read - in the Black Sea). In the sky, there will be more of our aircraft, the seas will be more of our ships, "- Rasmussen.
Return to the "cold war"? Or just the will to survive? It is clear as two and two, that the presence of aircraft, ships and other rubbish require a lot of greenbacks. There was the enemy - an opportunity to demand, not to ask for a few billion more than planned.
Because if there is no enemy, it is necessary to assign. How were assigned to Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan. And now it was our turn.
Of course, howled primarily the Baltic countries. They are afraid that the next Russia again. Yes, and demonstrably and objectively spitting on fuflometov of the Security Council of Europe and PACE. And Ukraine, of course. There in general, all and sundry are roaring on the subject of Russian troops near the borders, and not today, then tomorrow all of them will win.
And NATO trough ply the waves of the Black Sea planes land on airfields of the Baltic states.
Discussion of all this in the Belgian capital was going between two quite contradictory sentiments: cries of representatives of the countries of Eastern Europe on the military threat from Russia, and is more or less balanced position of the West. On the eve of the meeting of the Minister of National Defence of Poland Tomasz Siemoniak demanded by NATO to increase the number of troops next door to Ukraine and even to build a military base in his country. No less bellicose statements made by representatives of States and the Baltic.
Naturally, the reaction followed. On the part of Canada. Well, where Canadians without something? It is necessary to justify the reputation of the most weak-willed and controlled by anyone country. Already six aircraft will fly to Poland. This amount is probably enough to reassure all.
Has long been noted, there is nothing that unites, as the presence of an external enemy. Enemy appointed. NATO begins to flex its muscles. And with redoubled force to suck the money from its members. Well, we have it on hand for the next crisis closer to those who need him.
I can not take seriously all this saber of NATO. Pretty loose organization, nothing lately, not differences. Well, except for hands-free "victory" in Afghanistan.
So let inflate budgets, arranging a show of force outside our borders. As practice has shown recently, Russia will take everything you need, paying no attention to anybody.
Good luck, gentlemen from NATO.
Author Skomorokhov Roman (Banshee)

"What a fool I was rare," or why Wasserman ceased to be anti-Soviet
As we "mocked" over the AKS-74, but break it and could not!