Muammar Muhammad bin Abdel Salam Abu Menyar bin Hamid al-Kadda
Subsequently Gaddafi has repeatedly stressed its Bedouin origins: "We, the sons of the desert, to have their tent at a distance of not less than twenty kilometers from the coast. In early childhood, I have never seen the sea ».
He was the last child and only son in the family. His grandfather was killed in 1911 by Italian colonists. Remembering his childhood, Gaddafi said: "We are Bedouins, enjoyed the freedom in nature, everything was pristine clean ... Between us and heaven there were no barriers." At 9 years old he went to primary school. Following his father, constantly roam in search of new and more fertile land, Muammar replaced three schools: in Sirte, Misrata and Sabha. The father later recalled: "I had no money to find the son of a corner in Sirte or have his friends. He spent the night in the mosque came to 30 kilometers on weekends to visit us, spent in the wilderness, tents, their holidays. " In his youth, Muammar Gaddafi was an admirer of Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser; He participated in anti-Israel protests during the Suez crisis in 1956. In 1959, in Sabha created the underground organization, one of the activists which becomes Gaddafi. October 5, 1961 the organization held a demonstration against Syria's exit from the United Arab Republic, which ended with a speech near the ancient city walls of the main organizer of the event - Muammar Gaddafi. A few days later, he was expelled from boarding school Sabha. In 1962 he graduated from the history department of the University of Benghazi.
Shkolnik took part in underground political organizations held a demonstration against the anti-colonial Italy. In 1961, Muammar created an underground organization that seeks to overthrow the monarchy in neighboring Egypt. In October of the same year in the city of Sabha began youth demonstration in support of the Algerian revolution. She immediately turned into a mass antimonarhistskoe performance. The organizer and leader of the demonstration was Gaddafi. For this he was arrested and then expelled from the city. To continue his studies had to Misurata. There he enrolled in the local high school, and graduated in 1963.
In 1965, Muammar Gaddafi as a lieutenant graduated from the Military College in Benghazi and started serving in the Army Signal Corps in the military camp Gar Younes, then in 1966 he was trained in the UK and then was promoted to captain. During an internship in the UK Gaddafi lieutenants and Abu Bakr Younis Jaber stood out in the group of Libyan officers strict adherence to Islamic traditions, refused alcohol and pleasure trips. Before the overthrow of the monarchy in Libya, the fall of 1969, he served in the Royal Engineers
Revolution of Al Fateh.
In 1964, under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi on the beach near the village Tolmeyta held I-st Congress of the organization, known as the "Free Officers Unionists Socialists" (OSOYUS) by taking the slogans of the Egyptian revolution in 1952 "Freedom, socialism and unity." In the underground OSOYUS began preparations for a coup. Gaddafi later wrote:
Our political consciousness, of course, started with the national consciousness, in any case, not religious. This is determined by the period in which the formation of our political consciousness ... a period of strengthening of the national struggle, when all around us still blazing in the Arab homeland in the west - the Algerian revolution in the east - a revolution July 23 (ie in Egypt), and then the battle in 1958 year in Lebanon, the union of Egypt and Syria, the Palestinian problem, the revolution in Yemen, 14 July Revolution (ie Iraq). This special significance for the initial formation of our national consciousness was the first Arab unity Implemented when united Egypt and Syria. These are the origins or ideological and political conditions that led to the fact that our consciousness and our revolutionary aspirations were national.
One of the officers Rifi Ali Sheriff then remembered about the behavior of the young conspirators in the military college, I only kept in touch personally with Gaddafi and my platoon commander Bashir Havvadi. Command watched our every move. We had to report to, where we go, whom to meet. For example, I asked this question a hundred times. Of course, I did not fulfill the requirements of the authorities, but Gaddafi was aware of my work and found a way to guide my work illegally. At the sight and he was Gaddafi due to its popularity among students. But he knew how to control himself, to behave impeccably, which delighted us. The authorities found it "light head", "an inveterate dreamer" and so easy on him and seriously nothing had suspected. Gaddafi was enough once to see the new member of the organization, and he almost infallibly defined it possible to memorize it, even though he did not know that at the head of the movement is Muammar, sociable, thoughtful student. Each military camp we had at least two officers of informants. We were interested in armed units, lists of officers, their characteristics, the mood of staff.
Broadly speaking officers plan was developed in January 1969, but the three are appointed for "Operation Al-Quds" ("Jerusalem") - 12 and 24 March, and August 13 - for various reasons tolerated [14]. Early in the morning of September 1 units OSOYUS members led by Captain Gaddafi began speaking at the same time in Benghazi, Tripoli and other cities. They quickly took control of key government and military facilities. All entrances to the US bases were previously blocked. King Idris I at that time was being treated in Turkey. Gaddafi recalled: I may play a dominant role in our movement, but it was an hour before the "X". After that I think I was probably one of the rank and file coup. 31st appeared then in Benghazi barracks Gard Yunee. Start speech was scheduled for 2 hours 30 minutes in the morning at the same time across the country, except in the most distant garrisons. All militant group has been tasked to master objects are scheduled for no later than 4 hours and 30 minutes.
Mogareyf and Abdel Fattah had to grab the radio Benghazi and direct operations from there. I had also to broadcast our first communiqué, the prepared in advance and take the necessary countermeasures in the event of possible complications (foreign intervention or attempt to resist in the country).
At the appointed time, taking two soldiers in a jeep, I went to the radio station. Behind me followed in cars "capture team". On the way, some convoy of cars crossed our path. I stopped to see what was happening. It turned out that Harrubi capturing barracks tag and took command there in his hands, he decided to go to police school in order to neutralize it, because there could be organized resistance. We continued to move quietly. And it is not too late. The radio station was captured at 4 o'clock in the morning. From the height of the "" object I looked at the city and saw the port in the direction of Benghazi are columns of trucks loaded with soldiers. I realized that our plan is carried out ...
At 7:00 aired famous "communiqué number 1", begins with the words Gaddafi: Libya's citizens! In response to the deepest aspirations and dreams, your heart overflowed. In response to your incessant demands for change and spiritual renewal, your long struggle in the name of these ideals. Listening to your call for an uprising, military forces loyal you have taken on this task and overthrew the reactionary and corrupt regime, the stench of which causes nausea and shocked us all.
Captain Gaddafi went on to say: "All those who witnessed the sacred struggle our hero Omar al-Mukhtar of Libya, Arabism and Islam! All those who fought on the side of Ahmed al-Sherif in the name of bright ideals ... and all the sons of the desert, and our ancient cities, our green cornfields and beautiful villages - go ahead! ».
One of the first was a report on the establishment of the supreme body of state power - the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC). The monarchy was overthrown. The country received a new name - the Libyan Arab Republic. September 8 IBS has decided on awarding 27-year-old captain of the rank of colonel Gaddafi and appointed him supreme commander of the armed forces of the country. In that position he was for life (until 1979 was the only colonel in the country).
Death of Muammar Gaddafi.
On the morning of October 20, 2011 troops of the National Transitional Council took another assault on Sirte, in which they managed to take the city. If you try to break out of the besieged city, Muammar Gaddafi was captured by the rebels captured.
NATO issued a communiqué with the report, according to which approximately at 08:30 (06:30 GMT) its aircraft (airplanes French Air Force) bombed eleven Gaddafi army military vehicles forming part of a large column (approximately 75 vehicles), which is rapidly moving on the road in the suburb of Sirte. [1] The communique says in particular: "These machines are checked out of Sirte at high speed and tried to clear the way. They were carrying a lot of weapons and ammunition that posed a serious threat to local residents. " After the air strike knocked out one of them, "a group of two dozen vehicles of the Gaddafi regime headed at high speed to the south, continuing to pose a serious danger. (Aircraft), NATO made their aims, destroyed or damaged about a dozen of them. " The communiqué of NATO states, "at the time of the bombing, NATO did not know that Gaddafi was in a convoy. NATO's actions were motivated only by the need to reduce the danger to the civilian population, as required by the mandate of the United Nations ... NATO hunts for individuals ».
Caught up as a result of the capture of Sirte, the ex-chief of internal security, General Mansour Dao, said the following: We have decided to get out after having been surrounded, and the place is no longer safe. We wanted to break into the neighboring district Dzharif. However, when leaving the city, we were subjected to a powerful shot and was again surrounded. All our cars were destroyed. We had to split up into groups. We headed towards the foot Dzharifa. I was with Gaddafi and Defense Minister. With us was a small group of guards. Then I was wounded and I lost consciousness. What happened next, I do not know.
Is until the end of Gaddafi's personal driver Huneysh Nasr said: "The revolutionaries were behind us. He was not scared, but it seems that he did not know what to do. It was the first and last time I saw him in this state ».
According to Abdul Majeed, Gaddafi was wounded in both legs. [5] He was dragged into the drain pipe located under the road where he was found, and then the troops of the National Transitional Council.
The rebels managed to seize the Gaddafi, after which he was immediately surrounded by a crowd, which began to mock him. People shouting "Allahu akbar!" Began shooting in the air and stick guns in the colonel. Last unsuccessfully called on the rebels to think again: "Haram Haram alaikum alaykum ... ... Shame on you! You do not know ?! sin. " Then Gaddafi's face covered in blood led to the car, which was put on the hood.
In addition to Gaddafi, he was captured and his son Mutazzim later killed under unclear circumstances. Also killed was one of the participants in the coup of 1969 and the members of the CMB, the defense minister and commander in chief of the armed forces, Brigadier General Abu Bakr Younis Jaber. According to some reports, Gaddafi tried to remove from Libya to Niger a group of South African mercenaries of 19 people on a specially concluded contracts. NATO aircraft opened fire and stopped the convoy of SUVs, foreigners were given the opportunity to escape.
The later recording the last moments of the life of Gaddafi denied the original official version of the National Transitional Council of Libya, Colonel accidental loss during a firefight. It was clear that he was killed by a mob took him prisoner by the rebels.
Proof of this are provided by the human rights organization Human Rights Watch videos, which show that the head Jamahiriya was captured alive but with serious shrapnel wounds to the head. Videos show that the rebels still alive Gaddafi applied numerous bayonet wounds to the buttocks and sprinkled sand in the wound while maintaining the former leader of the shoulders riddled hands. Abuse lasted from 9 am to 12 pm local time, after which the prisoner as a sign of humiliation was dragged by the feet through the streets of Sirte. At a time when the bloody colonel finally loaded into the car for transportation to the hospital, he had no signs of life.

He was the last child and only son in the family. His grandfather was killed in 1911 by Italian colonists. Remembering his childhood, Gaddafi said: "We are Bedouins, enjoyed the freedom in nature, everything was pristine clean ... Between us and heaven there were no barriers." At 9 years old he went to primary school. Following his father, constantly roam in search of new and more fertile land, Muammar replaced three schools: in Sirte, Misrata and Sabha. The father later recalled: "I had no money to find the son of a corner in Sirte or have his friends. He spent the night in the mosque came to 30 kilometers on weekends to visit us, spent in the wilderness, tents, their holidays. " In his youth, Muammar Gaddafi was an admirer of Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser; He participated in anti-Israel protests during the Suez crisis in 1956. In 1959, in Sabha created the underground organization, one of the activists which becomes Gaddafi. October 5, 1961 the organization held a demonstration against Syria's exit from the United Arab Republic, which ended with a speech near the ancient city walls of the main organizer of the event - Muammar Gaddafi. A few days later, he was expelled from boarding school Sabha. In 1962 he graduated from the history department of the University of Benghazi.

Shkolnik took part in underground political organizations held a demonstration against the anti-colonial Italy. In 1961, Muammar created an underground organization that seeks to overthrow the monarchy in neighboring Egypt. In October of the same year in the city of Sabha began youth demonstration in support of the Algerian revolution. She immediately turned into a mass antimonarhistskoe performance. The organizer and leader of the demonstration was Gaddafi. For this he was arrested and then expelled from the city. To continue his studies had to Misurata. There he enrolled in the local high school, and graduated in 1963.

In 1965, Muammar Gaddafi as a lieutenant graduated from the Military College in Benghazi and started serving in the Army Signal Corps in the military camp Gar Younes, then in 1966 he was trained in the UK and then was promoted to captain. During an internship in the UK Gaddafi lieutenants and Abu Bakr Younis Jaber stood out in the group of Libyan officers strict adherence to Islamic traditions, refused alcohol and pleasure trips. Before the overthrow of the monarchy in Libya, the fall of 1969, he served in the Royal Engineers

Revolution of Al Fateh.
In 1964, under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi on the beach near the village Tolmeyta held I-st Congress of the organization, known as the "Free Officers Unionists Socialists" (OSOYUS) by taking the slogans of the Egyptian revolution in 1952 "Freedom, socialism and unity." In the underground OSOYUS began preparations for a coup. Gaddafi later wrote:
Our political consciousness, of course, started with the national consciousness, in any case, not religious. This is determined by the period in which the formation of our political consciousness ... a period of strengthening of the national struggle, when all around us still blazing in the Arab homeland in the west - the Algerian revolution in the east - a revolution July 23 (ie in Egypt), and then the battle in 1958 year in Lebanon, the union of Egypt and Syria, the Palestinian problem, the revolution in Yemen, 14 July Revolution (ie Iraq). This special significance for the initial formation of our national consciousness was the first Arab unity Implemented when united Egypt and Syria. These are the origins or ideological and political conditions that led to the fact that our consciousness and our revolutionary aspirations were national.

One of the officers Rifi Ali Sheriff then remembered about the behavior of the young conspirators in the military college, I only kept in touch personally with Gaddafi and my platoon commander Bashir Havvadi. Command watched our every move. We had to report to, where we go, whom to meet. For example, I asked this question a hundred times. Of course, I did not fulfill the requirements of the authorities, but Gaddafi was aware of my work and found a way to guide my work illegally. At the sight and he was Gaddafi due to its popularity among students. But he knew how to control himself, to behave impeccably, which delighted us. The authorities found it "light head", "an inveterate dreamer" and so easy on him and seriously nothing had suspected. Gaddafi was enough once to see the new member of the organization, and he almost infallibly defined it possible to memorize it, even though he did not know that at the head of the movement is Muammar, sociable, thoughtful student. Each military camp we had at least two officers of informants. We were interested in armed units, lists of officers, their characteristics, the mood of staff.

Broadly speaking officers plan was developed in January 1969, but the three are appointed for "Operation Al-Quds" ("Jerusalem") - 12 and 24 March, and August 13 - for various reasons tolerated [14]. Early in the morning of September 1 units OSOYUS members led by Captain Gaddafi began speaking at the same time in Benghazi, Tripoli and other cities. They quickly took control of key government and military facilities. All entrances to the US bases were previously blocked. King Idris I at that time was being treated in Turkey. Gaddafi recalled: I may play a dominant role in our movement, but it was an hour before the "X". After that I think I was probably one of the rank and file coup. 31st appeared then in Benghazi barracks Gard Yunee. Start speech was scheduled for 2 hours 30 minutes in the morning at the same time across the country, except in the most distant garrisons. All militant group has been tasked to master objects are scheduled for no later than 4 hours and 30 minutes.
Mogareyf and Abdel Fattah had to grab the radio Benghazi and direct operations from there. I had also to broadcast our first communiqué, the prepared in advance and take the necessary countermeasures in the event of possible complications (foreign intervention or attempt to resist in the country).
At the appointed time, taking two soldiers in a jeep, I went to the radio station. Behind me followed in cars "capture team". On the way, some convoy of cars crossed our path. I stopped to see what was happening. It turned out that Harrubi capturing barracks tag and took command there in his hands, he decided to go to police school in order to neutralize it, because there could be organized resistance. We continued to move quietly. And it is not too late. The radio station was captured at 4 o'clock in the morning. From the height of the "" object I looked at the city and saw the port in the direction of Benghazi are columns of trucks loaded with soldiers. I realized that our plan is carried out ...

At 7:00 aired famous "communiqué number 1", begins with the words Gaddafi: Libya's citizens! In response to the deepest aspirations and dreams, your heart overflowed. In response to your incessant demands for change and spiritual renewal, your long struggle in the name of these ideals. Listening to your call for an uprising, military forces loyal you have taken on this task and overthrew the reactionary and corrupt regime, the stench of which causes nausea and shocked us all.
Captain Gaddafi went on to say: "All those who witnessed the sacred struggle our hero Omar al-Mukhtar of Libya, Arabism and Islam! All those who fought on the side of Ahmed al-Sherif in the name of bright ideals ... and all the sons of the desert, and our ancient cities, our green cornfields and beautiful villages - go ahead! ».
One of the first was a report on the establishment of the supreme body of state power - the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC). The monarchy was overthrown. The country received a new name - the Libyan Arab Republic. September 8 IBS has decided on awarding 27-year-old captain of the rank of colonel Gaddafi and appointed him supreme commander of the armed forces of the country. In that position he was for life (until 1979 was the only colonel in the country).

Death of Muammar Gaddafi.
On the morning of October 20, 2011 troops of the National Transitional Council took another assault on Sirte, in which they managed to take the city. If you try to break out of the besieged city, Muammar Gaddafi was captured by the rebels captured.
NATO issued a communiqué with the report, according to which approximately at 08:30 (06:30 GMT) its aircraft (airplanes French Air Force) bombed eleven Gaddafi army military vehicles forming part of a large column (approximately 75 vehicles), which is rapidly moving on the road in the suburb of Sirte. [1] The communique says in particular: "These machines are checked out of Sirte at high speed and tried to clear the way. They were carrying a lot of weapons and ammunition that posed a serious threat to local residents. " After the air strike knocked out one of them, "a group of two dozen vehicles of the Gaddafi regime headed at high speed to the south, continuing to pose a serious danger. (Aircraft), NATO made their aims, destroyed or damaged about a dozen of them. " The communiqué of NATO states, "at the time of the bombing, NATO did not know that Gaddafi was in a convoy. NATO's actions were motivated only by the need to reduce the danger to the civilian population, as required by the mandate of the United Nations ... NATO hunts for individuals ».
Caught up as a result of the capture of Sirte, the ex-chief of internal security, General Mansour Dao, said the following: We have decided to get out after having been surrounded, and the place is no longer safe. We wanted to break into the neighboring district Dzharif. However, when leaving the city, we were subjected to a powerful shot and was again surrounded. All our cars were destroyed. We had to split up into groups. We headed towards the foot Dzharifa. I was with Gaddafi and Defense Minister. With us was a small group of guards. Then I was wounded and I lost consciousness. What happened next, I do not know.

Is until the end of Gaddafi's personal driver Huneysh Nasr said: "The revolutionaries were behind us. He was not scared, but it seems that he did not know what to do. It was the first and last time I saw him in this state ».
According to Abdul Majeed, Gaddafi was wounded in both legs. [5] He was dragged into the drain pipe located under the road where he was found, and then the troops of the National Transitional Council.
The rebels managed to seize the Gaddafi, after which he was immediately surrounded by a crowd, which began to mock him. People shouting "Allahu akbar!" Began shooting in the air and stick guns in the colonel. Last unsuccessfully called on the rebels to think again: "Haram Haram alaikum alaykum ... ... Shame on you! You do not know ?! sin. " Then Gaddafi's face covered in blood led to the car, which was put on the hood.
In addition to Gaddafi, he was captured and his son Mutazzim later killed under unclear circumstances. Also killed was one of the participants in the coup of 1969 and the members of the CMB, the defense minister and commander in chief of the armed forces, Brigadier General Abu Bakr Younis Jaber. According to some reports, Gaddafi tried to remove from Libya to Niger a group of South African mercenaries of 19 people on a specially concluded contracts. NATO aircraft opened fire and stopped the convoy of SUVs, foreigners were given the opportunity to escape.
The later recording the last moments of the life of Gaddafi denied the original official version of the National Transitional Council of Libya, Colonel accidental loss during a firefight. It was clear that he was killed by a mob took him prisoner by the rebels.
Proof of this are provided by the human rights organization Human Rights Watch videos, which show that the head Jamahiriya was captured alive but with serious shrapnel wounds to the head. Videos show that the rebels still alive Gaddafi applied numerous bayonet wounds to the buttocks and sprinkled sand in the wound while maintaining the former leader of the shoulders riddled hands. Abuse lasted from 9 am to 12 pm local time, after which the prisoner as a sign of humiliation was dragged by the feet through the streets of Sirte. At a time when the bloody colonel finally loaded into the car for transportation to the hospital, he had no signs of life.