Secrets biography Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin
Secrets biography Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin.
As Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, "Lenin saw" why him panting Minister Kozyrev and why the American College of spitting in his direction.
From Lenin to the Crimea
Looking at public appearances Vitali Churkin to the UN Security Council, concise and at the same time colorful, listening to the theater he gives resistance to foreign colleagues were pressing for Russia, and I want to say, "Well, the actor!" And he really He began his career as an artist.
At age 11, he starred in his first film about Lenin - "Blue book" Leo Kulidzhanov where Vitaly played the role of the son of the owner of the hut in Razliv. A year later, it was a picture of "zero three" (about an emergency room physician) also with his participation. A year later - "Mother's Heart" by Mark Donskoy of Vladimir Ulyanov. So, probably, and he led his cinematic path, but in 1965 the Moscow school №56, where he studied the young actor moved to an in-depth study of the English language.
- He really wanted to finish it was an English school, so his parents hired a tutor this Englishwoman - told the "interlocutor" in the gymnasium №1522 (now the school is a number). With the additional burden the guy was not up to the movie.
- He was an excellent student - says class teacher Churkin Zoe Matyushina - Komsomol School. Moscow Champion Junior Norwegian skating (trained at the stadium Young Pioneers). He played in the school theater. And this, again, was an excellent student.
- Up to three o'clock in the morning in his window was a light - remembered his classmate Elena Grachev, who lived in the house opposite. - We even asked him the next morning: "What, do not you sleep?»
- On the street walk, too, - he assured Matyushina. - I have a window in the winter filled hill and there in the evening the whole class going. Vitali was in fact very mobile, was friends with all - and with good guys and complex. With girls? Do not forget how at the prom, he went to one and said so timidly: "Let's dance ..." Every happened. In Crimea we went. In 7th grade, I for the first time in the history of the school has arranged a tour visiting children during spring break it there: visited the excavations in Chersonesos, went to the museum in Yalta ... By the way, my friends, Ukrainians were asked to pass Vitaly thank you for the position of Russia in the Crimea. In Ukraine, it is supported by many Ukrainians by nationality.
In the photo: "Churkin Lenin»
From Kozyrev to Power
And after school, Vitaly Churkin, the actor chose the diplomatic stage. Movies made him relaxed and confident. Komsomol taught to speak publicly, and tutor - do it with a beautiful British accent. Examinations at MGIMO, he passed without any problems, and the Institute for its English and French added another as the exotic Mongolian. And actually MGIMO graduate and Churkin also graduated with honors.
Then there was the post of assistant translator at the Foreign Ministry. Then - a place of the third secretary of the Soviet embassy in the United States. Then - the second secretary of the same. Then - first. And when, in September 1983, a Soviet fighter shot down a South Korean passenger jet, just Churkin became the sole representative of the embassy, under the hooting of the press who came out to journalists and several lower heat. Speaking before the cameras, he has never been shy.
It was he who, in 1992, becoming deputy known for his sympathy for the West Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev, introduced the practice of regular briefings for the media. And he expounded not only the position of the Foreign Ministry, but also his own. As Yeltsin's special representative in the Balkans, Churkin said that Milosevic's victory in the elections in Serbia, Moscow does not consider it "a tragedy" that the NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia would threaten Russia's security, saying things for which Kozyrev then had to justify to the State Department. But Churkin they were fellow students at MGIMO. One school - and these different views.
Those geopolitical position, Vitaly Churkin, and adheres to the UN, which represents Russia in 2006 (before that, he had worked in Belgium and Canada). Even the personification of the enemy has changed. The current US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power began his career in Bosnia, where she worked as a journalist, however, it is covered there the civil war completely from other positions. So now these two bring to the meetings of the Security Council not only state, but also a personal score.
Power meets with participants Pussy Riot, and Churkin wonders:
- How is she still has not joined this group?
Churkin says provocation maydanovskih snipers and Power says that his imagination "would envy Tolstoy and Chekhov».
Power requires Churkin's not forget that Russia is "not a winner and the loser," and he asks her to go away and not "spit" ... In this diplomatic "Santa Barbara" sympathy Russians clearly on the side Churkin. After all, he and stage experience richer, and in general - our people.
Photo: Churkin introduced the practice of regular briefings for media representatives
From family to Qatar
In his personal life Vitaly Churkin also not without "Santa Barbara." Recently CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour accused his daughter Anastasia, a reporter for the Russian TV channel Russia Today, that she "did a report on the activities of his father," that is, they can not be considered objective. In response to that Churkin sent Amanpour letter with the words: "I would not have you to write now, if you are not directed their attack on my daughter ... I'm very proud of it - not only because it is a good journalist, but also because, that it strictly observes professional distance between us. In this regard, I remembered that you are married State Department spokesman. What happened to your professional reputation during courtship? Do not bother to answer. In fact, I'm not interested ».
Vitaly Churkin, and really does not like to mix work and personal life. His daughter Nastya, for example, probably for the same reason to tell something "companion" of the father did not. Like her younger brother Max, who vsledza father and sister also graduated from the MGIMO. Judging by the record on his page in the social network, he lives in Moscow, but the occupation somehow kept secret.
The wife of a diplomat Irina almost five years younger than the husband (he Churkin - 52-year). Leads household. According to various rumors, she is from a family of diplomats whether, or the military. She graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages Maurice Thorez. As the familiar saying, "beautiful, interesting, dear."
Himself Russia's ambassador to the UN in this cute looks are not always. Known bike as he responded to the sharp attacks on the Prime Minister of Qatar, during the discussion of the situation around Syria: "If you talk to me that way, even today no longer such a thing as Qatar." Churkin, however, categorically asserts that it was not, "I always try to be polite - even in the face of provocation».
- You are a guest in the Security Council - in fact, he had said. - So please be respectful. Anyway, I'm not referring to you. I speak on behalf of the Great Russia, and only with great.
Photo: Diplomat with his wife, son and mother (now deceased)
As Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, "Lenin saw" why him panting Minister Kozyrev and why the American College of spitting in his direction.

From Lenin to the Crimea
Looking at public appearances Vitali Churkin to the UN Security Council, concise and at the same time colorful, listening to the theater he gives resistance to foreign colleagues were pressing for Russia, and I want to say, "Well, the actor!" And he really He began his career as an artist.
At age 11, he starred in his first film about Lenin - "Blue book" Leo Kulidzhanov where Vitaly played the role of the son of the owner of the hut in Razliv. A year later, it was a picture of "zero three" (about an emergency room physician) also with his participation. A year later - "Mother's Heart" by Mark Donskoy of Vladimir Ulyanov. So, probably, and he led his cinematic path, but in 1965 the Moscow school №56, where he studied the young actor moved to an in-depth study of the English language.
- He really wanted to finish it was an English school, so his parents hired a tutor this Englishwoman - told the "interlocutor" in the gymnasium №1522 (now the school is a number). With the additional burden the guy was not up to the movie.
- He was an excellent student - says class teacher Churkin Zoe Matyushina - Komsomol School. Moscow Champion Junior Norwegian skating (trained at the stadium Young Pioneers). He played in the school theater. And this, again, was an excellent student.
- Up to three o'clock in the morning in his window was a light - remembered his classmate Elena Grachev, who lived in the house opposite. - We even asked him the next morning: "What, do not you sleep?»
- On the street walk, too, - he assured Matyushina. - I have a window in the winter filled hill and there in the evening the whole class going. Vitali was in fact very mobile, was friends with all - and with good guys and complex. With girls? Do not forget how at the prom, he went to one and said so timidly: "Let's dance ..." Every happened. In Crimea we went. In 7th grade, I for the first time in the history of the school has arranged a tour visiting children during spring break it there: visited the excavations in Chersonesos, went to the museum in Yalta ... By the way, my friends, Ukrainians were asked to pass Vitaly thank you for the position of Russia in the Crimea. In Ukraine, it is supported by many Ukrainians by nationality.
In the photo: "Churkin Lenin»

From Kozyrev to Power
And after school, Vitaly Churkin, the actor chose the diplomatic stage. Movies made him relaxed and confident. Komsomol taught to speak publicly, and tutor - do it with a beautiful British accent. Examinations at MGIMO, he passed without any problems, and the Institute for its English and French added another as the exotic Mongolian. And actually MGIMO graduate and Churkin also graduated with honors.
Then there was the post of assistant translator at the Foreign Ministry. Then - a place of the third secretary of the Soviet embassy in the United States. Then - the second secretary of the same. Then - first. And when, in September 1983, a Soviet fighter shot down a South Korean passenger jet, just Churkin became the sole representative of the embassy, under the hooting of the press who came out to journalists and several lower heat. Speaking before the cameras, he has never been shy.
It was he who, in 1992, becoming deputy known for his sympathy for the West Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev, introduced the practice of regular briefings for the media. And he expounded not only the position of the Foreign Ministry, but also his own. As Yeltsin's special representative in the Balkans, Churkin said that Milosevic's victory in the elections in Serbia, Moscow does not consider it "a tragedy" that the NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia would threaten Russia's security, saying things for which Kozyrev then had to justify to the State Department. But Churkin they were fellow students at MGIMO. One school - and these different views.
Those geopolitical position, Vitaly Churkin, and adheres to the UN, which represents Russia in 2006 (before that, he had worked in Belgium and Canada). Even the personification of the enemy has changed. The current US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power began his career in Bosnia, where she worked as a journalist, however, it is covered there the civil war completely from other positions. So now these two bring to the meetings of the Security Council not only state, but also a personal score.
Power meets with participants Pussy Riot, and Churkin wonders:
- How is she still has not joined this group?
Churkin says provocation maydanovskih snipers and Power says that his imagination "would envy Tolstoy and Chekhov».
Power requires Churkin's not forget that Russia is "not a winner and the loser," and he asks her to go away and not "spit" ... In this diplomatic "Santa Barbara" sympathy Russians clearly on the side Churkin. After all, he and stage experience richer, and in general - our people.
Photo: Churkin introduced the practice of regular briefings for media representatives

From family to Qatar
In his personal life Vitaly Churkin also not without "Santa Barbara." Recently CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour accused his daughter Anastasia, a reporter for the Russian TV channel Russia Today, that she "did a report on the activities of his father," that is, they can not be considered objective. In response to that Churkin sent Amanpour letter with the words: "I would not have you to write now, if you are not directed their attack on my daughter ... I'm very proud of it - not only because it is a good journalist, but also because, that it strictly observes professional distance between us. In this regard, I remembered that you are married State Department spokesman. What happened to your professional reputation during courtship? Do not bother to answer. In fact, I'm not interested ».
Vitaly Churkin, and really does not like to mix work and personal life. His daughter Nastya, for example, probably for the same reason to tell something "companion" of the father did not. Like her younger brother Max, who vsledza father and sister also graduated from the MGIMO. Judging by the record on his page in the social network, he lives in Moscow, but the occupation somehow kept secret.
The wife of a diplomat Irina almost five years younger than the husband (he Churkin - 52-year). Leads household. According to various rumors, she is from a family of diplomats whether, or the military. She graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages Maurice Thorez. As the familiar saying, "beautiful, interesting, dear."
Himself Russia's ambassador to the UN in this cute looks are not always. Known bike as he responded to the sharp attacks on the Prime Minister of Qatar, during the discussion of the situation around Syria: "If you talk to me that way, even today no longer such a thing as Qatar." Churkin, however, categorically asserts that it was not, "I always try to be polite - even in the face of provocation».
- You are a guest in the Security Council - in fact, he had said. - So please be respectful. Anyway, I'm not referring to you. I speak on behalf of the Great Russia, and only with great.
Photo: Diplomat with his wife, son and mother (now deceased)
