How to make a nonsense of any topic for a dissertation
Show an example of proverbs and sayings:
1. "The binary nature of the statements of the individual, the loss of social activity" (Grandmother two told);
2. "The problems of transportation of liquids in vessels with variable structure density" (to carry water in a sieve);
3. "Optimization of the dynamics of the draft power vehicles, conjugate with the elimination of destructive initially transport unit" (Baba cart - the mare is easier);
4. "Non-standard methods of treatment of scoliosis by sending funeral services" (leopard change his spots);
5. "Problems of very fine oxide diatomic hydrogen mechanically" (tread water);
6. "The positive impact of lower IQ on the increase in the aggregate problems in the implementation of employment" (Job Fool likes);
7. "Solipsism poultry in relation to non-ruminant mammals of the order Artiodactyla" (Goose pigs do not mate);
8. "The characteristic external signs as a pretext for the usurpation of the most favorable social status in the market" (with a pig snout yes in Kalashny number);
9. "anthropomorphic approach to creating wedding cells" (To the bride and mare);
10. "The syndrome of non-legitimization, based on the absence of the ability to quickly identify the person" (I was not me, and not my horse);
11. "Influence of seasonal weather conditions on process accounting feathered" (chickens before they are hatched);
12. "ambivalent nature of neural impulses emitted by the cerebral cortex" (And you want, and pricked);
13. "The patterns of correlation lengths horny with the amount of gray matter in the skull" (The hair is long, but the mind is short);
14. "Variation of the legal act, shall prevail over the currency means" (bargain is a bargain);
15. "No use of standard elements of residential architecture while denying climax manifestations contemplative tactile emotions" (Love is not a potato, do not throw out the window);
16. "Neutrality flavor characteristics of cruciferous plants in relation to vegetable crops in central Russia" (Horseradish radish is not sweeter);
17. "Antitezisnye properties mentally retarded subjects in the context of the implementation of government regulations" (fool law does not apply);
18. "The lack of progress, regress in the metabolism of the body when the ratio of fats and carbohydrates in the traditional dishes of sedentary peoples" (Porridge oil will not spoil);
19. "Place nasekomovidnyh in hierarchical systems of pyramidal type" (every cricket stick to his last);
20. "The pattern of increasing personal value of the subject after receiving a traumatic experience" (for a broken two unbeaten give).