23 ancient words

We are all part of one big language family. Languages spoken by billions of people all over Europe and Asia, from English to Urdu, Japanese and Itelmen, descended from one language, spoken in southern Europe at the end of the Ice Age. The ancient language spoken by at least 15 000 years ago, marked the beginning of the seven other languages, which formed the ancient Eurasian "superfamily" of which there were other languages. Many words are developing too fast to keep their ancestry. Most words have about 50 percent the likelihood that they will be replaced every new 2000 - 4000 years. But some stay for much longer. A team of scientists led by evolutionary biologist Mark Pagel (Mark Pagel) from the University of Reading in Britain found that certain words, mostly commonly used pronouns, numerals and adverbs, still standing after thousands let.

Experts have used a computer model to find out what words were changed so rare that they sound the same on different Euro-Asian languages. Linguists vydelili23 words that are found in at least 4 Euro-Asian languages, including the pronouns "I", "we" and the noun "man", "mother". There were also unexpected results, such as the verbs "do not care" and the noun "barking" and "worm." All these words called "ultra stable", as they have remained virtually unchanged over the past 15,000 let.

They are present in such language families as Indo-European, Altaic (modern Turkish, Uzbek, Mongolian), Chukchi-Kamchatka (languages of northeastern Siberia), Dravidian (Languages southern India), Eskimo, Kartvelian (Georgian and similar languages) and Ural (Finnish, Hungarian, and others). Here are 23 ancient word "superstable" words that were since the last Ice Age: 88,944,877
"You", "I", "no", "one", "we", "to", "one", "the", "what", "man", "you", "old", "mother "," hear "," hand "," fire "," pull "," black "," flow "," barking "," ash "," worm "," do not care ". The most ancient languages of Sumerian language - 2900 BC Egypt - 2700 years BC Akkadian - 2400 years BC Eblaitsky - 2400 years BC Elamite - 2300 BC Hurrian - 21 century before n.e.

Hittite - 1650 BC Luwian - 1400 BC Hutt - 1400 BC Grecheskiy- 1400 years BC Ugaritic -1300 BC
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/23-samyh-drevnih-slov-chelovechestva.html