For those who are gnawing nostalgia
< Yuri Nesterenko
Oh, what was the power!
Ah, what the people were in it!
How solemn and stately
Anthem floated over the world!
Oh, how were open face,
How full of light views!
How beautiful was the capital!
How majestic parades!
Passing triumphal march,
Flawlessly beautiful Story,
Youth swore senior,
Battle-hardened heroes - not hardhead and swindlers
Gets in our idol ...
For people living in - the idea!
The thirst to be in the forefront of the world!
What was so evil
The fact that we are firmly understood,
That "comrade" - not just a word,
And it sounds proudly word?
In what should be one people,
Firmly welded by a common faith,
What advantages - no income,
A different measure measured?
In that vulgarity needful
Do not drown in the mud art?
What the boys lured the sky?
That the girls were feeling?
Ah, now how all the drywall,
Worse, below, and even more rarely:
Let the melody of the anthem - the same,
But the rush and the idea - where?
And just unbearable grief
In the impossibility of reconciliations
Not with the loss of territory,
But with the loss of generations!
Oddly pyzhatsya these faces,
Is the place when they hope?
Oh, how it is unlike
At the country that we knew before!
What was young, winged,
Forces multiply year after year,
Where people respected soldier
And the proud people of soldiers.
Tu, where light was given,
Tu, where were clean expanses ...
And what a movie filmed
Our best directors!
And what songs rang!
Like them straightens his shoulders!
As we walked under them together
In the early morning dawn to meet!
These songs - the main thing in life:
On freedom, dreams, flight,
Oh dear love for the fatherland,
About work that always held in high esteem,
And the girls that flowers
Bloom under the sun in May,
And waiting for us at home mom,
And on the edge of her childhood friend,
And honor, and about the bravery,
And on the right, a reliable friend ...
And Alel over US flag
With a black swastika in a white circle.
Oh, what was the power!
Ah, what the people were in it!
How solemn and stately
Anthem floated over the world!
Oh, how were open face,
How full of light views!
How beautiful was the capital!
How majestic parades!

Passing triumphal march,
Flawlessly beautiful Story,
Youth swore senior,
Battle-hardened heroes - not hardhead and swindlers
Gets in our idol ...
For people living in - the idea!
The thirst to be in the forefront of the world!

What was so evil
The fact that we are firmly understood,
That "comrade" - not just a word,
And it sounds proudly word?
In what should be one people,
Firmly welded by a common faith,
What advantages - no income,
A different measure measured?
In that vulgarity needful
Do not drown in the mud art?
What the boys lured the sky?
That the girls were feeling?

Ah, now how all the drywall,
Worse, below, and even more rarely:
Let the melody of the anthem - the same,
But the rush and the idea - where?
And just unbearable grief
In the impossibility of reconciliations
Not with the loss of territory,
But with the loss of generations!
Oddly pyzhatsya these faces,
Is the place when they hope?
Oh, how it is unlike
At the country that we knew before!

What was young, winged,
Forces multiply year after year,
Where people respected soldier
And the proud people of soldiers.
Tu, where light was given,
Tu, where were clean expanses ...
And what a movie filmed
Our best directors!
And what songs rang!
Like them straightens his shoulders!
As we walked under them together
In the early morning dawn to meet!

These songs - the main thing in life:
On freedom, dreams, flight,
Oh dear love for the fatherland,
About work that always held in high esteem,
And the girls that flowers
Bloom under the sun in May,
And waiting for us at home mom,
And on the edge of her childhood friend,
And honor, and about the bravery,
And on the right, a reliable friend ...
And Alel over US flag
With a black swastika in a white circle.