Adoptions FASCISM
< Alex Halapsis
Russia is not defeated fascism in 1945. She adopted him. ©
Demagogy about "the protection of compatriots", "restoration of historical justice," etc., which recently became one of the pillars of Russian foreign policy, instinctively adjusts to the historical parallels.
However, the fact that Putin behaves as Adolf Hitler, and the State Duma - as the Reichstag - it's half the problem. One could say that, say, Russian politicians live in their own world and is said to Angela Merkel, detached from reality. But Russian society, in the mass, in no way inferior to their same leaders.
Almost all Russians hate anyone or anything. Some people do not like Jews, others - the Chinese; in connection with certain events, the authorities planted a dislike to the Georgians, and later - to Estonians. On universal fierce hatred of the Americans ("Pindos", local slang), I generally keep quiet. Population is constantly instills the idea that the country is surrounded with enemies and the world - apart from a few satellites - viciously sharpening his knife against "pure Russian soul." I will not now talk about "Russian march", the number of fatalities and injuries in Russia on the basis of ethnic and religious hatred, - these facts are well known and quite eloquent; ziguyuschie "patriots" no one is surprised.
Nevertheless, with a persistence worthy of a better, Russians diligently seek out the real (and often - imaginary) signs Ukrainian "fascism", completely ignoring these trends in their own society. The parable of the speck and the log itself comes to mind.
Is so great "fascist threat" in Ukraine? The statements of some political clowns really present fascist (and Nazi) elements. What is there to say? In each country lacks Fools and provocateurs; Ukraine - is no exception. You can pick someone's long phrases and argue about the context in which they were said and what is meant. Nevertheless, the history of the independence of our country there have been no mass ethnic clashes (like, eg, collision (December 2010) at the Manege Square in Moscow, or the pogroms in Biryulyovo in October 2013).
In Ukraine there is still fascism, how to fight it? Our good friends offer different recipes. One promises "Khokhlov-fascists" burn; Well, the method is known and proven ... Another calmly states that "we (Ukrainian and Russian) - different, and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, we will possibly destroy one another. " Also understandable, because if different - there is no way of extermination. In the words of a famous classic of anti-fascism: «Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!». Someone offends "banderlozhya mova", someone said "ukrov" "inferior" nation, not able to decide their fate. And so on and so forth ... And it's all just examples of the comments on my blog! Truly, "anti-fascism" on the march ...
If these were isolated cases, could be reduced to the inadequacy of all individuals, but the number of such examples indicate the seriousness of the problem. In this regard, I have two questions arise:
1. Is the modern Russian fascism is sick?
2. What are the treatments for this disease?
P.S. I do not claim that all Russians are affected by this disease, many of them find the strength to resist it. It is in front of them take my hat ...
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Russia is not defeated fascism in 1945. She adopted him. ©
Demagogy about "the protection of compatriots", "restoration of historical justice," etc., which recently became one of the pillars of Russian foreign policy, instinctively adjusts to the historical parallels.

However, the fact that Putin behaves as Adolf Hitler, and the State Duma - as the Reichstag - it's half the problem. One could say that, say, Russian politicians live in their own world and is said to Angela Merkel, detached from reality. But Russian society, in the mass, in no way inferior to their same leaders.
Almost all Russians hate anyone or anything. Some people do not like Jews, others - the Chinese; in connection with certain events, the authorities planted a dislike to the Georgians, and later - to Estonians. On universal fierce hatred of the Americans ("Pindos", local slang), I generally keep quiet. Population is constantly instills the idea that the country is surrounded with enemies and the world - apart from a few satellites - viciously sharpening his knife against "pure Russian soul." I will not now talk about "Russian march", the number of fatalities and injuries in Russia on the basis of ethnic and religious hatred, - these facts are well known and quite eloquent; ziguyuschie "patriots" no one is surprised.
Nevertheless, with a persistence worthy of a better, Russians diligently seek out the real (and often - imaginary) signs Ukrainian "fascism", completely ignoring these trends in their own society. The parable of the speck and the log itself comes to mind.
Is so great "fascist threat" in Ukraine? The statements of some political clowns really present fascist (and Nazi) elements. What is there to say? In each country lacks Fools and provocateurs; Ukraine - is no exception. You can pick someone's long phrases and argue about the context in which they were said and what is meant. Nevertheless, the history of the independence of our country there have been no mass ethnic clashes (like, eg, collision (December 2010) at the Manege Square in Moscow, or the pogroms in Biryulyovo in October 2013).
In Ukraine there is still fascism, how to fight it? Our good friends offer different recipes. One promises "Khokhlov-fascists" burn; Well, the method is known and proven ... Another calmly states that "we (Ukrainian and Russian) - different, and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, we will possibly destroy one another. " Also understandable, because if different - there is no way of extermination. In the words of a famous classic of anti-fascism: «Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!». Someone offends "banderlozhya mova", someone said "ukrov" "inferior" nation, not able to decide their fate. And so on and so forth ... And it's all just examples of the comments on my blog! Truly, "anti-fascism" on the march ...
If these were isolated cases, could be reduced to the inadequacy of all individuals, but the number of such examples indicate the seriousness of the problem. In this regard, I have two questions arise:
1. Is the modern Russian fascism is sick?
2. What are the treatments for this disease?
P.S. I do not claim that all Russians are affected by this disease, many of them find the strength to resist it. It is in front of them take my hat ...
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