Most fair trial in the world. History with Shenderovich
April 9, 2014, 10:05
Mitrich, textbook dweller "Rookery", today would be dissected in Moscow with flashing lights as the author of columnar state concept.
Yes, it is: "As you wish, and do»!
Weak on the head man. That I do not mean the Duma plaintiff Vasilyev povolokshego me to court for his sudden damage dignity, God forbid - I'm talking about myself, the defendant, a great sinner ...
Accidentally found out about the lawsuit, still only about guessing about its content - and firmly knowing only the court date (scheduled for the day when I'm not in Russia), I exchanged letters from America with a lawyer familiar with the question, and what to do now? < br />
The lawyer replied, yes nothing, actually. Agenda of the defendant (me) is not signed, "proper notice" was not in sight, and no court in these circumstances can not be, because it can never be.
Well, I decided: doputeshestvuyu quietly, and then, with a fresh mind, I will take the next dose at the chest birthmark idiocy.
I remembered that five years ago, when I was called to account by Comrade Vasilyev thesis work and mentality, MP Abeltsev (since known as the "animal Jehu"), the judge adjournments and waiting for the proper notice to appear on both sides. It was mezheumochnoe Medvedev's time, and a Russian court sometimes glancing toward the law ...
Since then, however, the semi-liberal misunderstanding named Dmitry Anatolyevich dissolved into nothingness nomenclature, and the country has come full glacial clarity: in power again (and, it seems, for life) Putin regime - the authoritarian rhetoric - patriotic, population is divided into "Gratitude" and "national traitors", and small interfering type of the Constitution and the law in general - the triumph of the winners do not prevent more trouble.
All that I had to figure out, but that's the same - not realized. There, in the "Stirlitz"? - The heady air of freedom played a cruel joke with the professor ...
The professor, however, the two of us - not me, but just this fearless Vasiliev. Fearless - because ordinary people with hateful biography huddled to the slot and tried once again to remind yourself not to people - and the governing United Russia, the whole of God's dew, proudly looming on the surface and gives a loud claim for defamation, just the same forcing us to peer into the forgotten pages!
Contemplate certainly once a man insists.
So: Do roguish party that came to power through rigged elections? Consider whether the villain politician who heads the Duma faction of the party and catch on forgery? How much is the honor of United Russia, perekatal stranger diser and vravshego us in the face of a successful operation to free the hostages 'Nord-Ost'? All this is very, very interesting questions, and thank you Vasilyev that recalled and all Ukraine Ukraine yes ...
I am pleased to take part in the consideration of these issues on the merits at the hearing - when I was finally invited to such a meeting provided for in a legitimate way.
Private humanitarian request - not handing over the agenda, addressed to me, my mother-born in 1927. Although it would be rid of communicating with your team ohrenevshy.
A useless scrap of paper, made on April 4 Transfiguration in court in Moscow, recommend - all ruling faction, with the participation of representatives of local justice - by the drive as soon as possible to Strasbourg once again to amaze everyone with his rhinoceros looking at the world.
I click on the link in the text - www.echo.msk.ru/news/1295536-echo.html - and what I see?
Preobrazhensky Court in Moscow decided to collect from Viktor Shenderovich 1 million rubles in favor of the head of the faction "UNITED RUSSIA" in the State Duma Vladimir Vasiliev
April 7, 2014 | 22:32
In early April Shenderovitch published a post on the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Thereafter Vasiliev accused the journalist of incorrect comparison of modern Russia with Nazi Germany 30s, and demanded an apology. Shenderovich did not apologize. After that, the journalist published the new text titled "Anti-fascists with bananas," which referred to Basil. This publication and was the reason for the lawsuit.
Is that - is already decided? As it is, when the Court - as I understand - was not yet !!!
Is that the "Echo of Moscow" - already pre-review of the decision of the court - issued? Ahead of time, so to speak? I agree that most likely it will be so, but in a strange way, agree?
ps Absolutely brilliant idea was found in the comments - www.echo.msk.ru/blog/shenderovich/1296506-echo/#cmnt-25133646
If all the same judgment on the penalty will legitimately suggest to collect him out of circulation penny, as a sign that it is worth their conscience.
April 9, 2014, 10:05
Mitrich, textbook dweller "Rookery", today would be dissected in Moscow with flashing lights as the author of columnar state concept.
Yes, it is: "As you wish, and do»!
Weak on the head man. That I do not mean the Duma plaintiff Vasilyev povolokshego me to court for his sudden damage dignity, God forbid - I'm talking about myself, the defendant, a great sinner ...
Accidentally found out about the lawsuit, still only about guessing about its content - and firmly knowing only the court date (scheduled for the day when I'm not in Russia), I exchanged letters from America with a lawyer familiar with the question, and what to do now? < br />
The lawyer replied, yes nothing, actually. Agenda of the defendant (me) is not signed, "proper notice" was not in sight, and no court in these circumstances can not be, because it can never be.
Well, I decided: doputeshestvuyu quietly, and then, with a fresh mind, I will take the next dose at the chest birthmark idiocy.
I remembered that five years ago, when I was called to account by Comrade Vasilyev thesis work and mentality, MP Abeltsev (since known as the "animal Jehu"), the judge adjournments and waiting for the proper notice to appear on both sides. It was mezheumochnoe Medvedev's time, and a Russian court sometimes glancing toward the law ...
Since then, however, the semi-liberal misunderstanding named Dmitry Anatolyevich dissolved into nothingness nomenclature, and the country has come full glacial clarity: in power again (and, it seems, for life) Putin regime - the authoritarian rhetoric - patriotic, population is divided into "Gratitude" and "national traitors", and small interfering type of the Constitution and the law in general - the triumph of the winners do not prevent more trouble.
All that I had to figure out, but that's the same - not realized. There, in the "Stirlitz"? - The heady air of freedom played a cruel joke with the professor ...
The professor, however, the two of us - not me, but just this fearless Vasiliev. Fearless - because ordinary people with hateful biography huddled to the slot and tried once again to remind yourself not to people - and the governing United Russia, the whole of God's dew, proudly looming on the surface and gives a loud claim for defamation, just the same forcing us to peer into the forgotten pages!
Contemplate certainly once a man insists.
So: Do roguish party that came to power through rigged elections? Consider whether the villain politician who heads the Duma faction of the party and catch on forgery? How much is the honor of United Russia, perekatal stranger diser and vravshego us in the face of a successful operation to free the hostages 'Nord-Ost'? All this is very, very interesting questions, and thank you Vasilyev that recalled and all Ukraine Ukraine yes ...
I am pleased to take part in the consideration of these issues on the merits at the hearing - when I was finally invited to such a meeting provided for in a legitimate way.
Private humanitarian request - not handing over the agenda, addressed to me, my mother-born in 1927. Although it would be rid of communicating with your team ohrenevshy.
A useless scrap of paper, made on April 4 Transfiguration in court in Moscow, recommend - all ruling faction, with the participation of representatives of local justice - by the drive as soon as possible to Strasbourg once again to amaze everyone with his rhinoceros looking at the world.
I click on the link in the text - www.echo.msk.ru/news/1295536-echo.html - and what I see?
Preobrazhensky Court in Moscow decided to collect from Viktor Shenderovich 1 million rubles in favor of the head of the faction "UNITED RUSSIA" in the State Duma Vladimir Vasiliev
April 7, 2014 | 22:32
In early April Shenderovitch published a post on the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Thereafter Vasiliev accused the journalist of incorrect comparison of modern Russia with Nazi Germany 30s, and demanded an apology. Shenderovich did not apologize. After that, the journalist published the new text titled "Anti-fascists with bananas," which referred to Basil. This publication and was the reason for the lawsuit.
Is that - is already decided? As it is, when the Court - as I understand - was not yet !!!
Is that the "Echo of Moscow" - already pre-review of the decision of the court - issued? Ahead of time, so to speak? I agree that most likely it will be so, but in a strange way, agree?
ps Absolutely brilliant idea was found in the comments - www.echo.msk.ru/blog/shenderovich/1296506-echo/#cmnt-25133646
If all the same judgment on the penalty will legitimately suggest to collect him out of circulation penny, as a sign that it is worth their conscience.
The country needs parliamentary elections, deportation saboteurs and ban the Communist Party
Let us rejoice?