Another chaos

100th Semen Shumakov from Yekaterinburg, the last three wars - with the Japanese at Khalkhin Gol, the Soviet-Finnish and the Great Patriotic War, local officials refused to provide apartments.

In his old age honored veteran huddled together with her grandson and his family in a small one-room apartment with total area of 33 square meters. Several years ago, a war veteran had two complex operations and is now in need of special care.
A total of veteran served in the Army 29 years, he has six military medals. After retirement he was 25 years headed the local council of veterans. Last December, the hero turned 100 years old.
- What are the conditions for normal life when in the same room as the people ?! It's hard to live with me - sigh Semen Shumakov.
However, local officials have refused to put the veteran on record, justifying it by the fact that a veteran receives a large pension and not the poor. New war veteran has lasted for more than a year.
- It all started after we learned of the presidential decree "On providing housing for veterans," - says a veteran in-law Nicholas Vitkalov. - Our first application started practicing deputy city council Ovchinnikov early last year. But the answer from her we did not get any.
Next, a veteran repeatedly written statements to various authorities, but everywhere was getting stereotyped answer: "Very sorry, but under the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, you do not get because they do not stood in line to improve housing conditions before March 1, 2005».
- After the end of last year, Putin said on television that the housing must be provided with absolutely all veterans, regardless of whether they arose in place before March 1 or not, we inspire, - says Nikolay Vitkalov. - Semyon wrote the head of the district administration of the application, but the answer was the same. The head of the administration proposed to try their luck and to register themselves by gathering a bunch of certificates for all family members, including the five-month granddaughter.
The documents were collected and twice attempted to pass them. To no avail, as the list of required papers increased steadily.
- Do the officials have any item that allows constantly require new certificates of certificates, - says Vitkalov. - After a call to the presidential envoy in the Urals Federal District finally received the documents, but the day before yesterday came the reply, signed by the head of the district administration Vyacheslav Lazarenko that the veteran can not put on the account, as it is not the poor ...
Prosecutors Upper Iset Yekaterinburg district has filed a lawsuit against officials of district administration, that, contrary to the decree of President Medvedev refused to provide 100-year-old war veteran a new apartment.