Diving under ice blocks
Diving under the ice, probably a lasting impression, looking at these pictures,
most want to dive and swim with the white dolphin.
via source
How to remove bags under eyes
Residents know what to do so that the well does not freeze even in the most severe cold: a reliable method
Antarctic ice core contains unique information about past climates
The most unusual pubs of the world
Original limiters parking (4 photos)
British illusionist David Blaine (David Blaine) hung for three days over Central Park in New York City
It is not necessary to do so in the cold
Stunning skills
Rainbow needle
The skills of the peoples of the world (17 photos)
How to remove bags under eyes
Residents know what to do so that the well does not freeze even in the most severe cold: a reliable method
Antarctic ice core contains unique information about past climates
The most unusual pubs of the world
Original limiters parking (4 photos)
British illusionist David Blaine (David Blaine) hung for three days over Central Park in New York City
It is not necessary to do so in the cold
Stunning skills
Rainbow needle
The skills of the peoples of the world (17 photos)
Surprise of the bears in the cabin cars
Photo Contest World Press Photo 2010. Part 2.