Underground City. Part 3. Myths and legends.
Secrets of Aksai labyrinths
In the small town of Aksai, Rostov Region has a attraction, causing local residents superstitious terror. This is - a unique system of underground tunnels.
The first local catacombs dug in the cult to the inhabitants of the ancient settlement Kobyakov at the beginning of our era, the next-generation hard entangled network of new mazes. As a result, under the modern Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings it stretches a real underground city filled with all kinds of anomalschinoy.
The correspondent of "Secret Power" had a chance to learn about the terrible mysteries of Aksai museum curator of the local fortress "Customs outpost of the XVIII century," historian and local historian Vyacheslav Zaporozhtseva. Vyacheslav B. aware of the Mystery Dungeon firsthand.
A woman ghost
- One look, and from the basement window of the museum-fortress breaks light. I - perplexed. I remember the same thing: a few minutes ago in the basement of his own knocked out electricity! Unlocks the basement door, looks down ... - he began his story Vyacheslav Zaporozhtsev.
Cat, linked behind him, reared wool and wild howling shied away from the basement. But the museum profession did not pay much attention to the strange behavior of the animal. He was more interested in something else: in spite of the clicking of the switch, the light is not quenched. Then the keeper of the funds carefully descended into the dark dungeons of the Customs Gate.
... Women, which roamed the cloister, to be there simply could not - except Vyacheslav Zaporozhtseva, the fortress at night is not no one remained. However strange person quietly slipped past, narrowly missing stunned museum curator. Flowing black hair hiding the face of a stranger, but her clothes Vyacheslav B. perfectly saw: a white dress with a wide skirt and elegant corset. Professional historians was not difficult to find order in which the ladies sported the mid XIX century. Zaporozhtsev slowly backed away, and the woman went into the wall and disappeared ... When the keeper of the funds ran out of the cellar, the lights went out on his own.
- This is not the first appearance of the ghost - says Vyacheslav Borisovich. - The woman in white seen here before. I did a few years ago met her in the same gallery. In addition, the museum out of the walls often hear a mysterious knock. No way, settled in our dungeons someone innocent victims and the Restless soul.
Treasures kept secret
However, in Aksai catacombs ghost could easily wander into the basement of the Customs outpost at the other end of the city. There is the infamous hole that goes straight into the Don. Many of the victims, according to legend, sent last journey through this hole a local murderer Yefim Kolupaev, beckoning in the 60s of the XIX century to his wait affluent travelers.
The money of the victims he also kept somewhere under the local ground.
According to another version, the ghost of the fortress is associated with an elusive gang that robbed passing merchants couple of decades later. They say that the villain hid his thieves obshchak dungeon Aksai and cherish the treasure entrusted chieftain's daughter. And that, perhaps, properly fulfills its mission even after death.
Rostov historian Nikolai Karpov in his book "Don treasure hunters," says that in Aksai district committee of the party in the 50s of the last century came the ancient old woman who admitted that her grandfather was a cook in a famous band and gave her a secret treasure. The old woman was ready to share it with the government, provided that it will arrange to "Politic kommunist nursing home." Babka initially considered crazy, but when realized it, that was not: age.
Another legend says, the rich owner of a local winery, go abroad, mentioned, though hid in one of the left in the dungeons wine barrels jewels that upon return will ensure a comfortable existence to himself, his children and grandchildren. And this is also a treasure supposedly guarding a female ghost.
Winemaker and has not returned to Russia, but his secret cellar recently found. There are still kept four oak barrels - nearly the height of human growth. Each is filled with the wine harvest in 1900. However, they are not allowed to reveal the host monastery, in whose territory it was found such a treasure.
War underground
Hidden from prying eyes maze Aksai closely interested in the military. For example, in the area of Mukhina beam that is located near the Customs Gate, was hiding underground fortified bunker for manual and partrukovoditeley built in case of nuclear war. Here, until recently, held the secret testing of powder imitators of nuclear explosions. Witnesses say that such experiments were accompanied by a deafening roar and a 200-meter column of flame. In the next yards under the ground went the whole barns and houses. Once uncontrollable blast demolished with machines came to test the generals hoods and roofs, and cars themselves pushed aside fifteen meters.
Sometimes the landfill took out the heavy armored vehicles, scorched through - from the front armor to stern. But it was the result of tests of new missiles. The long underground tunnel driven or self-propelled tank, closed her heavy armored door and shot out of a cannon. Often supersnaryad hitting the target, he landed at the same time a massive door.
Even more incredible rumors of military equipment, which does not back out of the ground. They say, located on the lower tiers of top-secret lab to conduct experiments on teleportation ... tanks from Aksai in the suburbs. However, there is another explanation: armor was lost under the earth itself, without the participation of the people.
In fact, initially for their needs military planned to use not Mukhin beam and ancient catacombs Kobyakov settlement. But a terrible tragedy forced to abandon the idea. It all started with the loss of a soldier, surveying an unknown course. Survey Group, sent after him, also suffered losses: this time two soldiers disappeared.
Later, searchers still found. Or rather, what was left of them - the lower part of the body. Both to cut at chest something unusually sharp. To cut cleanly, like a giant razor. Under the mysterious knife hit the radio and soldiers. When they are dismantled in the chips have not found a single or cracks vyscherbliny: just turned a neat cut.
Further searches have stopped, the information about the death of a soldier coded, so as not to raise panic and sappers blew up hundred-meter plot, tightly walled dangerous move.
Soon, however, in the dungeons, there was another mysterious death. Local amateur researcher Oleg Burlakov catacombs also found severed in half. This time, though, and found the bottom and top. Just off the top for some reason, only bones remained.
Recently visiting digery tried to "walk" in Aksai catacombs with a dog. On one of the turns dog whimpered and suddenly rushed back in panic. Digery backed her. An incredible spectacle presented itself to their eyes. Wall pass in the place where only there were people quickly began to converge. And then we went back. Another time digery barely had time to jump to fall through the floor. "Landslides" move immediately took its original position.
All this suggests the ancient traps. But that's who they were to cut, shred and crush? It is possible that they have determined not to let something or someone out of the depths of the earth's surface.
Miracles continued ...
Legends of the horrible underground creatures of these places also have a long history. According to ancient sources, even the inhabitants of the settlement Kobyakov human sacrifices certain Dragon periodically crawls out of the bowels of the earth. The image of the mysterious God-lizard repeatedly found among the monuments of culture and archeology of the European part of Russia. Academician BARybakov devoted a whole chapter in his book "Paganism of Ancient Rus', where, in particular, brings a fragment of a manuscript, which reports about the attack" crocodiles "people" In the summer of 7090 (1582) ... izydosha korkodili lyutii animals out of the river and the way zatvorisha; poyadosha many people. And uzhasoshasya lyudie and Molisch vsei God's earth. And again spryatashasya and inih izbisha. " The scientist does not doubt the veracity of the chronicler, lamenting that "modern zoology bad helps us to find the inverse image lizard».
Unknown to science beast Aksay last seen not so long ago - nine years ago. During the collapse in the basement warehouse of the local cannery opened an underground hole. The guards with dogs had looked there, but angry growl and someone's huge body, to move quickly in the dark, forced them to flee without looking back. The guard took a chance to come back only in the morning, and the frightened dogs are not suited to the store for another week. Skip walled away from sin.
It is possible the mysterious Aksai "Nessie" is not even crawling out of the ground, and of ... water. As demonstrated by geological reconnaissance, at a depth of 40 meters under the Aqsa Mosque is an underground lake, and on the 250-meter depth of the sea roar. Under the bed of Don, which is located on the shore of the town, also runs another river. It is no accident the car and trailer, falling several times from the old bridge Aksay, disappeared without a trace. Instead, divers found the missing transport in line with Don bottomless funnel where the water pulls its prey with tremendous force. Submariners also saved from death only a steel safety cable.
There Aksay and another sacrament. It is well known that according to the version voiced by some ufologists, UFOs are actually underground unidentified objects, which are only briefly soar into the sky. We agree with that and specialists of geophysics. For example, Andrew Olhovatov, scientific expert of the Association "Ecology of the unknown," says that UFOs may be generated by tectonic processes fireballs.
Aksay phenomenon confirms this theory. "Flying Saucers" here - a common phenomenon. According to witnesses, they appear suddenly, as if out of the ground, and to the back.
Once, for example, the city slowly drifted something like a pontoon with a transparent dome, which swarmed humanoid figure. Another object of the blinded night Aksai unusually bright stream of light. When under the ray hit the base of warships on the banks of the Don, there rose a terrible panic. According to the "plate" even opened fire with heavy machine guns. But to no avail.
There was still the case: just three spherical UFO spun wildly around the old bridge Aksai. Illumination was such that the traffic on the highway came to a halt. Drivers who did not want to go further, looking at the free show with their mouths open and desperate traffic cops had to call for backup from the city.
Meanwhile, the hypothesis put forward by Andrew Olhovatovym tectonic activity helps explain some other Aksai "zhutiki." The first is, of course, dancing walls of the catacombs, which may be the result of local groundwater earthquakes. And the roar of the underground "dragon" in this case would be normal for the tectonically active regions of magma underground rumble, norovyaschie break free. And still do not know what's scarier: the hidden life of half-mythical ghosts or real earthquake, or even a splash of lava from the volcano newborn Rostov.
However, no modern scientific version still does not explain the appearance of the catacombs Kobyakov settlement female ghosts and mysterious death desperate research of underground galleries. One thing is clear: the ghostly mistress Aksai labyrinths, whether ghosts or reflections of natural elements, will not tolerate human vanity in their possessions.

In the small town of Aksai, Rostov Region has a attraction, causing local residents superstitious terror. This is - a unique system of underground tunnels.
The first local catacombs dug in the cult to the inhabitants of the ancient settlement Kobyakov at the beginning of our era, the next-generation hard entangled network of new mazes. As a result, under the modern Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings it stretches a real underground city filled with all kinds of anomalschinoy.

The correspondent of "Secret Power" had a chance to learn about the terrible mysteries of Aksai museum curator of the local fortress "Customs outpost of the XVIII century," historian and local historian Vyacheslav Zaporozhtseva. Vyacheslav B. aware of the Mystery Dungeon firsthand.
A woman ghost
- One look, and from the basement window of the museum-fortress breaks light. I - perplexed. I remember the same thing: a few minutes ago in the basement of his own knocked out electricity! Unlocks the basement door, looks down ... - he began his story Vyacheslav Zaporozhtsev.
Cat, linked behind him, reared wool and wild howling shied away from the basement. But the museum profession did not pay much attention to the strange behavior of the animal. He was more interested in something else: in spite of the clicking of the switch, the light is not quenched. Then the keeper of the funds carefully descended into the dark dungeons of the Customs Gate.
... Women, which roamed the cloister, to be there simply could not - except Vyacheslav Zaporozhtseva, the fortress at night is not no one remained. However strange person quietly slipped past, narrowly missing stunned museum curator. Flowing black hair hiding the face of a stranger, but her clothes Vyacheslav B. perfectly saw: a white dress with a wide skirt and elegant corset. Professional historians was not difficult to find order in which the ladies sported the mid XIX century. Zaporozhtsev slowly backed away, and the woman went into the wall and disappeared ... When the keeper of the funds ran out of the cellar, the lights went out on his own.
- This is not the first appearance of the ghost - says Vyacheslav Borisovich. - The woman in white seen here before. I did a few years ago met her in the same gallery. In addition, the museum out of the walls often hear a mysterious knock. No way, settled in our dungeons someone innocent victims and the Restless soul.
Treasures kept secret
However, in Aksai catacombs ghost could easily wander into the basement of the Customs outpost at the other end of the city. There is the infamous hole that goes straight into the Don. Many of the victims, according to legend, sent last journey through this hole a local murderer Yefim Kolupaev, beckoning in the 60s of the XIX century to his wait affluent travelers.
The money of the victims he also kept somewhere under the local ground.
According to another version, the ghost of the fortress is associated with an elusive gang that robbed passing merchants couple of decades later. They say that the villain hid his thieves obshchak dungeon Aksai and cherish the treasure entrusted chieftain's daughter. And that, perhaps, properly fulfills its mission even after death.
Rostov historian Nikolai Karpov in his book "Don treasure hunters," says that in Aksai district committee of the party in the 50s of the last century came the ancient old woman who admitted that her grandfather was a cook in a famous band and gave her a secret treasure. The old woman was ready to share it with the government, provided that it will arrange to "Politic kommunist nursing home." Babka initially considered crazy, but when realized it, that was not: age.

Another legend says, the rich owner of a local winery, go abroad, mentioned, though hid in one of the left in the dungeons wine barrels jewels that upon return will ensure a comfortable existence to himself, his children and grandchildren. And this is also a treasure supposedly guarding a female ghost.
Winemaker and has not returned to Russia, but his secret cellar recently found. There are still kept four oak barrels - nearly the height of human growth. Each is filled with the wine harvest in 1900. However, they are not allowed to reveal the host monastery, in whose territory it was found such a treasure.
War underground
Hidden from prying eyes maze Aksai closely interested in the military. For example, in the area of Mukhina beam that is located near the Customs Gate, was hiding underground fortified bunker for manual and partrukovoditeley built in case of nuclear war. Here, until recently, held the secret testing of powder imitators of nuclear explosions. Witnesses say that such experiments were accompanied by a deafening roar and a 200-meter column of flame. In the next yards under the ground went the whole barns and houses. Once uncontrollable blast demolished with machines came to test the generals hoods and roofs, and cars themselves pushed aside fifteen meters.
Sometimes the landfill took out the heavy armored vehicles, scorched through - from the front armor to stern. But it was the result of tests of new missiles. The long underground tunnel driven or self-propelled tank, closed her heavy armored door and shot out of a cannon. Often supersnaryad hitting the target, he landed at the same time a massive door.
Even more incredible rumors of military equipment, which does not back out of the ground. They say, located on the lower tiers of top-secret lab to conduct experiments on teleportation ... tanks from Aksai in the suburbs. However, there is another explanation: armor was lost under the earth itself, without the participation of the people.

In fact, initially for their needs military planned to use not Mukhin beam and ancient catacombs Kobyakov settlement. But a terrible tragedy forced to abandon the idea. It all started with the loss of a soldier, surveying an unknown course. Survey Group, sent after him, also suffered losses: this time two soldiers disappeared.
Later, searchers still found. Or rather, what was left of them - the lower part of the body. Both to cut at chest something unusually sharp. To cut cleanly, like a giant razor. Under the mysterious knife hit the radio and soldiers. When they are dismantled in the chips have not found a single or cracks vyscherbliny: just turned a neat cut.
Further searches have stopped, the information about the death of a soldier coded, so as not to raise panic and sappers blew up hundred-meter plot, tightly walled dangerous move.
Soon, however, in the dungeons, there was another mysterious death. Local amateur researcher Oleg Burlakov catacombs also found severed in half. This time, though, and found the bottom and top. Just off the top for some reason, only bones remained.
Recently visiting digery tried to "walk" in Aksai catacombs with a dog. On one of the turns dog whimpered and suddenly rushed back in panic. Digery backed her. An incredible spectacle presented itself to their eyes. Wall pass in the place where only there were people quickly began to converge. And then we went back. Another time digery barely had time to jump to fall through the floor. "Landslides" move immediately took its original position.
All this suggests the ancient traps. But that's who they were to cut, shred and crush? It is possible that they have determined not to let something or someone out of the depths of the earth's surface.
Miracles continued ...
Legends of the horrible underground creatures of these places also have a long history. According to ancient sources, even the inhabitants of the settlement Kobyakov human sacrifices certain Dragon periodically crawls out of the bowels of the earth. The image of the mysterious God-lizard repeatedly found among the monuments of culture and archeology of the European part of Russia. Academician BARybakov devoted a whole chapter in his book "Paganism of Ancient Rus', where, in particular, brings a fragment of a manuscript, which reports about the attack" crocodiles "people" In the summer of 7090 (1582) ... izydosha korkodili lyutii animals out of the river and the way zatvorisha; poyadosha many people. And uzhasoshasya lyudie and Molisch vsei God's earth. And again spryatashasya and inih izbisha. " The scientist does not doubt the veracity of the chronicler, lamenting that "modern zoology bad helps us to find the inverse image lizard».
Unknown to science beast Aksay last seen not so long ago - nine years ago. During the collapse in the basement warehouse of the local cannery opened an underground hole. The guards with dogs had looked there, but angry growl and someone's huge body, to move quickly in the dark, forced them to flee without looking back. The guard took a chance to come back only in the morning, and the frightened dogs are not suited to the store for another week. Skip walled away from sin.
It is possible the mysterious Aksai "Nessie" is not even crawling out of the ground, and of ... water. As demonstrated by geological reconnaissance, at a depth of 40 meters under the Aqsa Mosque is an underground lake, and on the 250-meter depth of the sea roar. Under the bed of Don, which is located on the shore of the town, also runs another river. It is no accident the car and trailer, falling several times from the old bridge Aksay, disappeared without a trace. Instead, divers found the missing transport in line with Don bottomless funnel where the water pulls its prey with tremendous force. Submariners also saved from death only a steel safety cable.
There Aksay and another sacrament. It is well known that according to the version voiced by some ufologists, UFOs are actually underground unidentified objects, which are only briefly soar into the sky. We agree with that and specialists of geophysics. For example, Andrew Olhovatov, scientific expert of the Association "Ecology of the unknown," says that UFOs may be generated by tectonic processes fireballs.
Aksay phenomenon confirms this theory. "Flying Saucers" here - a common phenomenon. According to witnesses, they appear suddenly, as if out of the ground, and to the back.
Once, for example, the city slowly drifted something like a pontoon with a transparent dome, which swarmed humanoid figure. Another object of the blinded night Aksai unusually bright stream of light. When under the ray hit the base of warships on the banks of the Don, there rose a terrible panic. According to the "plate" even opened fire with heavy machine guns. But to no avail.
There was still the case: just three spherical UFO spun wildly around the old bridge Aksai. Illumination was such that the traffic on the highway came to a halt. Drivers who did not want to go further, looking at the free show with their mouths open and desperate traffic cops had to call for backup from the city.
Meanwhile, the hypothesis put forward by Andrew Olhovatovym tectonic activity helps explain some other Aksai "zhutiki." The first is, of course, dancing walls of the catacombs, which may be the result of local groundwater earthquakes. And the roar of the underground "dragon" in this case would be normal for the tectonically active regions of magma underground rumble, norovyaschie break free. And still do not know what's scarier: the hidden life of half-mythical ghosts or real earthquake, or even a splash of lava from the volcano newborn Rostov.
However, no modern scientific version still does not explain the appearance of the catacombs Kobyakov settlement female ghosts and mysterious death desperate research of underground galleries. One thing is clear: the ghostly mistress Aksai labyrinths, whether ghosts or reflections of natural elements, will not tolerate human vanity in their possessions.