Creative Gizmos

Opening this pack, it found that African-American hair impromptu lush you can eat!

Recognizable style of the "windows" of Windows operating system from Microsoft is relevant to process normal office window, which can be decorated in the same way as shown in the picture. And the blinds can be replaced by blinds, coated with a picture of a system message from the operating system. So you can somehow transform a dull kind of office.

Even I can not assume that spodviglo designer Trevor Jackson to create a teapot in the form of the skull, but in addition also decorated with pictures of flowers. Well, they exhibited on the price of $ 1.200 for a work of art, given that the tea is not produced in a single copy, it is generally tin!

Cleve hours

Coffee table designed by Mitch Steinmetz can be stored under its cover not only some important things, but also photos from the last party or just family photos excitatory pleasant memories. This is not surprising, because this unusual coffee table styled it under the huge photo album, which is located under the cover of the page to post photos, and already under them is a compartment to store other things.

Finger-nose - is speaking for itself the name of the stylus was designed by Dominic Wilcox, who must be put on like a mask. As planned by the designer, this tool should facilitate the management of touchscreen phone at a time when the second hand is busy with something. But personally I do not see anything positive in this device apart from its negative qualities, such as - marks on his face, left from gum and difficulty managing smartphone fraught with lots of stray keystrokes. That will have a much faster yet use the second hand.

Damn brilliant thing

Unusual bed from designer from Japan - Yusuke Suzuki looks like a huge book. Moreover, it can even flip through like a normal book, because the pages are made of a bed of blankets and bookmarks appear as soft pillows!

Designer Joey Zeledón came up with the original chair, seat and backrest which consist entirely of a pile of plastic clothes hangers, strung on a metal frame. Cool idea! After all, if you suddenly need clothes hangers, they can always borrow, removing a pair of designer chairs.

I would argue that no one could even suggest that such a keyboard for the iPad will be available gadgets. This keyboard is not just stylized typewriter, but actually works on the same principle. To work on it only enough to include a virtual keyboard on your iPad and plug it into the appropriate slot of the typewriter. Well, after that it is a matter of technique and training for speed typing on a mechanical keyboard.

If you strain your brain, you can remember that the symbol of the new ideas in the comic book and other literature has always been a lighted lamp. Perhaps the idea of such an unusual design and the light bulb was born in the minds of designers from long stress their brains in search of a new design just for this very light bulbs!

Designer Qian Yiran, a prototype wristwatch completely deprived of the dial. In its place there was a hole, the edges of which have light designation, which somehow and we can determine what time. After all, these designations are replaced all the usual hour and minute hands. They appear only after pressing a single button on the side of the watch. The rest of the time, these cool clocks look absolutely black.

This is such an unusual tunnel can be found at the California National Park «California's Sequoia National Park». Directions carved into the trunk of the fallen in 1937 Sequoia tree and instead of remove it from the road, the park administration has decided to cut through it a tunnel width of 5, 18 m and a height of 2, 44 m.

These clocks completely devoid clockwise. Her role is carried cut in the dial located on the disk, rectangular hole. During rotation of the disc through this slot is possible to see numbers that correspond to the outgoing and the coming hour. As for the minute and second hands, the designer decided to leave them unchanged classical form. Now I introduce these unusual designer watches - is Ross McBride, who was educated in the field of graphic design at the California Institute of the Arts in 1985. At the same time, Ross McBride lives and continues to engage in design activity in Tokyo.

Very original and interesting idea unusual packaging for tea. Tea bags are in the form of clothes and placed in a box in the wardrobe - on hangers. The result was a very catchy packaging, forcing buyers to smile and pay attention to this tea.
The idea belongs to the tea bags Soon Mo Kang.


Glasses-free Duschek