Cover of "agitators" (USSR) 1971 - 1984
"Agitators" - Journal of the CPSU Central Committee, was founded in 1923. Initially, the body of the RCP (b), the MC of the RCP (b) and Glavpolitprosvet; It called "Memo agitator" 1925 "Sputnik agitator." In 1925-36 he published in two versions: for town and village. In 1956, the CPSU Central Committee deemed it necessary to issue the magazine "Agitator" circulation of 300 thousand. Copies.
The magazine covers issues of domestic and foreign policy of the CPSU and the Soviet government, summarizes the experience of mass political work, published information on the political, economic and cultural life of the country and the international situation, put the material in support of ideological frames and bodies of the Party, popularized the advanced methods of work in the industry and agriculture, gave advice and answers to questions from readers, published bibliographies, critical and bibliographical articles and reference materials.
"Agitators" out 2 times a month circulation of over 1 million. Copies (1969).