The shooting of the workers
The shooting of the workers in Novocherkassk. June 1962. By the beginning of 1960. in the USSR, the economic situation has seriously deteriorated. Glows, and relations with the United States in connection with Cuba and shot down over Sverdlovsk American aircraft, forcing the Soviet government to direct more funds to the arms race and the external assistance "brotherly nations" to the detriment of the consumer industry. Lack of bread has become so palpable that Khrushchev first decided to buy grain abroad, nevertheless began with supply disruptions. In stores queues.
May 31, 1962 was published decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers to raise the retail prices on 1 June for butter and meat, 25 and 30%, respectively. Despite the fact that the price increase has been called "temporary" that "representatives of the working people with full knowledge approved" public discontent resulted in strikes and unrest in many cities, as it coincided with a reduction in operating rates throughout the Soviet Union. In addition, a year earlier, in 1961, the XXII Congress of the CPSU announced the construction by 1980, the long-promised communism, and here such a surprise ...
Only at first glance it was a consumer, the consumer cause. To break through the resistance of the people long-term latent power of the Communist Party, staged at the same time and his second "godless five-year period." It is understood and power, so the economic protests of workers everywhere she responded with bullets and repression.
The most bloody events took place in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. From 1 January 1962 at Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant them. Budyonny (NEVZ) in the third increased production quotas and thus reduced salary. The simultaneous rise in prices was seen as a mockery of the workers. June 1 before changing molders steel plant began to discuss price increases. The plant was the head of the industrial department of the Rostov Regional Party Committee Buzaev, who undertook to explain to the workers this "temporary measure in the construction of communism." They began to approach workers in other sites and shops, and began a spontaneous meeting. In response, the factory manager Kurochkin scornfully: "Not enough meat, eat pies with liver!" This phrase has caused general indignation, people went to the shops with a call for a strike at an alarming factory whistle began arriving workers from other shifts.
By 11 hours before the plant management was a huge crowd of workers protesting against the rise in prices and reduce costs. By 16 o'clock the factory arrived the first secretary of the Rostov Regional Party Committee, Chairman of the Executive Committee, chairman of the Economic Council, and other senior officials of the area of the city and all the plant's management. But they are only recounted a formal appeal of the Central Committee of the CPSU and to persuade the people to disperse. Not seeing the answer to the question "How to live?", Working with the building of the plant tore a portrait of Khrushchev and set it on fire.
From 18 to 19 hours for the plant were moved summary of the police in the form of up to 200 people. The police tried to push back protesters from the plant, but was crushed by the crowd. Then we drove 5 cars and 3 APCs with the soldiers who lined up beside the car. The crowd greeted them with curses and insults. The soldiers did not take any active steps and soon plunged back into the car and drove away. Their main task was to divert the attention of the crowd, until a group of plainclothes commandos and KGB officers exasperated back door of the building blocked leadership headed by the first secretary. During the evening and night rally continued.
The news of the strike spread quickly throughout the city, the strikers were joined by workers from other factories. To attract the attention of the workers of nearby towns, a 12 hour work blocked the railway and the train stopped Rostov-Saratov. On one of the pillars of reinforced posters "meat, butter, higher wages", "We need an apartment." On the locomotive stopped, someone wrote the word "Khrushchev meat!". This slogan has appeared in other places. The evening of 1 June, a new attempt to pacify the workers, but the workers dispersed by police.
The strikers tried to take the district gas distribution station to disable and stop the work of industrial enterprises. But arriving internal troops cleared the gas distribution station of the strikers, took her under guard and arrested about 30 people. They took custody of all the vital urban facilities: a state bank, post office, telegraph, radio center and administrative buildings.
By the evening of June 1 in Novocherkassk to intimidate introduced as tanks and armored personnel carriers, with the help of military units pushed from the plant, and by three o'clock the night scattered about four thousand workers took the plant under the military protection, established in the city under curfew and arrested twenty-two "instigator ».
The next morning, June 2 came to the plant workers saw factories and railways in a cordon of armed soldiers. At the request of officers start work workers responded: work for yourself, once you have occupied the factory. Working Nevz and other plants with their families decided to move to a demonstration in the city of Gorki Party, put forward slogans and demands, "meat, butter !!!". On the bridge over the river Tuzlov column met a barrage of tanks, but beating them, moved on, and some soldiers even helped people climb over the tanks.
Going to slide, workers camped in the square in front of it. In a crowd of people snooping around in civilian clothes, obviously not working mode by clicking minifotoapparatami, marking the most active. The building of the city committee at that time were the chairman of the executive committee and head of the department Zamula CPSU Stepakov that from the balcony over the loudspeaker began to negotiate with the protesters.
But their call to stop the riots and return to work was met with indignation. The group of protesters broke through the police cordon rare in the building of the city committee and tried to take someone from the party bosses hostage. But they fled in fear of the working class. Not finding any of the bosses, the workers found the atmosphere of aristocratic life in the nomenclature of the background of extreme poverty of the working masses of Novocherkassk.
From Moscow to Novocherkassk to calm people arrived members of the presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Mikoyan, Kozlov, and others. The demonstrators decided to send a delegation to the building cavalry courses for negotiations, but they did not bring any result. Another group of workers went to the city police station to free their comrades arrested the day before. There was a clash of working with the police. The workers entered the building the police, struck up a fight, one worker grabbed a machine gun from a policeman, but he and four other police officer shot and killed. About 30 stormed the workers arrested.
At this time in front of Party Committee of the Novocherkassk garrison appeared Chief Major General Oleshko 50 armed gunmen, who drove the crowd away from the building of the city committee. In general requirement to withdraw from the building, the workers responded disapproving exclamations. Then the gunners gave a warning salvo into the air. The crowd drained back, but soon began again in its place. The second volley over the heads of the workers went through the trees on which the boys were curious. At the same time the roof of the city committee of the neighboring houses and opened fire with a machine gun and snipers, there were dead and wounded, the crowd went into a panic and started to flee. Total in the square at the city committee and city police department was killed 24 people, among them women and children. With gunshot wounds in the hospital received 45 people. In total there were about 90 wounded people, but many do not go to the doctor, for fear of arrest. All the bodies of the victims were taken late at night from the city, and was buried in the wrong graves at different cemeteries in the Rostov region. Square in front of city committee tried to wash the blood, but it was not possible, choose asphalt.
It should be noted that not all the soldiers agreed to shoot at people. When members of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee demanded the military intervention, the commander of the North Caucasus Military District General IA soldier Pliev and his top aides ordered to tankers, armored personnel carriers and crews of other units derived from the barracks to the cordon had no ammo. Witnesses claimed that an officer of the local garrison, received the command to open fire before the city committee, refused to transfer the command to his soldiers and shot down the line. Earlier in the day, the deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District, General MK Shaposhnikov was ordered to attack the tanks crowd the river Tuzla. "I do not see in front of such an opponent, which should attack our tanks," - said the general-soldier (Hero of the Soviet Union in 1944) ("Literary Gazette", 06/21/1989). Later, the general tried to publicize information about the Novocherkassk tragedy. In 1966, Lieutenant-General Shaposhnikov was dismissed. Against him was a criminal case on charges of anti-Soviet propaganda, in 1967 he was expelled from the party.
June 3 workers, despite the shooting, in small groups with the plant again moved into the city. By 8 o'clock at the city committee and city department again began to gather a crowd. Working once again approached the cordon, and demanded the release of imprisoned comrades. In the cinema "Victory" power installed loudspeakers and began to broadcast the recorded speech on the eve of Mikoyan district commander and ordered curfew. By 12 o'clock the authorities managed to organize the party activists, vigilantes loyal workers. It began mass agitation in the factories and among the townspeople, with an appeal to calm down and get to work. At 15 o'clock on the radio made a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU Kozlov with a promise to "thoroughly understand the shortcomings in setting prices for the enterprises of the city" and "to take measures to improve the food trade and the consumer." After his speech, the voltage was to fall, people began to disperse, and the night of 3 June 4 were detained 240 people. Food supply of the city has improved.
14-20 August Novocherkassk under heavy police guard and troops of the Interior Ministry held a demonstration "open" trial "instigators of mass disorder." The verdict was shot seven labor activists for "banditry" and "anti-Soviet activities" Alexander Zaitsev, Andrei Korkach, Mikhail Kuznetsov, Boris Mokrousov Sergey Sotnikov Vladimir Cherepanov Vladimir Shuvaev. 105 people received sentences of 10 to 15 years in a penal colony. Hundreds of police and military were given a subscription to disclose.
No matter how trying the power to hide this event, information about it still seeped in other cities and abroad. And editors emigre journal "Seeding" immediately "calculated" some unusual occurrence in the USSR by circumstantial evidence in the Soviet press.
Almost 30 years of silence in the Soviet Union was interrupted by active public inquiries into various state agencies in the early 1990s. First City novocherkastsev rally in memory of victims of the events in 1962 took place at the administration building in 1991. Ie on the day of the 29th anniversary. In place of the deaths in the square in front of the area we have established a memorial sign-stone of white marble. In 1994, the remains of 20 dead found in the cemetery of Novoshakhtinsk, held their reburial in the town cemetery.
Russian Federation Government Resolution № 810 of 22.10.92, the number 102 and from 02/14/94, "On the one-time cash payment of compensation to the families of those killed during the events in Novocherkassk and unjustifiably convicted in connection with these events to capital punishment" is defined allowance 20 victims totaling 6,674,000 rubles. in 1994, and in 1997 it was paid benefits AN Cherepanova for her husband, who was shot in 1962 in the amount of 1,897,500 rubles. (non-denominated rubles); and by Decree number 843 of 18 July 1996 "On the payment of lump-sum benefits to persons received gunshot wounds during the events in Novocherkassk in June 1962" paid lump sums totaling 42,833,500 rubles. 13 people who have become disabled as a result of gunshot wounds, and seven were shot and wounded.
May 31, 1962 was published decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers to raise the retail prices on 1 June for butter and meat, 25 and 30%, respectively. Despite the fact that the price increase has been called "temporary" that "representatives of the working people with full knowledge approved" public discontent resulted in strikes and unrest in many cities, as it coincided with a reduction in operating rates throughout the Soviet Union. In addition, a year earlier, in 1961, the XXII Congress of the CPSU announced the construction by 1980, the long-promised communism, and here such a surprise ...
Only at first glance it was a consumer, the consumer cause. To break through the resistance of the people long-term latent power of the Communist Party, staged at the same time and his second "godless five-year period." It is understood and power, so the economic protests of workers everywhere she responded with bullets and repression.

The most bloody events took place in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. From 1 January 1962 at Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant them. Budyonny (NEVZ) in the third increased production quotas and thus reduced salary. The simultaneous rise in prices was seen as a mockery of the workers. June 1 before changing molders steel plant began to discuss price increases. The plant was the head of the industrial department of the Rostov Regional Party Committee Buzaev, who undertook to explain to the workers this "temporary measure in the construction of communism." They began to approach workers in other sites and shops, and began a spontaneous meeting. In response, the factory manager Kurochkin scornfully: "Not enough meat, eat pies with liver!" This phrase has caused general indignation, people went to the shops with a call for a strike at an alarming factory whistle began arriving workers from other shifts.
By 11 hours before the plant management was a huge crowd of workers protesting against the rise in prices and reduce costs. By 16 o'clock the factory arrived the first secretary of the Rostov Regional Party Committee, Chairman of the Executive Committee, chairman of the Economic Council, and other senior officials of the area of the city and all the plant's management. But they are only recounted a formal appeal of the Central Committee of the CPSU and to persuade the people to disperse. Not seeing the answer to the question "How to live?", Working with the building of the plant tore a portrait of Khrushchev and set it on fire.
From 18 to 19 hours for the plant were moved summary of the police in the form of up to 200 people. The police tried to push back protesters from the plant, but was crushed by the crowd. Then we drove 5 cars and 3 APCs with the soldiers who lined up beside the car. The crowd greeted them with curses and insults. The soldiers did not take any active steps and soon plunged back into the car and drove away. Their main task was to divert the attention of the crowd, until a group of plainclothes commandos and KGB officers exasperated back door of the building blocked leadership headed by the first secretary. During the evening and night rally continued.

The news of the strike spread quickly throughout the city, the strikers were joined by workers from other factories. To attract the attention of the workers of nearby towns, a 12 hour work blocked the railway and the train stopped Rostov-Saratov. On one of the pillars of reinforced posters "meat, butter, higher wages", "We need an apartment." On the locomotive stopped, someone wrote the word "Khrushchev meat!". This slogan has appeared in other places. The evening of 1 June, a new attempt to pacify the workers, but the workers dispersed by police.
The strikers tried to take the district gas distribution station to disable and stop the work of industrial enterprises. But arriving internal troops cleared the gas distribution station of the strikers, took her under guard and arrested about 30 people. They took custody of all the vital urban facilities: a state bank, post office, telegraph, radio center and administrative buildings.
By the evening of June 1 in Novocherkassk to intimidate introduced as tanks and armored personnel carriers, with the help of military units pushed from the plant, and by three o'clock the night scattered about four thousand workers took the plant under the military protection, established in the city under curfew and arrested twenty-two "instigator ».
The next morning, June 2 came to the plant workers saw factories and railways in a cordon of armed soldiers. At the request of officers start work workers responded: work for yourself, once you have occupied the factory. Working Nevz and other plants with their families decided to move to a demonstration in the city of Gorki Party, put forward slogans and demands, "meat, butter !!!". On the bridge over the river Tuzlov column met a barrage of tanks, but beating them, moved on, and some soldiers even helped people climb over the tanks.

Going to slide, workers camped in the square in front of it. In a crowd of people snooping around in civilian clothes, obviously not working mode by clicking minifotoapparatami, marking the most active. The building of the city committee at that time were the chairman of the executive committee and head of the department Zamula CPSU Stepakov that from the balcony over the loudspeaker began to negotiate with the protesters.
But their call to stop the riots and return to work was met with indignation. The group of protesters broke through the police cordon rare in the building of the city committee and tried to take someone from the party bosses hostage. But they fled in fear of the working class. Not finding any of the bosses, the workers found the atmosphere of aristocratic life in the nomenclature of the background of extreme poverty of the working masses of Novocherkassk.
From Moscow to Novocherkassk to calm people arrived members of the presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Mikoyan, Kozlov, and others. The demonstrators decided to send a delegation to the building cavalry courses for negotiations, but they did not bring any result. Another group of workers went to the city police station to free their comrades arrested the day before. There was a clash of working with the police. The workers entered the building the police, struck up a fight, one worker grabbed a machine gun from a policeman, but he and four other police officer shot and killed. About 30 stormed the workers arrested.
At this time in front of Party Committee of the Novocherkassk garrison appeared Chief Major General Oleshko 50 armed gunmen, who drove the crowd away from the building of the city committee. In general requirement to withdraw from the building, the workers responded disapproving exclamations. Then the gunners gave a warning salvo into the air. The crowd drained back, but soon began again in its place. The second volley over the heads of the workers went through the trees on which the boys were curious. At the same time the roof of the city committee of the neighboring houses and opened fire with a machine gun and snipers, there were dead and wounded, the crowd went into a panic and started to flee. Total in the square at the city committee and city police department was killed 24 people, among them women and children. With gunshot wounds in the hospital received 45 people. In total there were about 90 wounded people, but many do not go to the doctor, for fear of arrest. All the bodies of the victims were taken late at night from the city, and was buried in the wrong graves at different cemeteries in the Rostov region. Square in front of city committee tried to wash the blood, but it was not possible, choose asphalt.
It should be noted that not all the soldiers agreed to shoot at people. When members of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee demanded the military intervention, the commander of the North Caucasus Military District General IA soldier Pliev and his top aides ordered to tankers, armored personnel carriers and crews of other units derived from the barracks to the cordon had no ammo. Witnesses claimed that an officer of the local garrison, received the command to open fire before the city committee, refused to transfer the command to his soldiers and shot down the line. Earlier in the day, the deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District, General MK Shaposhnikov was ordered to attack the tanks crowd the river Tuzla. "I do not see in front of such an opponent, which should attack our tanks," - said the general-soldier (Hero of the Soviet Union in 1944) ("Literary Gazette", 06/21/1989). Later, the general tried to publicize information about the Novocherkassk tragedy. In 1966, Lieutenant-General Shaposhnikov was dismissed. Against him was a criminal case on charges of anti-Soviet propaganda, in 1967 he was expelled from the party.

June 3 workers, despite the shooting, in small groups with the plant again moved into the city. By 8 o'clock at the city committee and city department again began to gather a crowd. Working once again approached the cordon, and demanded the release of imprisoned comrades. In the cinema "Victory" power installed loudspeakers and began to broadcast the recorded speech on the eve of Mikoyan district commander and ordered curfew. By 12 o'clock the authorities managed to organize the party activists, vigilantes loyal workers. It began mass agitation in the factories and among the townspeople, with an appeal to calm down and get to work. At 15 o'clock on the radio made a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU Kozlov with a promise to "thoroughly understand the shortcomings in setting prices for the enterprises of the city" and "to take measures to improve the food trade and the consumer." After his speech, the voltage was to fall, people began to disperse, and the night of 3 June 4 were detained 240 people. Food supply of the city has improved.
14-20 August Novocherkassk under heavy police guard and troops of the Interior Ministry held a demonstration "open" trial "instigators of mass disorder." The verdict was shot seven labor activists for "banditry" and "anti-Soviet activities" Alexander Zaitsev, Andrei Korkach, Mikhail Kuznetsov, Boris Mokrousov Sergey Sotnikov Vladimir Cherepanov Vladimir Shuvaev. 105 people received sentences of 10 to 15 years in a penal colony. Hundreds of police and military were given a subscription to disclose.

No matter how trying the power to hide this event, information about it still seeped in other cities and abroad. And editors emigre journal "Seeding" immediately "calculated" some unusual occurrence in the USSR by circumstantial evidence in the Soviet press.
Almost 30 years of silence in the Soviet Union was interrupted by active public inquiries into various state agencies in the early 1990s. First City novocherkastsev rally in memory of victims of the events in 1962 took place at the administration building in 1991. Ie on the day of the 29th anniversary. In place of the deaths in the square in front of the area we have established a memorial sign-stone of white marble. In 1994, the remains of 20 dead found in the cemetery of Novoshakhtinsk, held their reburial in the town cemetery.
Russian Federation Government Resolution № 810 of 22.10.92, the number 102 and from 02/14/94, "On the one-time cash payment of compensation to the families of those killed during the events in Novocherkassk and unjustifiably convicted in connection with these events to capital punishment" is defined allowance 20 victims totaling 6,674,000 rubles. in 1994, and in 1997 it was paid benefits AN Cherepanova for her husband, who was shot in 1962 in the amount of 1,897,500 rubles. (non-denominated rubles); and by Decree number 843 of 18 July 1996 "On the payment of lump-sum benefits to persons received gunshot wounds during the events in Novocherkassk in June 1962" paid lump sums totaling 42,833,500 rubles. 13 people who have become disabled as a result of gunshot wounds, and seven were shot and wounded.
