Famous Characters unknown actors
They know very few people on the street, they did not ask for his autograph, they do not bother to paparazzi and fans, but they know all of them ... More precisely, the characters in the movie, which they played. Find out who is hiding under the guise of Goluma, Freddy Krueger, C-3PO, the Alpha and the other!
The Hobbit Gollum / Smeagol in the trilogy Lord of the Rings served Briton Andy Serkis (Andy Serkis). He also owns a voice, face and facial expressions of this, caused quite a cult among fans of the mythical figure. Director Peter Jackson (Peter Jackson) came in as a wild delight of the person and the game Andy that instantly transformed it into a real image of the legendary King Kong.
The main villain of the Lord of the Rings universe almost all films of the trilogy is presented only as a giant eye. In the few scenes in which viewers see Sauron, he embodied New Zealander Zala Baker (Sala Baker). In general, it is merely an understudy, who worked in the crew. And not only in this trilogy, but also in the Chronicles of Narnia and Pirates of the Caribbean.
After the series A Nightmare on Elm Street (Nightmare on Elm Street), where Freddy Krueger cut open the bellies of their victims nightmarish knives, famous actor Robert Englund. But how? Masked serial killer with a disfigured face! On his 8 films, TV series, he says that it's fine to become a household word character. Nickname Freddy Krueger, however, came up with classmates director and scriptwriter Nightmare - Wes Craven (Wes Craven). In turn, this was the revenge of the creative person, who took proudly annoying errands.
British actor Doug Bradley (Doug Bradley) also played a reel of film about 8 Hellraiser (Hellraiser). However, the popular actor brought not for this role, and his participation as a presenter on the popular band concerts Cradle of Filth. Author fantasy about Hellraiser Clive Barker just a former classmate and good friend Bradley.
In contrast killer Freddy Krueger, a tool in the Halloween, Michael Myers, who has a predilection for large kitchen knife, presented by different actors.
Among others portrayed Dick Warlock (left) and Nick Castle. Castle with director John Carpenter, who invented this maniac, he studied at the same school. For this role, Carpenter pay him $ 25 a day. To date, he became the author of the script and the director. Strictly speaking, Warlock started stuntman who do the trick for Kurt Russell.
Absolutely no one familiar singer guy from hell Ron Perlman (Ron Perlman). In the cult film of the same name bestseller by Umberto Eco Name of the Rose, he played half-mad monk Salvatore, who slurred babbling nonsense in different languages.
Jason Voorhees (Jason Voorhees), who plays the villain in a horror movie Friday the 13th, the same was not alone. He is one of many actors playing this indefatigable villain. Stuntman Kane Hodder (Kane Hodder) - the only one who was lucky enough to play it in several series. To be precise, as much in four! Incidentally, in real life he is living in a private house at number 13 on 13th Street.
Conversation - that's true vocation of human-robot C-3PO from Star Wars. He is represented by actor Anthony Daniels (Anthony Daniels). All phrases that says C-3PO, from the first sentence in the first film and the last in the latter - belong only to him.
C-3PO and R2D2 - the only performers who starred in all episodes of the space saga. Inside the tiny robot from time to time was an actor Lilliputian Kenny Baker (Kenny Baker), whose height is 112 cm.
With his height 221 cm above Meyyu Peter Kenny Baker exactly a meter. In the 4-star wars he played Hugh (Chu) Bacca, co-pilot and friend of Han Solo. Before I get into the movies, the British worked as an orderly in London. Casting the director George Lucas held relatively simple. Peter was enough to just get up from the chair. Today, 64-year-old singer has been actively involved in the community friends of Star Wars and frequent exhibitions.
Lucas could not find a performer for the role of Darth Maul (Darth Maul) in the movie Episode 1 The Phantom Menace, released in 1999. That role went to stuntman Ray Park. This left-hander got into acting because of his swordsmanship skills. The success of Star Wars contributed to the fact that many actors played understudy in the first film X-Men.
The alien extraterrestrial civilizations Alpha, which became in the 1980s television series superstar played Hungarian Michu Meszaros (Michu Meszaros), whose height does not exceed 83 cm. With such a small stature, his addiction is not for children. Magyar loves scotch whiskey and cigars.
Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith struggled with criminals in the three Charlie's Angels. Charlie gave them instructions using the loudspeaker. Charlie's voice belonged to John Forsythe (John Forsythe), who became famous performance as oil tycoon Blake Carrington nearly than 70 films series Dynasty.
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The Hobbit Gollum / Smeagol in the trilogy Lord of the Rings served Briton Andy Serkis (Andy Serkis). He also owns a voice, face and facial expressions of this, caused quite a cult among fans of the mythical figure. Director Peter Jackson (Peter Jackson) came in as a wild delight of the person and the game Andy that instantly transformed it into a real image of the legendary King Kong.

The main villain of the Lord of the Rings universe almost all films of the trilogy is presented only as a giant eye. In the few scenes in which viewers see Sauron, he embodied New Zealander Zala Baker (Sala Baker). In general, it is merely an understudy, who worked in the crew. And not only in this trilogy, but also in the Chronicles of Narnia and Pirates of the Caribbean.

After the series A Nightmare on Elm Street (Nightmare on Elm Street), where Freddy Krueger cut open the bellies of their victims nightmarish knives, famous actor Robert Englund. But how? Masked serial killer with a disfigured face! On his 8 films, TV series, he says that it's fine to become a household word character. Nickname Freddy Krueger, however, came up with classmates director and scriptwriter Nightmare - Wes Craven (Wes Craven). In turn, this was the revenge of the creative person, who took proudly annoying errands.

British actor Doug Bradley (Doug Bradley) also played a reel of film about 8 Hellraiser (Hellraiser). However, the popular actor brought not for this role, and his participation as a presenter on the popular band concerts Cradle of Filth. Author fantasy about Hellraiser Clive Barker just a former classmate and good friend Bradley.

In contrast killer Freddy Krueger, a tool in the Halloween, Michael Myers, who has a predilection for large kitchen knife, presented by different actors.
Among others portrayed Dick Warlock (left) and Nick Castle. Castle with director John Carpenter, who invented this maniac, he studied at the same school. For this role, Carpenter pay him $ 25 a day. To date, he became the author of the script and the director. Strictly speaking, Warlock started stuntman who do the trick for Kurt Russell.

Absolutely no one familiar singer guy from hell Ron Perlman (Ron Perlman). In the cult film of the same name bestseller by Umberto Eco Name of the Rose, he played half-mad monk Salvatore, who slurred babbling nonsense in different languages.

Jason Voorhees (Jason Voorhees), who plays the villain in a horror movie Friday the 13th, the same was not alone. He is one of many actors playing this indefatigable villain. Stuntman Kane Hodder (Kane Hodder) - the only one who was lucky enough to play it in several series. To be precise, as much in four! Incidentally, in real life he is living in a private house at number 13 on 13th Street.

Conversation - that's true vocation of human-robot C-3PO from Star Wars. He is represented by actor Anthony Daniels (Anthony Daniels). All phrases that says C-3PO, from the first sentence in the first film and the last in the latter - belong only to him.

C-3PO and R2D2 - the only performers who starred in all episodes of the space saga. Inside the tiny robot from time to time was an actor Lilliputian Kenny Baker (Kenny Baker), whose height is 112 cm.

With his height 221 cm above Meyyu Peter Kenny Baker exactly a meter. In the 4-star wars he played Hugh (Chu) Bacca, co-pilot and friend of Han Solo. Before I get into the movies, the British worked as an orderly in London. Casting the director George Lucas held relatively simple. Peter was enough to just get up from the chair. Today, 64-year-old singer has been actively involved in the community friends of Star Wars and frequent exhibitions.

Lucas could not find a performer for the role of Darth Maul (Darth Maul) in the movie Episode 1 The Phantom Menace, released in 1999. That role went to stuntman Ray Park. This left-hander got into acting because of his swordsmanship skills. The success of Star Wars contributed to the fact that many actors played understudy in the first film X-Men.

The alien extraterrestrial civilizations Alpha, which became in the 1980s television series superstar played Hungarian Michu Meszaros (Michu Meszaros), whose height does not exceed 83 cm. With such a small stature, his addiction is not for children. Magyar loves scotch whiskey and cigars.

Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith struggled with criminals in the three Charlie's Angels. Charlie gave them instructions using the loudspeaker. Charlie's voice belonged to John Forsythe (John Forsythe), who became famous performance as oil tycoon Blake Carrington nearly than 70 films series Dynasty.
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