How to deal with the Prosecutor's Office
Not every one of us would have dared to so deal with prosecutors Russian way. Be sure to read more and watch the video below.
Oh, this is a terrible story. For a long time I was in a thrash was not involved.
Perhaps even from the time of the occupation of the Kremlin-Orda.
Last week Russian Federation of car owners in general,
and Vadim Korovin in particular put a post about Far Prosecutor General's Office,
which is completely illegally grabbed himself a single band on the Big Dmitrovka,
fenced its columns, and rides on it on an opposite in his garage.
Caught in the offense began to assert representatives of the Prosecutor General,
it is not their columns.
Then Vadim Korovin put orphaned columns currently in the trunk, drove to the police station
and I passed there as orphan discovery.
Write a statement that in the case of the rightful owner is willing to return them to him.
The owner showed up. Prosecutor General's Office acknowledged that it is their columns.
I take them with you in response to a statement about the discovery Korovin offered to write
on his statement about the theft. With the words, "You have gone too far, we will put him».
Then, this time we decided to go even further.
Since Dmitrovka was free only two days,
Prosecutor General's Office and then re-occupied it,
we decided to return and restore justice.
Trash and removal of the brain, dear reader, you are guaranteed.
In sootvetvsii with guests, road signs should be installed:
and - straight and b - not less than five centimeters from each other.
The sign "No Stopping" on the fence of the Prosecutor General has been set:
and - in the sky, and b - overlap. That is, the guests do not correspond in any way.
And is a spectacle here such here:
Not immediately noticed, huh? Zoom:
Remember - if the sign looks like this, it means that there is no sign.
Therefore, stopping and parking on the Big Ditrovke 15 - allowed.
What we immediately took advantage. Korovin drove the car
and parked directly in front of the General Prosecutor's Office.
On a fenced illegal self-captured columns attorneys general band.
I decided to make a couple of shots. After removing my entrance to the building,
attorneys general still fresher, and sent me a man in civilian clothes
A man in civilian clothes for a long time told me why I can not shoot the building of the Prosecutor General.
He said politely, before it was presented, showed identity -
so there is no question.
But no rule of law, in addition to departmental instructions, for some reason, did not name.
To which I replied that his departmental instructions I completely purple,
I live according to the law and the Constitution, and in the streets of Moscow will withdraw what I want, where I want and when I want.
Whereupon the conversation was over. Man, however, in the future all the time was near us,
but he behaved quite correctly.
Then came this citizen's known Far post more about past actions.
It is not, it does not say what he said only that his name is Sergei.
Sergei my camera has survived, but then the enemy "Cannon»,
He visited with me in two wars and not broken any Georgian tanks,
no ethnic massacres Kyrgyzstan, Russian Prosecutor General's spring and finished off yet.
And he refused to work.
So it will further illustrate screenshots of the video,
shot aktivistoam FAR Andrew Eagle
Sergei long rubbed us that this is not the park. On the question - how can that be,
sign hanging out on that black and white
"Stopping and parking is prohibited," and the bottom plate, "except for the a / m of the General Prosecutor's Office»,
He said that the General Prosecutor's Office is no parking.
Then we showed him another sign on which is painted white on the blue shaped as letters «P»
and under it the same label - '/ for the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. "
At that Sergey said that it was not the car park of the Prosecutor General and Prosecutor General's Office was not worth it.
And if they are, it's squatting on the ground, and it's some alien machine.
Then we showed Sergei black boomer numbers AMP and flashing light on the roof.
Sergey On this we replied that no machine he does not see anything there.
Skateboard, probably.
This "I am not I and not my horse" would have lasted longer, but then he appeared.
Mr. Furst.
Or rather - A 138 MR 97
Mr. Furst - without the beacons and sound - with Glinischevskogo left lane,
turned right under the sign "turn just to the left", the band went on selftrapped
oncoming traffic, saw us and thought for a moment.
Then he turned on the flashing lights and siren and moved on.
But it was not there. With us, these numbers are not rolled.
Uperevshis in the car, he had poorat-poorat a while, and then began to take his back ...!
Again. Feel it. The car of the General Prosecutor's Office. With flashing lights and a siren.
With kryakalkami. Lettings backwards in the opposite lane. After a pedestrian crossing.
Just because four men stood in his way.
Four people!
And he was with all his USAID-s, sirens, kryakalkami, toning
and the prosecutor on the seat - backs away from us backwards.
How are they afraid still.
How do they bitch own people scared ...
It was the best show of my life.
But Comrade proved savvy. Do you know what he did? Yeah.
Just picked up and left entirely to the oncoming lane.
"Once again," take two. Owned by the General Prosecutor's Car
AMP 138 97 Russian left on single lanes,
blocking the movement of all the Big Dmitrovka completely.
Left lane othapala currently Prosecutor General's Office, to the right - othapal Federation Council.
She went to meet him on the green "Mathis". Dude almost ran into her bumper,
and all their kryakalkami began to push it back.
We have not had a girl, though she had opened the window and we shouted to her that she did not give in,
but the girl was in complete shock and still missed it.
Ran some manor coachman from garage:
- What did you override a something? This land is your land something?
Eeeee ... You're not lost in time you, uncle?
Yes, this is our land!
YES - this is our land !!!
And we will drive you out of our land will, nasty invaders, pissing rags.
Well, because, Sergey, you said that this machine is not the Prosecutor General?
- I will not comment on this issue. There are things that do not make comments.
No, Sergei. You will comment.
Over time, you'll all our comments. Always.
However, to debate, and this time did not happen.
Because there was Mr. Second. II. The MP 204 77
Mr. Second was not so versed in dealing with the rebels peyzane,
and what to do in an emergency - did not know.
So he stupidly ran into our car, pokryakal couple of times and stopped on the emergency gang.
After thinking, he still tried to pass back too, but Andrew Eagle already partitioned
Reverse leave their own posts. Eagle!
As a result, Mr. Second heed exhortations Vadim Korovin:
"You can not continue on the motion,
you are on the wrong side "and went on the defensive.
Unknown Father in carefully covered his face as much as two folders at once.
Face Paper. Face paper.
At this point, the Prosecutor General, finally, began to protection of law and order.
Well, as they understand it, of course.
Slightly open the window and there was a phrase: "Che, in a cast for a long time no one was?»
"Once again," double three.
This, remember, no gangster shodnyak. Gopnik is not on the courts.
No kids in the alley. No series "Gangster Petersburg»
This is so for a moment - the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
Temple Law Enforcement. The highest supervisory authority for the implementation of the legislation.
Including SDA, equate to the law.
"Well, Che, in a cast for a long time no one was?»
No comments yet.
Then, "And from our window is visible to the Red Square" hand appeared and began to take off our iPhone.
Fifth, I hope. Gyulchataj face never shown.
Mr. Second stayed long. Half an hour. Not less.
And his hand is not tired all the time to make "paper person"? A trained guy, apparently.
Yet he could not resist. He opened the door and move very quickly gave
Strekachev toward the second building of the Prosecutor General - Dmitrovka, 17.
Where and disappeared into the bowels of the protected door.
Do you think - here a fairy tale ending?
From the depths of the Prosecutor General Mr. Second vyzvonil car with a red inscription
aboard the "Investigative Committee", I talked to a carrier, after which they stopped, ran
the gateway GP and there disappeared. Apparently, his comrades rescued from captivity and taken away the secret passages,
because the more we have not seen him.
Well, people are working. With gang fighting. And corruption. We will not disturb them.
In the meantime, Vadim Korovin outfit called the traffic police for registration protocol.
But the carrier also give up just not going to.
After sitting in the car for about an hour, he finally got out of lying
the apparatus on the ground and floated to the surface.
We asked him not to leave the place of the offense, but with the words of Comrade
"I will not run away" - ran into the same cherished door
Prosecutor General's Office on the Grand Dmitrovka, 17. Strange building.
Like and prosecutors, but all offenders flee there for some reason.
In the meantime, we wanted to help a passing traffic police captain.
Korovin explained the situation to him and he went to take the explanations from
the offender in a strange building.
Ho. Once.
No, type in a deep breath and sit down.
"Once again," double four.
Once Vadim Korovin DPS captain opened the door to a strange building,
sitting there at the entrance of the offender, when he saw them - I jumped up and ran up the stairs!
In the truest sense of the word - he galloped up the stairs like a hare!
Meanwhile, in another alley Glinischevskom friend for some reason
He threw their own numbers snow.
Nearby were two policemen and watched this action.
I was wondering - Comrade, why are some numbers to throw snow Prosecutor General?
Why are you trying to hide from the eye of Big Brother?
Why would not you want to know you in person and number? Maybe some ghastly act of terrorism cooking?
About bulwark of our laws?
Maybe you our law does not like?
Shocked by this terrible guess, I went to the friend, to ask -
and not whether he is ready for a terrible attack and whether he likes our law.
Oddly enough, but comrade appeared on the windshield decal Prosecutor General
Is it possible to believe that an employee of the Prosecutor General is not to the liking of our law?
Of course not. This logical dissonance I have someone.
Comrade was friendly.
- No, - he said, smiling. - It's not my pass. It gave me.
On February twenty-third, apparently. Wife.
Then I shaded another terrible conjecture, asked a friend:
- What's that, it turns out, in which case you park the galleries here illegally?
- No, - I replied smiling friend.
- Why do you then snow plastered rooms?
- So. Just. Just like that - he said with the same smile.
Good man.
Meanwhile, the captain Korovin returned from the chase of the strange building.
Comrade Captain was a good man, but could not do anything.
The car was - maybe she slipped's just such a strange way.
Driver not. Call the tow truck has a reason not to.
While Comrade Captain explained to us the intricacies of the law, a good man,
It throws a snow room, removed from the windshield decal Prosecutor General
and for some reason, too, I left. All the same with snow pelted numbers.
Why did they all leave, then? You do not know?
Immediately after it passed another black tinted "Gelentvagen."
When he saw us, "Gelentvagen" joyfully welcoming zabibikal,
down sun visor on the face and under its cover showed us enthusiastic factor.
Some of the old customers. Learn. Remember. It's nice.
So conditioned reflex in the gentlemen already developed. It remains only to fix it.
Meanwhile caused Korovin gentlemen approached the police. Already two whole crew
(And before them from ATS "Tver" out already a major learn what was going on).
These two crew as long explained to us the intricacies of the legislation.
As a result, the direct question - what's next then? - Gentlemen, the police said,
then they will arrange an ambush and wait for the return of the offender.
Well, ambush, so an ambush. Vadim Korovin and Andrew Eagle written explanations,
left coordinates and ready to attach to the protocol data video and photos.

Oh, this is a terrible story. For a long time I was in a thrash was not involved.
Perhaps even from the time of the occupation of the Kremlin-Orda.
Last week Russian Federation of car owners in general,
and Vadim Korovin in particular put a post about Far Prosecutor General's Office,
which is completely illegally grabbed himself a single band on the Big Dmitrovka,
fenced its columns, and rides on it on an opposite in his garage.
Caught in the offense began to assert representatives of the Prosecutor General,
it is not their columns.
Then Vadim Korovin put orphaned columns currently in the trunk, drove to the police station
and I passed there as orphan discovery.
Write a statement that in the case of the rightful owner is willing to return them to him.
The owner showed up. Prosecutor General's Office acknowledged that it is their columns.
I take them with you in response to a statement about the discovery Korovin offered to write
on his statement about the theft. With the words, "You have gone too far, we will put him».
Then, this time we decided to go even further.
Since Dmitrovka was free only two days,
Prosecutor General's Office and then re-occupied it,
we decided to return and restore justice.
Trash and removal of the brain, dear reader, you are guaranteed.
In sootvetvsii with guests, road signs should be installed:
and - straight and b - not less than five centimeters from each other.
The sign "No Stopping" on the fence of the Prosecutor General has been set:
and - in the sky, and b - overlap. That is, the guests do not correspond in any way.
And is a spectacle here such here:

Not immediately noticed, huh? Zoom:

Remember - if the sign looks like this, it means that there is no sign.
Therefore, stopping and parking on the Big Ditrovke 15 - allowed.
What we immediately took advantage. Korovin drove the car
and parked directly in front of the General Prosecutor's Office.
On a fenced illegal self-captured columns attorneys general band.

I decided to make a couple of shots. After removing my entrance to the building,
attorneys general still fresher, and sent me a man in civilian clothes

A man in civilian clothes for a long time told me why I can not shoot the building of the Prosecutor General.

He said politely, before it was presented, showed identity -
so there is no question.
But no rule of law, in addition to departmental instructions, for some reason, did not name.
To which I replied that his departmental instructions I completely purple,
I live according to the law and the Constitution, and in the streets of Moscow will withdraw what I want, where I want and when I want.
Whereupon the conversation was over. Man, however, in the future all the time was near us,
but he behaved quite correctly.
Then came this citizen's known Far post more about past actions.
It is not, it does not say what he said only that his name is Sergei.

Sergei my camera has survived, but then the enemy "Cannon»,
He visited with me in two wars and not broken any Georgian tanks,
no ethnic massacres Kyrgyzstan, Russian Prosecutor General's spring and finished off yet.
And he refused to work.
So it will further illustrate screenshots of the video,
shot aktivistoam FAR Andrew Eagle
Sergei long rubbed us that this is not the park. On the question - how can that be,
sign hanging out on that black and white
"Stopping and parking is prohibited," and the bottom plate, "except for the a / m of the General Prosecutor's Office»,
He said that the General Prosecutor's Office is no parking.
Then we showed him another sign on which is painted white on the blue shaped as letters «P»
and under it the same label - '/ for the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. "

At that Sergey said that it was not the car park of the Prosecutor General and Prosecutor General's Office was not worth it.
And if they are, it's squatting on the ground, and it's some alien machine.
Then we showed Sergei black boomer numbers AMP and flashing light on the roof.

Sergey On this we replied that no machine he does not see anything there.
Skateboard, probably.
This "I am not I and not my horse" would have lasted longer, but then he appeared.
Mr. Furst.
Or rather - A 138 MR 97

Mr. Furst - without the beacons and sound - with Glinischevskogo left lane,
turned right under the sign "turn just to the left", the band went on selftrapped
oncoming traffic, saw us and thought for a moment.
Then he turned on the flashing lights and siren and moved on.
But it was not there. With us, these numbers are not rolled.
Uperevshis in the car, he had poorat-poorat a while, and then began to take his back ...!
Again. Feel it. The car of the General Prosecutor's Office. With flashing lights and a siren.
With kryakalkami. Lettings backwards in the opposite lane. After a pedestrian crossing.
Just because four men stood in his way.
Four people!
And he was with all his USAID-s, sirens, kryakalkami, toning
and the prosecutor on the seat - backs away from us backwards.
How are they afraid still.
How do they bitch own people scared ...

It was the best show of my life.
But Comrade proved savvy. Do you know what he did? Yeah.
Just picked up and left entirely to the oncoming lane.

"Once again," take two. Owned by the General Prosecutor's Car
AMP 138 97 Russian left on single lanes,
blocking the movement of all the Big Dmitrovka completely.
Left lane othapala currently Prosecutor General's Office, to the right - othapal Federation Council.

She went to meet him on the green "Mathis". Dude almost ran into her bumper,
and all their kryakalkami began to push it back.
We have not had a girl, though she had opened the window and we shouted to her that she did not give in,
but the girl was in complete shock and still missed it.

Ran some manor coachman from garage:
- What did you override a something? This land is your land something?
Eeeee ... You're not lost in time you, uncle?
Yes, this is our land!
YES - this is our land !!!
And we will drive you out of our land will, nasty invaders, pissing rags.

Well, because, Sergey, you said that this machine is not the Prosecutor General?
- I will not comment on this issue. There are things that do not make comments.
No, Sergei. You will comment.
Over time, you'll all our comments. Always.

However, to debate, and this time did not happen.
Because there was Mr. Second. II. The MP 204 77

Mr. Second was not so versed in dealing with the rebels peyzane,
and what to do in an emergency - did not know.
So he stupidly ran into our car, pokryakal couple of times and stopped on the emergency gang.
After thinking, he still tried to pass back too, but Andrew Eagle already partitioned
Reverse leave their own posts. Eagle!

As a result, Mr. Second heed exhortations Vadim Korovin:
"You can not continue on the motion,
you are on the wrong side "and went on the defensive.

Unknown Father in carefully covered his face as much as two folders at once.
Face Paper. Face paper.

At this point, the Prosecutor General, finally, began to protection of law and order.
Well, as they understand it, of course.
Slightly open the window and there was a phrase: "Che, in a cast for a long time no one was?»
"Once again," double three.
This, remember, no gangster shodnyak. Gopnik is not on the courts.
No kids in the alley. No series "Gangster Petersburg»
This is so for a moment - the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
Temple Law Enforcement. The highest supervisory authority for the implementation of the legislation.
Including SDA, equate to the law.
"Well, Che, in a cast for a long time no one was?»
No comments yet.
Then, "And from our window is visible to the Red Square" hand appeared and began to take off our iPhone.
Fifth, I hope. Gyulchataj face never shown.

Mr. Second stayed long. Half an hour. Not less.
And his hand is not tired all the time to make "paper person"? A trained guy, apparently.
Yet he could not resist. He opened the door and move very quickly gave
Strekachev toward the second building of the Prosecutor General - Dmitrovka, 17.
Where and disappeared into the bowels of the protected door.

Do you think - here a fairy tale ending?
From the depths of the Prosecutor General Mr. Second vyzvonil car with a red inscription
aboard the "Investigative Committee", I talked to a carrier, after which they stopped, ran
the gateway GP and there disappeared. Apparently, his comrades rescued from captivity and taken away the secret passages,
because the more we have not seen him.
Well, people are working. With gang fighting. And corruption. We will not disturb them.

In the meantime, Vadim Korovin outfit called the traffic police for registration protocol.
But the carrier also give up just not going to.
After sitting in the car for about an hour, he finally got out of lying
the apparatus on the ground and floated to the surface.

We asked him not to leave the place of the offense, but with the words of Comrade
"I will not run away" - ran into the same cherished door
Prosecutor General's Office on the Grand Dmitrovka, 17. Strange building.
Like and prosecutors, but all offenders flee there for some reason.

In the meantime, we wanted to help a passing traffic police captain.
Korovin explained the situation to him and he went to take the explanations from
the offender in a strange building.

Ho. Once.
No, type in a deep breath and sit down.
"Once again," double four.
Once Vadim Korovin DPS captain opened the door to a strange building,
sitting there at the entrance of the offender, when he saw them - I jumped up and ran up the stairs!
In the truest sense of the word - he galloped up the stairs like a hare!

Meanwhile, in another alley Glinischevskom friend for some reason
He threw their own numbers snow.
Nearby were two policemen and watched this action.

I was wondering - Comrade, why are some numbers to throw snow Prosecutor General?
Why are you trying to hide from the eye of Big Brother?
Why would not you want to know you in person and number? Maybe some ghastly act of terrorism cooking?
About bulwark of our laws?
Maybe you our law does not like?
Shocked by this terrible guess, I went to the friend, to ask -
and not whether he is ready for a terrible attack and whether he likes our law.
Oddly enough, but comrade appeared on the windshield decal Prosecutor General

Is it possible to believe that an employee of the Prosecutor General is not to the liking of our law?
Of course not. This logical dissonance I have someone.

Comrade was friendly.
- No, - he said, smiling. - It's not my pass. It gave me.
On February twenty-third, apparently. Wife.
Then I shaded another terrible conjecture, asked a friend:
- What's that, it turns out, in which case you park the galleries here illegally?
- No, - I replied smiling friend.
- Why do you then snow plastered rooms?
- So. Just. Just like that - he said with the same smile.
Good man.
Meanwhile, the captain Korovin returned from the chase of the strange building.
Comrade Captain was a good man, but could not do anything.
The car was - maybe she slipped's just such a strange way.
Driver not. Call the tow truck has a reason not to.

While Comrade Captain explained to us the intricacies of the law, a good man,
It throws a snow room, removed from the windshield decal Prosecutor General
and for some reason, too, I left. All the same with snow pelted numbers.
Why did they all leave, then? You do not know?

Immediately after it passed another black tinted "Gelentvagen."
When he saw us, "Gelentvagen" joyfully welcoming zabibikal,
down sun visor on the face and under its cover showed us enthusiastic factor.
Some of the old customers. Learn. Remember. It's nice.
So conditioned reflex in the gentlemen already developed. It remains only to fix it.
Meanwhile caused Korovin gentlemen approached the police. Already two whole crew
(And before them from ATS "Tver" out already a major learn what was going on).
These two crew as long explained to us the intricacies of the legislation.
As a result, the direct question - what's next then? - Gentlemen, the police said,
then they will arrange an ambush and wait for the return of the offender.

Well, ambush, so an ambush. Vadim Korovin and Andrew Eagle written explanations,
left coordinates and ready to attach to the protocol data video and photos.
