Irish castle. Interiors
The author writes: In an Irish castle, where we spent the past weekend, the first residential floor, and the rest are located 8 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms, where they can live comfortably to 16 people. Another 14 people can stay in a cottage 50 meters from the castle.
It is a residential family castle (private residence rather than a hotel), and is adjacent to the museum environment living rooms sons hosts who decorate their room half-naked pictures of ex-girlfriends.
Depending on the time, the castle serves 10 to 15 people. Some live in rooms in the castle, but most of them come into the lock to work.
Under the cut that is hidden behind the thick walls of the castle:
Have you ever wondered what it looks like a doorbell in a castle? It turned out to be an old, deep fails the button with pleasant melodious call:
In the main lobby, guests are met fireplace with black on the sides of the Moors. During weddings and celebrations are the band members dancing Riverdance:
In this room tasting whiskey or communicate with each other by the fireplace:
In the castle are many backdoors. Look closely and you'll see a door in the wall:
All the free surface in the lock forced photographs, statuettes, vases, plates, boxes and other gizmos. Feelings of emptiness there is not exactly there:
The main reception hall. During weddings here and take out all the furniture are arranged tables:
Otherwise, guests can enjoy in the heat of celebration accidentally spoil the truly unique things. For example, the white sofas 17th century. I did not dare to sit on them.
The sensation was unusual. These things and furniture I had could only see in the museums of the protective tape and a stern look doorman, and there they quietly stand in a "flat", they can sit, lie down, read a book ...
Formal Dining Room. At this table sat a lot of famous people:
According to the rules of etiquette for dinner husband can not sit next to my wife, so we sat on opposite sides of the table. This is done to ensure that the spouses are not addicted to gossip with each other, and socialize with other guests:
Charming lady of the manor itself cook and serve dinner for us:
I chose a gentle lamb with mint sauce, new potatoes from the local backyard and stewed tomatoes:
For dessert we were served bananas, baked with brandy and cream:
On the second floor is a huge spiral staircase:
Hall first floor:
The castle is a lot of books. Oksana Flanagan, CEO of Your Royal Wedding, organizing a wedding here recently began to create a library for Russian guests.
I used to dream of such a telescope on your desktop:
Room youngest son of the owners of the castle. On the walls of his previous pictures of girls. Some very explicit:
Next to the bed is warmer. Heated huge castle is very expensive, so that not all the rooms are always warm. It seems to me that this water bottle - a very nice touch to the portrait of the castle and all its hosts:
The castle all at home. If you prefer stiffness Ritz, then this lock is obviously not for you. Everything here looks like a normal house of the English aristocracy, with their way of life and interests: horseback riding, hunting, art, cycling:
Room eldest son:
Our room, where we stayed until the political leaders and Hollywood celebrities:
When we entered the room, I thought, "Where is the bathroom?" She was still for a secret door:
View tub on the largest private lake in Europe:
I really liked the window with blue carafe inside:
In this picture is clearly visible thickness of the walls of the castle. Wi-Fi signal through them almost no breaks, and the owners had to install repeaters in almost every room:
This round room occupies the entire second floor of one of the towers:
Egyptian bathroom:
This room is called the Throne room for the toilet, like a throne (next photo):
And this is the most original toilet that I have ever seen. A staircase leads to the attic, which has long since overgrown with cobwebs and not used. Just made it to the toilet rooms at the top of a narrow tower:
The staircase to the roof:
Scenic view from the roof of the castle looks different depending on the weather:
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It is a residential family castle (private residence rather than a hotel), and is adjacent to the museum environment living rooms sons hosts who decorate their room half-naked pictures of ex-girlfriends.
Depending on the time, the castle serves 10 to 15 people. Some live in rooms in the castle, but most of them come into the lock to work.
Under the cut that is hidden behind the thick walls of the castle:

Have you ever wondered what it looks like a doorbell in a castle? It turned out to be an old, deep fails the button with pleasant melodious call:

In the main lobby, guests are met fireplace with black on the sides of the Moors. During weddings and celebrations are the band members dancing Riverdance:

In this room tasting whiskey or communicate with each other by the fireplace:

In the castle are many backdoors. Look closely and you'll see a door in the wall:

All the free surface in the lock forced photographs, statuettes, vases, plates, boxes and other gizmos. Feelings of emptiness there is not exactly there:

The main reception hall. During weddings here and take out all the furniture are arranged tables:

Otherwise, guests can enjoy in the heat of celebration accidentally spoil the truly unique things. For example, the white sofas 17th century. I did not dare to sit on them.
The sensation was unusual. These things and furniture I had could only see in the museums of the protective tape and a stern look doorman, and there they quietly stand in a "flat", they can sit, lie down, read a book ...

Formal Dining Room. At this table sat a lot of famous people:

According to the rules of etiquette for dinner husband can not sit next to my wife, so we sat on opposite sides of the table. This is done to ensure that the spouses are not addicted to gossip with each other, and socialize with other guests:

Charming lady of the manor itself cook and serve dinner for us:

I chose a gentle lamb with mint sauce, new potatoes from the local backyard and stewed tomatoes:

For dessert we were served bananas, baked with brandy and cream:

On the second floor is a huge spiral staircase:

Hall first floor:

The castle is a lot of books. Oksana Flanagan, CEO of Your Royal Wedding, organizing a wedding here recently began to create a library for Russian guests.

I used to dream of such a telescope on your desktop:

Room youngest son of the owners of the castle. On the walls of his previous pictures of girls. Some very explicit:

Next to the bed is warmer. Heated huge castle is very expensive, so that not all the rooms are always warm. It seems to me that this water bottle - a very nice touch to the portrait of the castle and all its hosts:

The castle all at home. If you prefer stiffness Ritz, then this lock is obviously not for you. Everything here looks like a normal house of the English aristocracy, with their way of life and interests: horseback riding, hunting, art, cycling:

Room eldest son:

Our room, where we stayed until the political leaders and Hollywood celebrities:

When we entered the room, I thought, "Where is the bathroom?" She was still for a secret door:

View tub on the largest private lake in Europe:

I really liked the window with blue carafe inside:

In this picture is clearly visible thickness of the walls of the castle. Wi-Fi signal through them almost no breaks, and the owners had to install repeaters in almost every room:

This round room occupies the entire second floor of one of the towers:

Egyptian bathroom:

This room is called the Throne room for the toilet, like a throne (next photo):

And this is the most original toilet that I have ever seen. A staircase leads to the attic, which has long since overgrown with cobwebs and not used. Just made it to the toilet rooms at the top of a narrow tower:

The staircase to the roof:

Scenic view from the roof of the castle looks different depending on the weather:

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