Disgusting delicacies countries
Let's look at an unusual delicacies from around the world that the Russian people may seem disgusting ... Not for the faint of heart.
The man from Saudi Arabia gnaws Agrionemys legs. It is said that the blood of this lizard heals many diseases and strengthens the body. The meat of these reptiles is considered a delicacy in many parts of the Middle East.
Peruvian woman throws in the blender pre osvezhёvannuyu frog. In Peru, believe that the frog juice (extracto de rana) - it is a powerful aphrodisiac.
Butcher Bolivia cuts boiled sheep's head. Sheep's head soup - one of the favorite dishes of Bolivians.
This woman cuts baked cat in the back room of the restaurant in Côte d'Ivoire. Meat cats - traditional food for a large part of Africa and Asia.
Turtle meat is always possible to buy on the market of one of the port cities of Nicaragua for the price of 1, 10 dollars a pound (454 grams).
The restaurant of the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta, you can taste the meat cobra. In the vicinity of Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java each week about 1,000 cobras catch and sell them for the price of 1, 15 dollars apiece.
A woman from Sudan prepares a dish of liver camel. Between 1996 and 2002, Sudan harvested from 72 000 to 81 000 tonnes of camel year.
The man from Vietnam is preparing to sell dogs. Dog meat - a traditional food for many peoples of East Asia.
Once in Vietnam rats ate only in special times of famine. Now they are prepared as part of a special meal at the end of the lunar calendar.
This Peruvian woman prepares a dish of guinea pig. Guinea pigs are considered a delicacy in many parts of South America.
Soup snakes often brewed in China. Meat snakes generally takes in Chinese cuisine is quite a big place, it is considered very healthy.
In Taiwan believe that the eggs and embryos of Cobra have healing properties.
Chinese woman eating a dish of penises of bulls and dogs. This Chinese restaurant offers dishes from the penises of 30 different animals, stewed with vegetables. In China, the penises of many animals are considered extremely useful.
Lemurs of Madagascar restaurants sell as "elite forest game." Many species of lemurs, which are found only in Madagascar, are today on the verge of extinction due to poaching.
In the Chinese province of Zhejiang special spring chicken delicacy considered hard-boiled eggs in the urine of young boys.
On the Cambodian province of Kampong Cham bus street vendors selling crunchy spiders, seasoned with garlic - two dollars per dozen.
In Lahore (Pakistan) for breakfast prefer a dish called "Siri Paya" made from the heads and feet of a goat.
Sauce with especially large species of ants called "kulonas." It is served in most restaurants in town Barichara (Colombia).
The man from Saudi Arabia gnaws Agrionemys legs. It is said that the blood of this lizard heals many diseases and strengthens the body. The meat of these reptiles is considered a delicacy in many parts of the Middle East.

Peruvian woman throws in the blender pre osvezhёvannuyu frog. In Peru, believe that the frog juice (extracto de rana) - it is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Butcher Bolivia cuts boiled sheep's head. Sheep's head soup - one of the favorite dishes of Bolivians.

This woman cuts baked cat in the back room of the restaurant in Côte d'Ivoire. Meat cats - traditional food for a large part of Africa and Asia.

Turtle meat is always possible to buy on the market of one of the port cities of Nicaragua for the price of 1, 10 dollars a pound (454 grams).

The restaurant of the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta, you can taste the meat cobra. In the vicinity of Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java each week about 1,000 cobras catch and sell them for the price of 1, 15 dollars apiece.

A woman from Sudan prepares a dish of liver camel. Between 1996 and 2002, Sudan harvested from 72 000 to 81 000 tonnes of camel year.

The man from Vietnam is preparing to sell dogs. Dog meat - a traditional food for many peoples of East Asia.

Once in Vietnam rats ate only in special times of famine. Now they are prepared as part of a special meal at the end of the lunar calendar.

This Peruvian woman prepares a dish of guinea pig. Guinea pigs are considered a delicacy in many parts of South America.

Soup snakes often brewed in China. Meat snakes generally takes in Chinese cuisine is quite a big place, it is considered very healthy.

In Taiwan believe that the eggs and embryos of Cobra have healing properties.

Chinese woman eating a dish of penises of bulls and dogs. This Chinese restaurant offers dishes from the penises of 30 different animals, stewed with vegetables. In China, the penises of many animals are considered extremely useful.

Lemurs of Madagascar restaurants sell as "elite forest game." Many species of lemurs, which are found only in Madagascar, are today on the verge of extinction due to poaching.

In the Chinese province of Zhejiang special spring chicken delicacy considered hard-boiled eggs in the urine of young boys.

On the Cambodian province of Kampong Cham bus street vendors selling crunchy spiders, seasoned with garlic - two dollars per dozen.

In Lahore (Pakistan) for breakfast prefer a dish called "Siri Paya" made from the heads and feet of a goat.

Sauce with especially large species of ants called "kulonas." It is served in most restaurants in town Barichara (Colombia).

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