Endangered Species cute animals
I want to tell you about the most endearing creatures of nature, which, unfortunately, were on the verge of extinction. Read.
Pygmy hippopotamus
This animal looks almost like a regular behemoth, only very small. Today the entire world population of pygmy hippos is not more than a thousand individuals. The main reason for the disappearance of this animal was the dearest deforestation and uncontrolled slaughter. Hunters who want to get skin pygmy hippopotamus, and its meat, which is served in many restaurants as a delicacy. Fortunately, the security policy gives good results: pygmy hippopotamus fine breed in captivity, and their population is slowly increasing.
Sea otters (sea otters)
Oil spills, uncontrolled hunting and environmental degradation have led to the fact that the sea otter is on the verge of extinction. Now in the world of this animal it has less than a thousand individuals, and the population is steadily declining. Problems with otters began in the middle of the last century, when sea otter began a massive hunt poachers who wanted to have her soft warm fur. Now the animals are causing the greatest damage to oil spills that damage the fur, causing animals to die of hypothermia.
Sand cat
View of the cat family, the main feature of which can be called a very small size: sand cat rarely exceeds in size (without the tail) of 30-40 centimeters. In addition, these cats have a very interesting shape of the ears, which look very large. Due to the small size of these animals seem eternal kittens. Animal dwells mainly in desert sand regions devoid of any vegetation. Nocturnal, saved from the heat of the day in burrows of ground squirrels and foxes prey on small rodents and insects. This species is listed as endangered, today there are about 50,000 individuals.
The slow loris
It is one of five species of lories - the slow and large, from which it was in Western literature often referred to as the slow loris. It was opened in 1812, he lives in tropical forests. The reason for the strong reduction of the population size is banal: uncontrolled deforestation and poaching. With the help of the World Wildlife Fund was able to significantly increase the population, contributing to breeding animals in captivity and reserves.
Giant Panda
Giant Panda or bamboo bear - record among the cute animals in popularity. Although pictures with cute pandas flood the internet, but the popularity of the animals does not save them from the slow extinction. Every year, despite the efforts of scientists and ecologists, the number of pandas is slowly declining. In some countries, such as China, for killing a panda death penalty.
Pygmy hippopotamus
This animal looks almost like a regular behemoth, only very small. Today the entire world population of pygmy hippos is not more than a thousand individuals. The main reason for the disappearance of this animal was the dearest deforestation and uncontrolled slaughter. Hunters who want to get skin pygmy hippopotamus, and its meat, which is served in many restaurants as a delicacy. Fortunately, the security policy gives good results: pygmy hippopotamus fine breed in captivity, and their population is slowly increasing.

Sea otters (sea otters)
Oil spills, uncontrolled hunting and environmental degradation have led to the fact that the sea otter is on the verge of extinction. Now in the world of this animal it has less than a thousand individuals, and the population is steadily declining. Problems with otters began in the middle of the last century, when sea otter began a massive hunt poachers who wanted to have her soft warm fur. Now the animals are causing the greatest damage to oil spills that damage the fur, causing animals to die of hypothermia.

Sand cat
View of the cat family, the main feature of which can be called a very small size: sand cat rarely exceeds in size (without the tail) of 30-40 centimeters. In addition, these cats have a very interesting shape of the ears, which look very large. Due to the small size of these animals seem eternal kittens. Animal dwells mainly in desert sand regions devoid of any vegetation. Nocturnal, saved from the heat of the day in burrows of ground squirrels and foxes prey on small rodents and insects. This species is listed as endangered, today there are about 50,000 individuals.

The slow loris
It is one of five species of lories - the slow and large, from which it was in Western literature often referred to as the slow loris. It was opened in 1812, he lives in tropical forests. The reason for the strong reduction of the population size is banal: uncontrolled deforestation and poaching. With the help of the World Wildlife Fund was able to significantly increase the population, contributing to breeding animals in captivity and reserves.

Giant Panda
Giant Panda or bamboo bear - record among the cute animals in popularity. Although pictures with cute pandas flood the internet, but the popularity of the animals does not save them from the slow extinction. Every year, despite the efforts of scientists and ecologists, the number of pandas is slowly declining. In some countries, such as China, for killing a panda death penalty.