Turtles die in silence
Mnogabukav and 25 images of turtles is about nature. Finish will tell. Read those who already have or who want to have a house, "a small dinosaur."
7 years ago I killed my first turtle. Turtle was brought as a souvenir from a trip to warmer climates, and died within a week, long tormented. Later I learned that this species, zanesnny in the Red Book and the first application of CITES in captivity lives only in very specific and inaccessible for amateur conditions. Ie I did not give her a chance, and you will give? Cat, dog, parrot can be at least as something to show that they are bad, but not a turtle. Turtle will just quietly, slowly and painfully die.
Let's start with the myths of the turtles, which are supported by the sellers of stores to stimulate sales:
1. Buy a bug kiddies.
Babe she quickly tired. Its not cuddle, she does not wag its tail, it will not tweet and barking when you see it. But there is a chance that buying her baby, she will get even great-grandchildren. Because buy baby hamster when it is all hands for 2 years he will die.
2. It's a little bug, it does not take up much space ...
Can not be! small turtles sold in the open. 98% sold in our skulls is Sredneazitskaya (overland to 29cm) and Krasnouhov (water up to 35cm). And, accordingly, they should be not less than 0, 5m2 personal space. Although they are often not vyrostut because of the appalling conditions soderaniya.
3. It is affordable ...
Yes. Turtle is inexpensive, but give it a decent life will be in the tens or even hundreds of times more expensive. For example, for 5 bucks krasnoushki should be Strengthened aquarium 250-350l with powerful filters and expensive lamp somewhere in the 1000-2000 slain president.
4. She eats dry food. (food and one for all)
Yes eating, but not for long, you're on a long stretch of chips and crackers? Central Asians herbivores, carnivores Krasnouhie. Please describe in detail later.
5. It will be enough Basin (Krasnouhov) / She is well under the battery (Asians).
More than half of snail disease develops because of inadequate maintenance. And it should be just a couple of light bulbs and adequate terarium.
6. If you get sick take it to the vet.
Stop! The turtle is a cold-blooded reptile, which with Konovalov has nothing to do. All of the CIS has only about a dozen experienced herpetologists. So it will have to treat the most likely yourself. And you put a shot probyvali 3cm crumbs?
7. Take just a couple of turtles, they will be more fun.
Turtles single, his company does not need. Paul can confidently identify the turtle only after puberty, but not less than a year. But heterosexual is not a guarantee of peaceful coexistence. Are you ready to have 2 of the cage? A worn with Cepoi which could not postpone laying?
8. Let it to the fishes.
:) Very bad joke. Turtles in the life of two passions: eat and dig. Turtle eats away and then breaks out every reach. If kakayato fish and survive - do not worry, just her time has not come yet, so as soon as chepken older ...
9. smear it with oil and it will shine.
Bald head currently butter smears let the one who is advised! At the turtle shell performs many functions, including the so-called skin respiration and the synthesis of vitamin D3 calcium. Clogging pores oil blocks these functions creates conditions for the development of pathogenic organisms on the shell.
10. In the winter they hibernate.
Properly enter and bring the turtle out of hibernation not everyone can, as well as to create conditions for a proper "storage" sleeping turtle. Turtle does not bear paw and does not suck, it flows into the deepest anyone with an almost complete stoppage of the heart, respiratory and metabolic processes in the body ... But parasites, fungi and bacteria in it. Wrong sleeping turtle, if not immediately die during hibernation / exit, then just do not survive for more than 4 years.
11. It is hard.
In general yes, but fall to the floor with 1.5m often deadly fear of heights and they do not have as a Claes. Dog razgryzet it simply, a cat without claws will produce problems of the shell.
12. Turtle grow in size cans.
Yeah. And if you take a square jar, it will square tortoise. Turtle grows regardless of the creation of conditions for it.
I do not scared, and you still want the turtle.
10 questions that you should voznknut:
1. How many turtles to buy? - Take the best one first turtle and then it has to acquire, not just 2-5 turtles, which you can not cope.
2. What kind of better to take? - Newcomers better to take a popular species of turtles: krasnouhih and Central Asia. They are more tenacious and less trouble with them than with exotic species of turtles. Do not buy endangered species of turtles, if you do not intend to breed them.
3. When buying turtle? - It is recommended to take turtles from late spring to early autumn. In winter can be sold sick animals, or they can chill in transit to a new home. People have tested the turtles may be taken in any season, also in this case, the higher the probability that turtles are not caught from nature contraband individuals.
4.Akvarium buy before or after? - The aquarium or terrarium should be equipped to purchase a turtle.
5.Gde buy turtles? - It is better to take the abandoned turtle free, than to buy in the store. In no case do not buy turtles in the poultry market - there is often sold or terminally ill animals listed in the Red Book. If you require turtle species in return not, it is recommended to look at the bulletin board of your city, town sites on animals or buy / order a turtle at a pet store.
6. How to determine whether the turtle is healthy? - Healthy turtle is active, it does not discharge from the nose and eyes. Eyes open, mouth breathing does not, people respond (mostly fleeing).
7. As when buying a turtle to carry home? - In warm weather - in a box with sawdust or plastic container in the cold - in a rag under a jacket or in a box with a heater.
8.Skolko is a turtle? - Prices of different species of turtles range from 150 rubles to 30 000 and more for the most rare and exotic species.
But better to save a life, take a turtle, from which the owners refused. They are often available free of charge.
9.Skolko worth terrarium equipment? - A minimum of 3,000 p, but sometimes even a free give terrariums. Look on the Internet.
10. What documents should require the turtles? - At least a receipt or a copy of the clear indicating the type and number of animals, the name of the seller and his signature, date of sale, price. It is also desirable to obtain veterinary certificate or a copy of it, that the animal is healthy. If you are selling have not received any document, then 100% animal brought from their native environment smuggled in a canvas bag among hundreds of the same, and most likely not infected with a disease (in particular should pay attention to salmonellosis, which is transmitted to humans).
We have decided on the kind and amount of turtles now the question is: Where shall we live?
Central Asia - terrarium:
1) In the cage must be ground (pebbles in a warm corner of sawdust / wood chips / hay), 40-60 W incandescent lamp, UV lamp for reptiles (10% UVB), and feeder house. UV light must be positioned approximately 25cm from tortoise (not lower than 20, not more than 40). Ultraviolet light does not heat the terrarium, but provides the necessary UV turtle, which in nature are prepared by sunlight - ultraviolet light is vital for normal functioning of the turtles, the absorption of calcium, vitamin D3, and many others. A heating lamp (incandescent) plays the role of a heat source, creating the desired temperature gradient at which the turtle can itself select optimal temperatures. Heat is also vital for the reptiles, because they can only be heated by an external source of heat to the body to work properly. Without heat low metabolism is even slower, the food is not digested, and rot in the stomach, there may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The temperature of the content of 24-26 ° C in a cold corner of the house and at 30-33 in a warm corner under the lamp. The temperature under the lamp can be adjusted by changing the light bulb in the lamp itself (put different power), or lowering or raising the lamp. Turtles love to dig in the gravel, digging themselves seek asylum. Any drafts and sudden temperature changes even if the terrarium content can cause the common cold in these animals. For more information about, visit the terrariums of specialized sites.
2) Paddock. Paddock is in one corner of the room is heated by a lamp located in one of the walls of the enclosure, and turtles are free to choose their desired temperature at the moment. In the summer arrange nice corral at their summer cottage. In July and August on the line south of Kiev-Voronezh tortoises can be left in the pen, and at night, to the north of this line for the night animals better put them in the house. To tortoise easy to find at any time, can be a small piece of adhesive tape to fix on the carapace a balloon or a marked box at a high flagstaff.
3) The free content is not allowed in the house !!! Only if a corral, a fenced corner on the warm floor, draft-free, with the right lamps, temperature and soil.
Krasnouhov - aquaterrarium:
Aquaterrarium for red-eared sliders can be short, not very wide, but there must be a long, on volume of about 120-150 liters for one adult turtles (at least 120l). The water level should not be less than the width of the turtle shell (ie not less than 10 cm), allowing it to roll over, if for some reason will be at the back. The aquarium must be shore or land with a gentle no slippery ladder to him.
The water temperature in the aquarium - from 24 to 26 ° C, the air on the coast - about 31-33oS. To maintain the water temperature needed aquarium water heater, however, if the water temperature is correct and without the heater, then there is no need. The water in the pool should be changed when dirty or use the powerful filter (young - domestic, adult turtles - external).
Above the island to install the bulb 40-60 W and a UV lamp for reptiles (10% UVB) at a height of not less than 20-25 cm in order to prevent eye burns. Both lights should be lit 10-12 hours a day, at night they should be off. Turtles generally bask in the land where he obtained ultraviolet light required for activity, a good metabolism (digestion of food and the work of the stomach) and the prevention of rickets.
In warmer months, it is desirable to make turtles into the street in the sun as much as possible (at the street more than 20 ° C). The first exposure to the sun is limited to five minutes, gradually increasing the duration sunbathing up to two hours and more. Since turtles quickly overheat, you should create a shady place where the animals are, if necessary, may leave. Do not use plastic bowls and boxes - the tortoise have to be able to go into the shadows, because sunlight is great danger of overheating.
Now to the question of food.
In shops the turtles are often kept at a certain mono-feed and as a result they give up a normal meal. This is normal. Fasting for a week or two (my rested against 3 months) has no turtle will not hurt. Main stand firm and not to succumb to a very mournful appearance hungry turtles, and it is difficult to believe. What mistakes often make a home turtle?
• Give herbivorous land turtles animal food, water and prey - only vegetarian.
• Feed the turtles too often or too infrequently, which leads to obesity and abnormal growth of the body and the shell or the exhaustion and death.
• Do not give turtles vitamins and calcium, resulting in turtles are frequent fractures, vitamin deficiency and the curve carapace.
• Feed water turtles only gammarus, bloodworm, and similar food, which in any case can not be considered the main food
1.Chem feed tortoises (Central Asia, the Mediterranean)? - Tortoises fed only chopped mixture of plants, fruits and vegetables (at least), berries.
2.Chem feed aquatic turtles (krasnouhih, marsh, TRIONIKS)? - Small aquatic turtles feed on animal food (fish, seafood, liver (as a supplement), insects, amphibians), and half the adults in the diet provide plant food (lettuce, carrots, water plants).
3. How often should I feed the turtles? - Young turtles are fed daily 1 times a day, adults - 2-3 times a week.
4.Davat whether dry food? - Dry food - it is only addition to the basic food. Dry food is not recommended to give the tortoise even as a supplementary food, not to mention the fact that it is not necessary to make it the main component of the diet.
5. What vitamins to give the turtles? - Turtles can only give good vitamins in powder form and not more than 1 time per week.
6.What calcium to give the turtles? - Turtles can be given to a foreign calcium powder or spray, no more than 1 time per week. It is also recommended to put in a terrarium or aquarium cuttlefish bone.
7.Mozhno whether to give turtles bread, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, cereal? - It is absolutely impossible. Their body is not adapted to digest this food, so at constant feeding these products turtles quickly denied the kidneys cease to function properly the gastrointestinal tract. In nature, turtles do not eat cheese, cheese and similar products.
8. How vegetables, fruits, plants can give the turtles? - It is very dependent on the type turtle looking at the answers of specialized sites and forums.
Care turtle:
Following the acquisition of the turtle with her will have frequent contact - to bathe, to walk, feed, cut her beak and claws if they grow too long. It is important to always comply with the measure - not to overfeed, not to cut off too much when cutting the claws, do not lose the turtle while walking and did not drown, bathing.
It is important to keep the turtle as many turtles can bite, scratch or describe its owner or its guests with fear (rather than with joy that she took in her arms).
Aquatic turtles during their lifetime as growth fade, there is also need to keep track of, and differentiate moult from a fungus - a popular disease among aquatic and among tortoises.
1. How often should I bathe tortoises? - Bathe turtles 1 must once a week or two in warm water (30-35 ° C) for half an hour. The height of the water should be up to the neck turtles. Water is not necessary to bathe :), except for medicinal purposes.
2. How to distinguish the molting of the fungus from water turtle? - Molting aquatic turtles virtually invisible. In krasnouhih turtles and similar peel plate armor, and in the neck and legs skin can hang "in tatters." This usually does not last long.
3.Nuzhno whether lubricate anything tortoise shell and her skin? - Scalp can be during a severe molt lubricate the special emollient cream for reptiles. Also, during treatment of the fungus turtle turtles have to smear healing or anti-fungal creams. More than anything it is impossible to smear turtles.
4. When and how to walk the turtles? - Turtles can and must be to walk in the sun at a temperature above 20 ° C. Turtle is available on the grass or a special pen, but her need to constantly make sure that it is not crawled or not dragged a dog or a crow. Turtle in no way be put into a bowl or box, where there is no shelter, but only the sun - an animal must necessarily be able to leave in the shade to avoid overheating.
5. How not to lose the turtle while walking? - By the turtle can be tied red ribbon, box or ball or put a beacon for the animals. Drilled holes in the shell of a turtle or paint can not paint or varnish.
6. How to transport the turtle in his hand? - In summer, warm weather, turtles are transported in a plastic container, bag or box with hay or sawdust. In the cold - in a box with a heater or a rag under his jacket, as close as possible to the body pressing and avoiding drafts.
7. How to properly hold a turtle? - Turtle must be kept at a distance from himself for the back of the top and bottom shell.
8. When it is necessary to cut the turtle claws and beak? - This should be done only when the beak or claws too grown and prevent the turtle eat properly or to travel. Aquatic turtles usually do not cut any claws or beaks.
It's not all there is to know about the turtle, but this is enough not to kill her quickly, though statistics harsh thing, few survive. Why is that? People believe a shop, and do not want to think. Just can not provide turtles due to financial constraints. Or they just do not care for it.
If you have friends with turtles - ask that they eat and how they live, can you save the life of a turtle council or pick them yourself. And you do not care about who is weak and can not answer - the first sign of humanity?
7 years ago I killed my first turtle. Turtle was brought as a souvenir from a trip to warmer climates, and died within a week, long tormented. Later I learned that this species, zanesnny in the Red Book and the first application of CITES in captivity lives only in very specific and inaccessible for amateur conditions. Ie I did not give her a chance, and you will give? Cat, dog, parrot can be at least as something to show that they are bad, but not a turtle. Turtle will just quietly, slowly and painfully die.
Let's start with the myths of the turtles, which are supported by the sellers of stores to stimulate sales:
1. Buy a bug kiddies.
Babe she quickly tired. Its not cuddle, she does not wag its tail, it will not tweet and barking when you see it. But there is a chance that buying her baby, she will get even great-grandchildren. Because buy baby hamster when it is all hands for 2 years he will die.

2. It's a little bug, it does not take up much space ...
Can not be! small turtles sold in the open. 98% sold in our skulls is Sredneazitskaya (overland to 29cm) and Krasnouhov (water up to 35cm). And, accordingly, they should be not less than 0, 5m2 personal space. Although they are often not vyrostut because of the appalling conditions soderaniya.
3. It is affordable ...
Yes. Turtle is inexpensive, but give it a decent life will be in the tens or even hundreds of times more expensive. For example, for 5 bucks krasnoushki should be Strengthened aquarium 250-350l with powerful filters and expensive lamp somewhere in the 1000-2000 slain president.
4. She eats dry food. (food and one for all)
Yes eating, but not for long, you're on a long stretch of chips and crackers? Central Asians herbivores, carnivores Krasnouhie. Please describe in detail later.
5. It will be enough Basin (Krasnouhov) / She is well under the battery (Asians).
More than half of snail disease develops because of inadequate maintenance. And it should be just a couple of light bulbs and adequate terarium.
6. If you get sick take it to the vet.
Stop! The turtle is a cold-blooded reptile, which with Konovalov has nothing to do. All of the CIS has only about a dozen experienced herpetologists. So it will have to treat the most likely yourself. And you put a shot probyvali 3cm crumbs?
7. Take just a couple of turtles, they will be more fun.
Turtles single, his company does not need. Paul can confidently identify the turtle only after puberty, but not less than a year. But heterosexual is not a guarantee of peaceful coexistence. Are you ready to have 2 of the cage? A worn with Cepoi which could not postpone laying?
8. Let it to the fishes.
:) Very bad joke. Turtles in the life of two passions: eat and dig. Turtle eats away and then breaks out every reach. If kakayato fish and survive - do not worry, just her time has not come yet, so as soon as chepken older ...
9. smear it with oil and it will shine.
Bald head currently butter smears let the one who is advised! At the turtle shell performs many functions, including the so-called skin respiration and the synthesis of vitamin D3 calcium. Clogging pores oil blocks these functions creates conditions for the development of pathogenic organisms on the shell.
10. In the winter they hibernate.
Properly enter and bring the turtle out of hibernation not everyone can, as well as to create conditions for a proper "storage" sleeping turtle. Turtle does not bear paw and does not suck, it flows into the deepest anyone with an almost complete stoppage of the heart, respiratory and metabolic processes in the body ... But parasites, fungi and bacteria in it. Wrong sleeping turtle, if not immediately die during hibernation / exit, then just do not survive for more than 4 years.
11. It is hard.
In general yes, but fall to the floor with 1.5m often deadly fear of heights and they do not have as a Claes. Dog razgryzet it simply, a cat without claws will produce problems of the shell.
12. Turtle grow in size cans.
Yeah. And if you take a square jar, it will square tortoise. Turtle grows regardless of the creation of conditions for it.
I do not scared, and you still want the turtle.
10 questions that you should voznknut:
1. How many turtles to buy? - Take the best one first turtle and then it has to acquire, not just 2-5 turtles, which you can not cope.
2. What kind of better to take? - Newcomers better to take a popular species of turtles: krasnouhih and Central Asia. They are more tenacious and less trouble with them than with exotic species of turtles. Do not buy endangered species of turtles, if you do not intend to breed them.
3. When buying turtle? - It is recommended to take turtles from late spring to early autumn. In winter can be sold sick animals, or they can chill in transit to a new home. People have tested the turtles may be taken in any season, also in this case, the higher the probability that turtles are not caught from nature contraband individuals.
4.Akvarium buy before or after? - The aquarium or terrarium should be equipped to purchase a turtle.
5.Gde buy turtles? - It is better to take the abandoned turtle free, than to buy in the store. In no case do not buy turtles in the poultry market - there is often sold or terminally ill animals listed in the Red Book. If you require turtle species in return not, it is recommended to look at the bulletin board of your city, town sites on animals or buy / order a turtle at a pet store.
6. How to determine whether the turtle is healthy? - Healthy turtle is active, it does not discharge from the nose and eyes. Eyes open, mouth breathing does not, people respond (mostly fleeing).
7. As when buying a turtle to carry home? - In warm weather - in a box with sawdust or plastic container in the cold - in a rag under a jacket or in a box with a heater.
8.Skolko is a turtle? - Prices of different species of turtles range from 150 rubles to 30 000 and more for the most rare and exotic species.
But better to save a life, take a turtle, from which the owners refused. They are often available free of charge.
9.Skolko worth terrarium equipment? - A minimum of 3,000 p, but sometimes even a free give terrariums. Look on the Internet.
10. What documents should require the turtles? - At least a receipt or a copy of the clear indicating the type and number of animals, the name of the seller and his signature, date of sale, price. It is also desirable to obtain veterinary certificate or a copy of it, that the animal is healthy. If you are selling have not received any document, then 100% animal brought from their native environment smuggled in a canvas bag among hundreds of the same, and most likely not infected with a disease (in particular should pay attention to salmonellosis, which is transmitted to humans).

We have decided on the kind and amount of turtles now the question is: Where shall we live?
Central Asia - terrarium:
1) In the cage must be ground (pebbles in a warm corner of sawdust / wood chips / hay), 40-60 W incandescent lamp, UV lamp for reptiles (10% UVB), and feeder house. UV light must be positioned approximately 25cm from tortoise (not lower than 20, not more than 40). Ultraviolet light does not heat the terrarium, but provides the necessary UV turtle, which in nature are prepared by sunlight - ultraviolet light is vital for normal functioning of the turtles, the absorption of calcium, vitamin D3, and many others. A heating lamp (incandescent) plays the role of a heat source, creating the desired temperature gradient at which the turtle can itself select optimal temperatures. Heat is also vital for the reptiles, because they can only be heated by an external source of heat to the body to work properly. Without heat low metabolism is even slower, the food is not digested, and rot in the stomach, there may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The temperature of the content of 24-26 ° C in a cold corner of the house and at 30-33 in a warm corner under the lamp. The temperature under the lamp can be adjusted by changing the light bulb in the lamp itself (put different power), or lowering or raising the lamp. Turtles love to dig in the gravel, digging themselves seek asylum. Any drafts and sudden temperature changes even if the terrarium content can cause the common cold in these animals. For more information about, visit the terrariums of specialized sites.
2) Paddock. Paddock is in one corner of the room is heated by a lamp located in one of the walls of the enclosure, and turtles are free to choose their desired temperature at the moment. In the summer arrange nice corral at their summer cottage. In July and August on the line south of Kiev-Voronezh tortoises can be left in the pen, and at night, to the north of this line for the night animals better put them in the house. To tortoise easy to find at any time, can be a small piece of adhesive tape to fix on the carapace a balloon or a marked box at a high flagstaff.
3) The free content is not allowed in the house !!! Only if a corral, a fenced corner on the warm floor, draft-free, with the right lamps, temperature and soil.
Krasnouhov - aquaterrarium:
Aquaterrarium for red-eared sliders can be short, not very wide, but there must be a long, on volume of about 120-150 liters for one adult turtles (at least 120l). The water level should not be less than the width of the turtle shell (ie not less than 10 cm), allowing it to roll over, if for some reason will be at the back. The aquarium must be shore or land with a gentle no slippery ladder to him.
The water temperature in the aquarium - from 24 to 26 ° C, the air on the coast - about 31-33oS. To maintain the water temperature needed aquarium water heater, however, if the water temperature is correct and without the heater, then there is no need. The water in the pool should be changed when dirty or use the powerful filter (young - domestic, adult turtles - external).
Above the island to install the bulb 40-60 W and a UV lamp for reptiles (10% UVB) at a height of not less than 20-25 cm in order to prevent eye burns. Both lights should be lit 10-12 hours a day, at night they should be off. Turtles generally bask in the land where he obtained ultraviolet light required for activity, a good metabolism (digestion of food and the work of the stomach) and the prevention of rickets.
In warmer months, it is desirable to make turtles into the street in the sun as much as possible (at the street more than 20 ° C). The first exposure to the sun is limited to five minutes, gradually increasing the duration sunbathing up to two hours and more. Since turtles quickly overheat, you should create a shady place where the animals are, if necessary, may leave. Do not use plastic bowls and boxes - the tortoise have to be able to go into the shadows, because sunlight is great danger of overheating.

Now to the question of food.
In shops the turtles are often kept at a certain mono-feed and as a result they give up a normal meal. This is normal. Fasting for a week or two (my rested against 3 months) has no turtle will not hurt. Main stand firm and not to succumb to a very mournful appearance hungry turtles, and it is difficult to believe. What mistakes often make a home turtle?
• Give herbivorous land turtles animal food, water and prey - only vegetarian.
• Feed the turtles too often or too infrequently, which leads to obesity and abnormal growth of the body and the shell or the exhaustion and death.
• Do not give turtles vitamins and calcium, resulting in turtles are frequent fractures, vitamin deficiency and the curve carapace.
• Feed water turtles only gammarus, bloodworm, and similar food, which in any case can not be considered the main food
1.Chem feed tortoises (Central Asia, the Mediterranean)? - Tortoises fed only chopped mixture of plants, fruits and vegetables (at least), berries.
2.Chem feed aquatic turtles (krasnouhih, marsh, TRIONIKS)? - Small aquatic turtles feed on animal food (fish, seafood, liver (as a supplement), insects, amphibians), and half the adults in the diet provide plant food (lettuce, carrots, water plants).
3. How often should I feed the turtles? - Young turtles are fed daily 1 times a day, adults - 2-3 times a week.
4.Davat whether dry food? - Dry food - it is only addition to the basic food. Dry food is not recommended to give the tortoise even as a supplementary food, not to mention the fact that it is not necessary to make it the main component of the diet.
5. What vitamins to give the turtles? - Turtles can only give good vitamins in powder form and not more than 1 time per week.
6.What calcium to give the turtles? - Turtles can be given to a foreign calcium powder or spray, no more than 1 time per week. It is also recommended to put in a terrarium or aquarium cuttlefish bone.
7.Mozhno whether to give turtles bread, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, cereal? - It is absolutely impossible. Their body is not adapted to digest this food, so at constant feeding these products turtles quickly denied the kidneys cease to function properly the gastrointestinal tract. In nature, turtles do not eat cheese, cheese and similar products.
8. How vegetables, fruits, plants can give the turtles? - It is very dependent on the type turtle looking at the answers of specialized sites and forums.

Care turtle:
Following the acquisition of the turtle with her will have frequent contact - to bathe, to walk, feed, cut her beak and claws if they grow too long. It is important to always comply with the measure - not to overfeed, not to cut off too much when cutting the claws, do not lose the turtle while walking and did not drown, bathing.
It is important to keep the turtle as many turtles can bite, scratch or describe its owner or its guests with fear (rather than with joy that she took in her arms).
Aquatic turtles during their lifetime as growth fade, there is also need to keep track of, and differentiate moult from a fungus - a popular disease among aquatic and among tortoises.
1. How often should I bathe tortoises? - Bathe turtles 1 must once a week or two in warm water (30-35 ° C) for half an hour. The height of the water should be up to the neck turtles. Water is not necessary to bathe :), except for medicinal purposes.
2. How to distinguish the molting of the fungus from water turtle? - Molting aquatic turtles virtually invisible. In krasnouhih turtles and similar peel plate armor, and in the neck and legs skin can hang "in tatters." This usually does not last long.
3.Nuzhno whether lubricate anything tortoise shell and her skin? - Scalp can be during a severe molt lubricate the special emollient cream for reptiles. Also, during treatment of the fungus turtle turtles have to smear healing or anti-fungal creams. More than anything it is impossible to smear turtles.
4. When and how to walk the turtles? - Turtles can and must be to walk in the sun at a temperature above 20 ° C. Turtle is available on the grass or a special pen, but her need to constantly make sure that it is not crawled or not dragged a dog or a crow. Turtle in no way be put into a bowl or box, where there is no shelter, but only the sun - an animal must necessarily be able to leave in the shade to avoid overheating.
5. How not to lose the turtle while walking? - By the turtle can be tied red ribbon, box or ball or put a beacon for the animals. Drilled holes in the shell of a turtle or paint can not paint or varnish.
6. How to transport the turtle in his hand? - In summer, warm weather, turtles are transported in a plastic container, bag or box with hay or sawdust. In the cold - in a box with a heater or a rag under his jacket, as close as possible to the body pressing and avoiding drafts.
7. How to properly hold a turtle? - Turtle must be kept at a distance from himself for the back of the top and bottom shell.
8. When it is necessary to cut the turtle claws and beak? - This should be done only when the beak or claws too grown and prevent the turtle eat properly or to travel. Aquatic turtles usually do not cut any claws or beaks.

It's not all there is to know about the turtle, but this is enough not to kill her quickly, though statistics harsh thing, few survive. Why is that? People believe a shop, and do not want to think. Just can not provide turtles due to financial constraints. Or they just do not care for it.
If you have friends with turtles - ask that they eat and how they live, can you save the life of a turtle council or pick them yourself. And you do not care about who is weak and can not answer - the first sign of humanity?