How to lead in the world? Note to drivers-puteshestviennikam
Contrary to popular belief, people - it's not only what he eats, but also the way he leads. The expressive character, aggressiveness or, on the contrary, a terrible shyness is particularly noticeable on the road.
However, in addition to the individual traits are inherent even drivers and some national characteristics. But what - you learn below.
Like driving on the left lane - drive through! On the right - but not too bad!
In India, as a rule, are moved along the strip, which is free.
And the more your car, the more vykazhut respect for him.
Passenger car, as you can tell, there is not a special favor, so one rule: I saw a truck - miss it!
The restrained driving style - it's not about Egypt. Here on the roads taken to communicate, and as a rule, with the help of traffic horn.
Driving at night should be excluded from the plan, as the Egyptian drivers love to park in the most unexpected places, not including lights, or, alternatively, to take a ride with the breeze in the dark. Another interesting feature of the Egyptian drivers: sitting behind the wheel, they become a little "color-blind", so the emergency brake on the green and a sharp gas in red - normal things.
Brazilian drivers do not only live in the rhythm of the samba, but also lead the way. Crawl to the far right at a speed of 40 km / h can not be here.
I do not know how to drive, stay on the sidelines - this is the Brazilian car loan. However, on local roads the speed limit is not important, because the main point here - security. Foreigners are strictly forbidden to drive with the windows open, and parking is best not to skimp on the tip - in this case, a chance to meet with their car after dinner still is.
Japanese - people are polite and discreet, so the Japanese way - a real delight for the heart.
More precisely, they may be such after you get used to left-hand traffic. But when you turn on a flashing yellow traffic light in the soul of the Japanese clearly something flips: How else to explain the fact that representatives of the nation's tight gas instead of the brake?
On the manner of driving in Russia can say different, restrained foreigners designate the one decent word - rudeness. This "fetish" drivers from Russia, according to the observations of foreigners - a huge amount of gadgets inside the car: tablets, navigation devices, video recorders. Incidentally, the latter is particularly prevalent including due to its availability. For little money avtoreg it helps save not only a lot of nerve (which is priceless), but also a lot of money.
Some of the available, but the functional variants are devices manufactured brand Lexand - model LRD-2000 and LR-5000. Both shoot high-quality video recorder (LRD-2000 - HD video, LR-5000 - video format Full HD), and the first model is also equipped with a radar detector, which prompts the approach of traffic police. Protect yourself from unnecessary stress will be able to fully budget: purchase model LRD-2000 will cost 7990 rubles, and LR-5000 - to 4799 rubles.
The first thing will have to put in Britain - again drive on the left.
When the initial shock passes, is usually memorize the English movement number two: if someone in front of you made a sudden U-turn, do not rush to send after him cursing - turn allowed wherever it's convenient, and the driver is not forbidden by traffic signs. By the way, before reaching the quiet English village, do not rush to relax and drive with his usual speed of 130 km / h. In most cases, even the small settlements are equipped with video cameras.
But even though some specific traditions inherent to drivers of any country, knowledge of the basic rules of traffic rules will save a lot of trouble and never will be superfluous.

However, in addition to the individual traits are inherent even drivers and some national characteristics. But what - you learn below.
Like driving on the left lane - drive through! On the right - but not too bad!
In India, as a rule, are moved along the strip, which is free.

And the more your car, the more vykazhut respect for him.
Passenger car, as you can tell, there is not a special favor, so one rule: I saw a truck - miss it!
The restrained driving style - it's not about Egypt. Here on the roads taken to communicate, and as a rule, with the help of traffic horn.

Driving at night should be excluded from the plan, as the Egyptian drivers love to park in the most unexpected places, not including lights, or, alternatively, to take a ride with the breeze in the dark. Another interesting feature of the Egyptian drivers: sitting behind the wheel, they become a little "color-blind", so the emergency brake on the green and a sharp gas in red - normal things.
Brazilian drivers do not only live in the rhythm of the samba, but also lead the way. Crawl to the far right at a speed of 40 km / h can not be here.

I do not know how to drive, stay on the sidelines - this is the Brazilian car loan. However, on local roads the speed limit is not important, because the main point here - security. Foreigners are strictly forbidden to drive with the windows open, and parking is best not to skimp on the tip - in this case, a chance to meet with their car after dinner still is.
Japanese - people are polite and discreet, so the Japanese way - a real delight for the heart.

More precisely, they may be such after you get used to left-hand traffic. But when you turn on a flashing yellow traffic light in the soul of the Japanese clearly something flips: How else to explain the fact that representatives of the nation's tight gas instead of the brake?
On the manner of driving in Russia can say different, restrained foreigners designate the one decent word - rudeness. This "fetish" drivers from Russia, according to the observations of foreigners - a huge amount of gadgets inside the car: tablets, navigation devices, video recorders. Incidentally, the latter is particularly prevalent including due to its availability. For little money avtoreg it helps save not only a lot of nerve (which is priceless), but also a lot of money.

Some of the available, but the functional variants are devices manufactured brand Lexand - model LRD-2000 and LR-5000. Both shoot high-quality video recorder (LRD-2000 - HD video, LR-5000 - video format Full HD), and the first model is also equipped with a radar detector, which prompts the approach of traffic police. Protect yourself from unnecessary stress will be able to fully budget: purchase model LRD-2000 will cost 7990 rubles, and LR-5000 - to 4799 rubles.
The first thing will have to put in Britain - again drive on the left.

When the initial shock passes, is usually memorize the English movement number two: if someone in front of you made a sudden U-turn, do not rush to send after him cursing - turn allowed wherever it's convenient, and the driver is not forbidden by traffic signs. By the way, before reaching the quiet English village, do not rush to relax and drive with his usual speed of 130 km / h. In most cases, even the small settlements are equipped with video cameras.
But even though some specific traditions inherent to drivers of any country, knowledge of the basic rules of traffic rules will save a lot of trouble and never will be superfluous.