The route Moscow - St. Petersburg (76 photos)
Last weekend in Tver and the Tver region occurred traffic jams caused by heavy snowfall.
These messages we moluchali on Friday and over the weekend, is not so smooth, as reported on television:
30.11-02.12. 2012 is the third day at the country's main road connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg, hundreds of cars are in traffic, which, as reported Vesti.ru, stretched for 200 km. "No food, fuel ends. People do not see any aid, which allegedly proves. Condition of the driver close to mental collapse, "- said one of the drivers that are on the highway M-10. Volunteers from Tver search group "Owl" engaged in the collection of water and food for the drivers stuck in a traffic jam on the highway "Russia", according to Lenta.ru.
"What a fucking government!?!? Simple Tver guys and girls carry about food, water, cigarettes, bought with his own money and handing us! And this snickering and bold zavorovavshimsya top bitches not fucking have to! The fourth day the snow can not clean up, we're living in Africa !? "- wrote in the group in the social network Vkontakte.
What is actually happening on the highway M-10 is not clear - reports that everything is in order and reports of hundreds of trucks, which remain in place, replace each other. Contradictory information and that there is now Lenigradke really nobody knows.
Tvergrad.ru: For three days, heavy-walled up in a giant traffic jam on the federal highway M-10 in the Tver region. And, apparently, many of them will have one more night in a traffic prison.
Eugene Heller: "bowl of soup has 120 rubles a pack of cigarettes from 200 rubles, parking 500-1200 rubles for refueling finishes, the local population carries people to the stores for instant noodles ... And The Marauders CAFE raise prices by 3-4 times !! !!! "
Here are some photos taken in the last two days:
Highway M-10, 100 kilometers, 5:00 time along the traffic on the highway M-10. December 2nd, 21.00, Sergei, his armored vehicle "Laura" leave from Tver in the direction of the M-10 to take pictures of themselves and see what is happening there, and of course as much as possible to help those people who have both appeared in three days captive road ...
Staritskogo highway, the first thing that we saw at the exit on the highway M - 10 was the point of heating and power MOE, there just brought water and a little food and all vkusnyashek
The phone is working round the clock "hot line" Main Directorate of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Tver region: 8 (4822) 39-99-99. On the "hot line" on duty psychologists EMERCOM of Russia in the region: (4822) 77-71-60.
At first glance, everything looks like a peace and order ...
but should look around to see what could be an endless string of heavy-standing on either side of an intersection in a huge traffic jam
Emergency Situations Ministry prepared to receive injured ... but about which no one knows ...
Already three days of heavy-walled up in a giant traffic jam on the federal highway M-10 in the Tver region. And, apparently, many of them will spend in a traffic prison one more night ...
Drivers say that is absolutely not aware that MOE distributes free food and water, some talking about the fact that some products who sell overpriced
trying to pass on the side of the road in the direction of Peter does not work, all locked bolshegruzov
"Ehayte to Moscow, where markups OPOZH, people without bread and water for three days sittin 'on the nerves tells us one of the truckers leave the Tver
After loading into the car for a surprising number of food and water from the arsenal of MOE we go to the most "thick"
along the way we meet a group of volunteers from the Tver search group "Owl" they, too, are bought and distributed drivers for your money food and water. "If someone is blinking emergency gang means to need help," tell us guys, and now we know who needs help first
the path joins us another machine with good people, they too could not stay at home and decided than ever to help people on the road
many drivers are asking trucks cigarettes, but unfortunately we have none
People are in a panic, and welcome any information from the "mainland" ...
On the way there are several strings of cars that travel on an opposite accompanied by traffic police. That traffic police officers so that even as it helps to get out of the road passenger car captivity
Emmaus risky to go further back, you can not come back, but nevertheless we drive, the more water and produce more things are not handed out ...
Volunteers with the guys, "Region 69" are also at the forefront of drivers and distribute products (they asked me not to take pictures of their faces)
Drivers have reported each other by radio that they carry food and water and they are in the form of our own cars out of their trucks and wait for at least some help ...
Most unlucky drivers of cars, they are literally walled among the Fur, go to the oncoming lane prevents them from separating curb that some have even begun to dismantle. After all, those who sat in the passenger car was completely unprepared for such a long journey and all the nerves were on edge
We stop near Kosheleva
then we did not dare go
"How old was driving and I see this for the first time," said the driver of the truck, we
On an opposite moves us another convoy of vehicles, traffic police officer is trying to shift traffic to the right side so that you can drive on the opposite line
In the meantime, we have become more and more
And now he's a happy moment, we are accompanied by traffic police cars passed through the oncoming lane. It is very risky for an hour before one of the cars DPS that led convoy faced bolshegruzov ...
The Emmaus overload remains of products from cars in the car the other guys who will continue to help the night watch ...
After eating in the direction of Tver "Tank" to see how are things ...
In the tank everything is clean, and we turn on the highway M-10 going to the city
not really resolved the places ... Although you never know, you never know what is waiting for drivers at the following kilometer route called the "Russian"
Source: tverigrad.ru
Source: drugoi.livejournal.com

These messages we moluchali on Friday and over the weekend, is not so smooth, as reported on television:
30.11-02.12. 2012 is the third day at the country's main road connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg, hundreds of cars are in traffic, which, as reported Vesti.ru, stretched for 200 km. "No food, fuel ends. People do not see any aid, which allegedly proves. Condition of the driver close to mental collapse, "- said one of the drivers that are on the highway M-10. Volunteers from Tver search group "Owl" engaged in the collection of water and food for the drivers stuck in a traffic jam on the highway "Russia", according to Lenta.ru.
"What a fucking government!?!? Simple Tver guys and girls carry about food, water, cigarettes, bought with his own money and handing us! And this snickering and bold zavorovavshimsya top bitches not fucking have to! The fourth day the snow can not clean up, we're living in Africa !? "- wrote in the group in the social network Vkontakte.
What is actually happening on the highway M-10 is not clear - reports that everything is in order and reports of hundreds of trucks, which remain in place, replace each other. Contradictory information and that there is now Lenigradke really nobody knows.
Tvergrad.ru: For three days, heavy-walled up in a giant traffic jam on the federal highway M-10 in the Tver region. And, apparently, many of them will have one more night in a traffic prison.
Eugene Heller: "bowl of soup has 120 rubles a pack of cigarettes from 200 rubles, parking 500-1200 rubles for refueling finishes, the local population carries people to the stores for instant noodles ... And The Marauders CAFE raise prices by 3-4 times !! !!! "
Here are some photos taken in the last two days:

Highway M-10, 100 kilometers, 5:00 time along the traffic on the highway M-10. December 2nd, 21.00, Sergei, his armored vehicle "Laura" leave from Tver in the direction of the M-10 to take pictures of themselves and see what is happening there, and of course as much as possible to help those people who have both appeared in three days captive road ...

Staritskogo highway, the first thing that we saw at the exit on the highway M - 10 was the point of heating and power MOE, there just brought water and a little food and all vkusnyashek
The phone is working round the clock "hot line" Main Directorate of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Tver region: 8 (4822) 39-99-99. On the "hot line" on duty psychologists EMERCOM of Russia in the region: (4822) 77-71-60.

At first glance, everything looks like a peace and order ...

but should look around to see what could be an endless string of heavy-standing on either side of an intersection in a huge traffic jam

Emergency Situations Ministry prepared to receive injured ... but about which no one knows ...

Already three days of heavy-walled up in a giant traffic jam on the federal highway M-10 in the Tver region. And, apparently, many of them will spend in a traffic prison one more night ...

Drivers say that is absolutely not aware that MOE distributes free food and water, some talking about the fact that some products who sell overpriced

trying to pass on the side of the road in the direction of Peter does not work, all locked bolshegruzov

"Ehayte to Moscow, where markups OPOZH, people without bread and water for three days sittin 'on the nerves tells us one of the truckers leave the Tver

After loading into the car for a surprising number of food and water from the arsenal of MOE we go to the most "thick"

along the way we meet a group of volunteers from the Tver search group "Owl" they, too, are bought and distributed drivers for your money food and water. "If someone is blinking emergency gang means to need help," tell us guys, and now we know who needs help first

the path joins us another machine with good people, they too could not stay at home and decided than ever to help people on the road

many drivers are asking trucks cigarettes, but unfortunately we have none

People are in a panic, and welcome any information from the "mainland" ...

On the way there are several strings of cars that travel on an opposite accompanied by traffic police. That traffic police officers so that even as it helps to get out of the road passenger car captivity

Emmaus risky to go further back, you can not come back, but nevertheless we drive, the more water and produce more things are not handed out ...

Volunteers with the guys, "Region 69" are also at the forefront of drivers and distribute products (they asked me not to take pictures of their faces)

Drivers have reported each other by radio that they carry food and water and they are in the form of our own cars out of their trucks and wait for at least some help ...

Most unlucky drivers of cars, they are literally walled among the Fur, go to the oncoming lane prevents them from separating curb that some have even begun to dismantle. After all, those who sat in the passenger car was completely unprepared for such a long journey and all the nerves were on edge

We stop near Kosheleva

then we did not dare go

"How old was driving and I see this for the first time," said the driver of the truck, we

On an opposite moves us another convoy of vehicles, traffic police officer is trying to shift traffic to the right side so that you can drive on the opposite line

In the meantime, we have become more and more

And now he's a happy moment, we are accompanied by traffic police cars passed through the oncoming lane. It is very risky for an hour before one of the cars DPS that led convoy faced bolshegruzov ...

The Emmaus overload remains of products from cars in the car the other guys who will continue to help the night watch ...

After eating in the direction of Tver "Tank" to see how are things ...

In the tank everything is clean, and we turn on the highway M-10 going to the city

not really resolved the places ... Although you never know, you never know what is waiting for drivers at the following kilometer route called the "Russian"

Source: tverigrad.ru
Source: drugoi.livejournal.com