Accommodation Tu-22M3 in the Crimea - the hardest hit European missile defense system, Putin
After joining Crimea to Russia and a partial stabilization of the situation in relations with the West (it is clear that a real chance of RF isolation is scanty), the information field more often get news about the meaning and future of the new subject of the Federation. Very interesting was the news of the placement at the air base in the Guards (Crimea) Regiment missile Tu-22M3. The remaining aircraft in the peninsula to update and upgrade, including the Su-27, anti-Tu-142 and Il-38 and Ka-27 and Ka-29. All this must happen by 2016. Yet it is placing long-range bombers Tu-22M3 is essential, therefore it is necessary to analyze the change in the military balance in the region and in the whole of Europe that will take place after the dislocation planes in the Guards.
First of all, it is necessary to understand the possibilities of the Tu-22M3, which is NATO nomenclature called Backfire. This modification bomber operated since 1983. Tu-22M3 was created under the concept of the multi-plane and is equipped with a variable sweep wing - at low speeds and during takeoff wing almost straight, and at supersonic sweep reaches 65 degrees. This allows the use of the aircraft in a very wide range of speeds and altitudes.
Radius fighting Tu-22M3 is about 2,400 km. Bomber and equipped with a powerful electronic navigation system. The department is actively involved aircraft automatic on-board control system, greatly simplifies the life of a pilot. The main armament for the Tu-22M3 are cruise missiles X-22, with a range of up to 500 km and the speed of the flight up to 4,000 mph (can be equipped with nuclear warheads and strike on the ships), and Kh-15, with a range of 250 km and a speed up to 6000 mph (also can carry thermonuclear weapons). In development is a missile X-32, which is expected to be able to hit targets at distances up to 1000 km with great precision. By 2020, 30 Tu-22M3 need to be upgraded to version Tu-22M3M and it will be armed with these missiles. We can assume that in the Crimea will be deployed is updated aircraft.
As you can see, the radius of hostilities Tu-22M3, and even plus flight range cruise missile, enough to completely cover the whole territory of western Europe, including the UK. Prior Eastern Europe bomber can fly even at constant supersonic speed. All this is yet another heavy blow to the possible US missile defense system in Europe. Recall that in response to the deployment of the European missile defense of Russia promises to place missile system Iskander-M, with a range of activities, depending on the rocket, from 500 to 2000 km. Rocket fired from such a complex flying, using a variety of maneuvers, so it is virtually invulnerable to air and missile defense systems.
The combination of Tu-22M3 and Iskander-M completely devalues the US missile defense elements that are in the year 2018-2020 will be placed in Poland and Romania. The leadership of these countries should think twice - whether it makes sense to become a target because of a simple anti-Russian sentiment? Should we not follow the example of the Czech Republic and to refuse to participate in the program?
In other areas, which increases the possibility of the Russian Federation, is the Black Sea region, the Balkans and the Middle East. Black Sea, and so a large number of shoots coastal anti-ship missiles, now also will be under the control of powerful bombers with cruise missiles, making the destruction of Turkey, or any other, leading activity in the Black Sea fleet rather simple task. In addition, in case of need the big potential of the Russian Crimea may be used in the possible "hot" spots of the Middle East - including Syria and Iran.
As a result, we can say that the leadership of the Russian Federation adopted a decision on the placement of the Tu-22M3 in the Crimea significantly enhances the capabilities of the armed forces of Russia in key areas at the moment. In this sense, the acquisition of his native Russia "unsinkable aircraft carrier" is priceless. Such a course of Vladimir Putin, is not valued sufficiently by the Western media, is far more serious sanction than the blocking of accounts of several Russian businessmen and politicians.
Leonid Nersisyan - military analyst of IA REGNUM
Details: www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1784592.html#ixzz2xfJ84vf4
First of all, it is necessary to understand the possibilities of the Tu-22M3, which is NATO nomenclature called Backfire. This modification bomber operated since 1983. Tu-22M3 was created under the concept of the multi-plane and is equipped with a variable sweep wing - at low speeds and during takeoff wing almost straight, and at supersonic sweep reaches 65 degrees. This allows the use of the aircraft in a very wide range of speeds and altitudes.
Radius fighting Tu-22M3 is about 2,400 km. Bomber and equipped with a powerful electronic navigation system. The department is actively involved aircraft automatic on-board control system, greatly simplifies the life of a pilot. The main armament for the Tu-22M3 are cruise missiles X-22, with a range of up to 500 km and the speed of the flight up to 4,000 mph (can be equipped with nuclear warheads and strike on the ships), and Kh-15, with a range of 250 km and a speed up to 6000 mph (also can carry thermonuclear weapons). In development is a missile X-32, which is expected to be able to hit targets at distances up to 1000 km with great precision. By 2020, 30 Tu-22M3 need to be upgraded to version Tu-22M3M and it will be armed with these missiles. We can assume that in the Crimea will be deployed is updated aircraft.

As you can see, the radius of hostilities Tu-22M3, and even plus flight range cruise missile, enough to completely cover the whole territory of western Europe, including the UK. Prior Eastern Europe bomber can fly even at constant supersonic speed. All this is yet another heavy blow to the possible US missile defense system in Europe. Recall that in response to the deployment of the European missile defense of Russia promises to place missile system Iskander-M, with a range of activities, depending on the rocket, from 500 to 2000 km. Rocket fired from such a complex flying, using a variety of maneuvers, so it is virtually invulnerable to air and missile defense systems.
The combination of Tu-22M3 and Iskander-M completely devalues the US missile defense elements that are in the year 2018-2020 will be placed in Poland and Romania. The leadership of these countries should think twice - whether it makes sense to become a target because of a simple anti-Russian sentiment? Should we not follow the example of the Czech Republic and to refuse to participate in the program?

In other areas, which increases the possibility of the Russian Federation, is the Black Sea region, the Balkans and the Middle East. Black Sea, and so a large number of shoots coastal anti-ship missiles, now also will be under the control of powerful bombers with cruise missiles, making the destruction of Turkey, or any other, leading activity in the Black Sea fleet rather simple task. In addition, in case of need the big potential of the Russian Crimea may be used in the possible "hot" spots of the Middle East - including Syria and Iran.
As a result, we can say that the leadership of the Russian Federation adopted a decision on the placement of the Tu-22M3 in the Crimea significantly enhances the capabilities of the armed forces of Russia in key areas at the moment. In this sense, the acquisition of his native Russia "unsinkable aircraft carrier" is priceless. Such a course of Vladimir Putin, is not valued sufficiently by the Western media, is far more serious sanction than the blocking of accounts of several Russian businessmen and politicians.
Leonid Nersisyan - military analyst of IA REGNUM
Details: www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1784592.html#ixzz2xfJ84vf4
