Report compilation of my svatbe ...
First photo dwellers present party ...
Further ...
Looking fpirёt, soopschu INTO svatba passed zaiptsom. Virtually infinite ikstsesov.
Vopschem ischo it began two months nazat when we loved, in his final opredelivshys chuystvah just popesdovali Sachs in applying. The ministers of this prelesnogo places to see us, young and krosivyh, did not panic, and immediately began pumping the bubble, sweat foggy pridlogom - services. The dialogue was brief
- With you as the dough.
- For INTO?
- For services?
- I'm sorry but for what.
- Well, there will be a ceremony minutes 15.
- It is 15 minutes so the dough.
- No, not only for it.
- And for ischo INTO?
- For services.
- For which services?
- Services Sachs.
- Duc which services yopvashu ...
- Well, you also visit the hall, and there will be services.
- Photographer galleries?
- No.
- And I understand, you have the same glasses there should be.
- No glasses for shampanskava you with privizёte.
- So what the fuck services except 15 minutnovo pesdezha?
- Well service, how do you not understand.
Throwing this rozgovor fpesdu I popesdoval narabote evil. Besides the mysterious service, I had to pay for the certificate ischo INTO nothing I'm sick as a bride, and finally pass a bunch Vrochem. Also allegedly services. As Bhutto if I huyovoe view, looking to the left or dick I can not zhenitstso.
All pregotovsleniya clear dick I did neposretstvenno Peret very act of marriage as deferred spetsalno for Tovo shtoby netoropitstso two months I have successfully probuhal.
Korce day svatby, wearing a jacket, trousers, zheletku, white shirt and tie - I solemnly went to the bride. Here then we went to a course of "Grandma's customs and rituals grandfather ©».
The first thing I soopschili INTO bride nehuy not leave until I did not pay a ransom. I noticed quite sprovedlivo INTO redemption of the flesh it's stupid, but because behind me are my friends, we are all together Wait zanehuydelat raznesёm Ebony to the house and find the bride. Rotstveniki and podrushki poulybalis bride, but to understand all of the above INTO yavlyaetstso truth missed me and companyAbout.
On the way to trying to impose ischo kakieto stupid contests and quizzes dibilny but narvavshys full ignore current events, just retired, previously blindfolded and pushed into komnotu. Tipo search for a bride.
Search for a long time did not have as comrades who wanted to quickly napitstsa quickly potskazali where she nahoditstsa, not forgetting to add INTO they want to thump, and one of them in the morning for some reason, do not eat.
The Zacks we arrived on time and going vovnutyr quickly held a mysterious and b / n Responsibility wedding ceremony. What is the special services I have not noticed, but it was on the retkost fotogrof pidaristicheskoy personality.
Otscholkav 24 frames, this eblan offered me to buy from Nebo film for nnn-th sum. My INTO comment for this very much can I buy a controlling aktsy Pocket Kodak, or at worst fudzhyfilma, he ignored, and silently tupil fpotolok. Had eblanu zoplotit.
According to the plan, then we all went to a fair campaign memorial to lay flowers. There are already stuck svadep 5 fotkalis and vopsche engaged in any huynёy.
Leaving mashyny I ohuel. By Maya dear bride potbezhalo (not pizzhyu) pieces of 20 different bomzhat Strength and Rosemary and prinelis pour water all vokruk, saying, "Happiness on !!!". To your happiness campaign.
Have you ever seen the realties as a jump in the form of livestock zoos vkusnovo nishyatka if they do not feed to this week. Exact same garbage multiplied by ten. Minutes spent on the construction of dvatsat zadrotov growth, raschotu at first fluorine, and distribution of "happiness" in the form of banknotes and kopecks different (but not big dick clear) dignity. After all otebalis chevo seek a new fortune in the next podehal wedding cortege. We continue fotkatstso.
The cafe where soptstvenno and festivities going on, everything happened as it should be. With the leash difference INTO first dance we were dancing not under huypaymishto and a Bad Religion (song Infected - if anyone knows).
After that, everyone began to methodically napivatstso and tontsevat.
Bitter - screaming every five minutes, as a result of chevo with his svatby I entered the convent and hungry. Roth vsёvremya tongue was busy, but not so INTO mayonnaise, and even the bridal INTO.
By the way full of joker, while shouting "Bitter !!!" chanted "Achtung !!!". Unfortunately crawler find and failed.
Bride of course kidnapped and a ransom zostavili krivlyatstso me how posledneva klovana, sing, dance and read Stekhov. After all these treatments have brought only shoes and forced to drink from Neyo.
And then, and the bride is brought pretty froze and mothers at Chom was worth.
Next svatba flowed normally, the devil incident. At about two or three nights all rozoshlis and I popredlagav continue, but was not supported, trudged to perform now really conjugal duty.
Only marred INTO praznik, so that's INTO eblan full of shit in the toilet, and washed along. And I'm going to piss, accidentally dropped to the engagement ring (when buying took it I evo early in the morning when the hands otёkshye, and in a normal state, it was slightly velekovato).
Cursing mother nature, which has awarded a man undoubtedly an important opportunity both to shit anywhere and anyhow, I rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, reached into the toilet to look ring. Pokopavshys in kakoeto time in crimson tomato skins and bones, I finally drew EC brown mass desired object and rinsing evo again hoisted into place.
Returning nivchem as the all-time, I calmly continue praznovat so momentous day for me, but the questions "where so bears shit" - just pozhymal shoulders.
And in the morning as usual headache and severely thirsty.
On the right of the husband, the wife was awakened and sent for meniralnoy water.
Married zhyzni rushed ...
Further ...

Looking fpirёt, soopschu INTO svatba passed zaiptsom. Virtually infinite ikstsesov.
Vopschem ischo it began two months nazat when we loved, in his final opredelivshys chuystvah just popesdovali Sachs in applying. The ministers of this prelesnogo places to see us, young and krosivyh, did not panic, and immediately began pumping the bubble, sweat foggy pridlogom - services. The dialogue was brief
- With you as the dough.
- For INTO?
- For services?
- I'm sorry but for what.
- Well, there will be a ceremony minutes 15.
- It is 15 minutes so the dough.
- No, not only for it.
- And for ischo INTO?
- For services.
- For which services?
- Services Sachs.
- Duc which services yopvashu ...
- Well, you also visit the hall, and there will be services.
- Photographer galleries?
- No.
- And I understand, you have the same glasses there should be.
- No glasses for shampanskava you with privizёte.
- So what the fuck services except 15 minutnovo pesdezha?
- Well service, how do you not understand.
Throwing this rozgovor fpesdu I popesdoval narabote evil. Besides the mysterious service, I had to pay for the certificate ischo INTO nothing I'm sick as a bride, and finally pass a bunch Vrochem. Also allegedly services. As Bhutto if I huyovoe view, looking to the left or dick I can not zhenitstso.
All pregotovsleniya clear dick I did neposretstvenno Peret very act of marriage as deferred spetsalno for Tovo shtoby netoropitstso two months I have successfully probuhal.
Korce day svatby, wearing a jacket, trousers, zheletku, white shirt and tie - I solemnly went to the bride. Here then we went to a course of "Grandma's customs and rituals grandfather ©».
The first thing I soopschili INTO bride nehuy not leave until I did not pay a ransom. I noticed quite sprovedlivo INTO redemption of the flesh it's stupid, but because behind me are my friends, we are all together Wait zanehuydelat raznesёm Ebony to the house and find the bride. Rotstveniki and podrushki poulybalis bride, but to understand all of the above INTO yavlyaetstso truth missed me and companyAbout.
On the way to trying to impose ischo kakieto stupid contests and quizzes dibilny but narvavshys full ignore current events, just retired, previously blindfolded and pushed into komnotu. Tipo search for a bride.
Search for a long time did not have as comrades who wanted to quickly napitstsa quickly potskazali where she nahoditstsa, not forgetting to add INTO they want to thump, and one of them in the morning for some reason, do not eat.
The Zacks we arrived on time and going vovnutyr quickly held a mysterious and b / n Responsibility wedding ceremony. What is the special services I have not noticed, but it was on the retkost fotogrof pidaristicheskoy personality.
Otscholkav 24 frames, this eblan offered me to buy from Nebo film for nnn-th sum. My INTO comment for this very much can I buy a controlling aktsy Pocket Kodak, or at worst fudzhyfilma, he ignored, and silently tupil fpotolok. Had eblanu zoplotit.
According to the plan, then we all went to a fair campaign memorial to lay flowers. There are already stuck svadep 5 fotkalis and vopsche engaged in any huynёy.
Leaving mashyny I ohuel. By Maya dear bride potbezhalo (not pizzhyu) pieces of 20 different bomzhat Strength and Rosemary and prinelis pour water all vokruk, saying, "Happiness on !!!". To your happiness campaign.
Have you ever seen the realties as a jump in the form of livestock zoos vkusnovo nishyatka if they do not feed to this week. Exact same garbage multiplied by ten. Minutes spent on the construction of dvatsat zadrotov growth, raschotu at first fluorine, and distribution of "happiness" in the form of banknotes and kopecks different (but not big dick clear) dignity. After all otebalis chevo seek a new fortune in the next podehal wedding cortege. We continue fotkatstso.
The cafe where soptstvenno and festivities going on, everything happened as it should be. With the leash difference INTO first dance we were dancing not under huypaymishto and a Bad Religion (song Infected - if anyone knows).
After that, everyone began to methodically napivatstso and tontsevat.
Bitter - screaming every five minutes, as a result of chevo with his svatby I entered the convent and hungry. Roth vsёvremya tongue was busy, but not so INTO mayonnaise, and even the bridal INTO.
By the way full of joker, while shouting "Bitter !!!" chanted "Achtung !!!". Unfortunately crawler find and failed.
Bride of course kidnapped and a ransom zostavili krivlyatstso me how posledneva klovana, sing, dance and read Stekhov. After all these treatments have brought only shoes and forced to drink from Neyo.
And then, and the bride is brought pretty froze and mothers at Chom was worth.
Next svatba flowed normally, the devil incident. At about two or three nights all rozoshlis and I popredlagav continue, but was not supported, trudged to perform now really conjugal duty.
Only marred INTO praznik, so that's INTO eblan full of shit in the toilet, and washed along. And I'm going to piss, accidentally dropped to the engagement ring (when buying took it I evo early in the morning when the hands otёkshye, and in a normal state, it was slightly velekovato).
Cursing mother nature, which has awarded a man undoubtedly an important opportunity both to shit anywhere and anyhow, I rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, reached into the toilet to look ring. Pokopavshys in kakoeto time in crimson tomato skins and bones, I finally drew EC brown mass desired object and rinsing evo again hoisted into place.
Returning nivchem as the all-time, I calmly continue praznovat so momentous day for me, but the questions "where so bears shit" - just pozhymal shoulders.
And in the morning as usual headache and severely thirsty.
On the right of the husband, the wife was awakened and sent for meniralnoy water.
Married zhyzni rushed ...