And porvёm to shreds, praising the Lord
13 years ago, was released the CD "We - the Russian. Jeanne Bichevskaya sings songs Gennady Ponomarev, "unlikely to pounce geostrategic forgotten icons Russian country someone occurred to be taken seriously. But today, when the first part of the predictions come true, and the Black-Hundred-fofudenosnaya vocabulary writer firmly established on federal channels as a new state language song "Kulikovo Field" from the album worth pereslushat carefully. If not, to know the future (it is unlikely the author knows the song better than any other pique vests), then at least to understand what a picture of peace in the minds of those people who are now trying to implement the Project, sung in ballad.
Move the banners in the morning mist,
Soon shall the firmament from the battle,
Russian Field of Glory, the field of battle Russian,
Field of Russian life - conquered death!
Since we have lived up to this, my friends?
Groaning under the yoke of Russia black locust,
So again take on Russian arms,
So again get Russian swords!
Antiworld vzzhigaet new fires,
Glorious city MOSH them again taken,
New Europe, new Khazars,
New mum - Homeland threaten!
Holy Russia will be strong and free,
And the strength of the Russian shudder Satan,
Again among the squads will rise lawful King,
Kulikov field will be the whole country.
Overflow force beseeching voice,
Thunder over the world famous Russian hour,
Men will come back with a banner Holy Saviour,
Kulikovo Field ahead of us.
In the terrible reckoning we eyebrows frowned
And Whisk vampires with bodies all over the country,
And there will be a zone camps and prisons,
All the enemies of Russia will be executed!
We overtake the enemy in his own trail
And tear to shreds, praising the Lord,
Kulikovo Field - Russian victory,
Kulikovo Field - Russian land!
Russia returns the Russian Sevastopol,
Will again Russian peninsula of Crimea,
Our sovereign Bosphorus, Constantinople our
And holy peace of Jerusalem!
And to spite the Masons and other villains,
Those who are Christians to malice boils,
Kulikovo Field recall and prozreem,
And we will link this shrine!
And where would neither was I, and wherever food,
In the heart of the Orthodox Motherland field,
Kulikovo Field - Russian victory,
Kulikovo Field - Russian land!
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Move the banners in the morning mist,
Soon shall the firmament from the battle,
Russian Field of Glory, the field of battle Russian,
Field of Russian life - conquered death!
Since we have lived up to this, my friends?
Groaning under the yoke of Russia black locust,
So again take on Russian arms,
So again get Russian swords!
Antiworld vzzhigaet new fires,
Glorious city MOSH them again taken,
New Europe, new Khazars,
New mum - Homeland threaten!
Holy Russia will be strong and free,
And the strength of the Russian shudder Satan,
Again among the squads will rise lawful King,
Kulikov field will be the whole country.
Overflow force beseeching voice,
Thunder over the world famous Russian hour,
Men will come back with a banner Holy Saviour,
Kulikovo Field ahead of us.
In the terrible reckoning we eyebrows frowned
And Whisk vampires with bodies all over the country,
And there will be a zone camps and prisons,
All the enemies of Russia will be executed!
We overtake the enemy in his own trail
And tear to shreds, praising the Lord,
Kulikovo Field - Russian victory,
Kulikovo Field - Russian land!
Russia returns the Russian Sevastopol,
Will again Russian peninsula of Crimea,
Our sovereign Bosphorus, Constantinople our
And holy peace of Jerusalem!
And to spite the Masons and other villains,
Those who are Christians to malice boils,
Kulikovo Field recall and prozreem,
And we will link this shrine!
And where would neither was I, and wherever food,
In the heart of the Orthodox Motherland field,
Kulikovo Field - Russian victory,
Kulikovo Field - Russian land!
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